From: Michael D. Adams (
Date: Sun Feb 22 2009 - 17:21:18 CST

  • Next message: Mark Davis: "Re: NFC FAQ"

    First, thank you for putting this up. As an (amateur) implementor
    this gives me a better feel for what numbers I need to target.

    However, it would be nice if you could pick samples to test that might
    give a better feel for the performance parameters of normalization.
    The "nörmalization" test is good as it shows the performance of the
    fast-path. But the "No\u0308rmalization" test doesn't really give a
    good feel for performance as the last eleven characters may or may not
    have been fast-pathed. Perhaps a few more points varying from
    completely unfast-pathable (e.g.
    "o\u0308o\u0308o\u0308o\u0308o\u0308o\u0308o\u0308o\u0308o\u0308") to
    somewhat fast-pathable might be more helpful.

    Michael D. Adams

    On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 1:08 PM, Mark Davis <> wrote:
    > In response to questions from some people in the W3C, I put together an FAQ
    > on NFC normalization, at
    > I have some figures on performance and footprint in there as examples; if
    > anyone else has figures from other implementations, I'd appreciate them.
    > Mark

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