Re: Refereed journals on typography research

From: Apostolos Syropoulos (
Date: Mon Dec 21 2009 - 14:01:18 CST

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    2009/12/21 William_J_G Overington <>:
    > I am writing to ask if you know of any refereed journals on typography research please.
    > There could perhaps be at least two types of such journals, one type could cover such matters as research studies of
    > historical typography, another type could cover such matters as research about new encoding structures and research
    >about new standards for fonts.

    To the best of my knowledge there is no such journalm altough this was
    not always true. In fact, we have tried to start
    such a journal a few years ago but all major publishers did not find
    interesting the idea. In the end we tried to set up
    an e-journal but without success. The main problem seems to be that
    for people do not think that most, if not all,
    problems have been solved so one cannot expect any real development.
    In case you need more details, please
    contact me directly.



    Apostolos Syropoullos
    Xanthi, GREECE

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