Superscript comma

From: Daniel Bonniot (
Date: Mon Nov 16 2009 - 19:22:08 CST

  • Next message: John H. Jenkins: "Re: Superscript comma"


    The current unicode standards contains some superscript punctuation
    and mathematical symbols, in . However, it does not
    contain "SUPERSCRIPT COMMA". This would be useful for representing
    some technical text, for instance some chemical names. See this page: the text starting
    with '' below the first picture. For the '2,6' part, the numbers
    can be displayed as superscript numbers, but not the coma. As far as I
    know this would be the only character missing to properly represent
    all chemical names (which is part of my work).

    Did I miss a correct way to represent this text? Or is there a chance
    superscript comma could be added to a future version?

    Best regards,

    Daniel Bonniot

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