Re: Apostrophe in transliteration

From: Jukka K. Korpela (
Date: Tue Aug 10 2010 - 11:31:20 CDT

  • Next message: Marion Gunn: "ISO/TC 37 Conference 2010"

    Andreas Prilop wrote:

    > On Mon, 9 Aug 2010, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
    >> It is of course transliteration standards that should say something
    >> normative about the matter. As far as I can remember, the
    >> authoritative versions of the relevant standards are the paper
    >> publications, which do no identify characters by Unicode numbers,
    >> just as ink on paper.
    > ISO standards have always identified the characters used for
    > transliteration by reference to ISO 5426.

    Sorry, my memory did not serve me well. I think you have previously referred
    to such identifications in some discussions. I guess I had forgotten this
    due to my frustration: having tried to find definitive information on this,
    I got confused and found contradictions.

    > I believe there are mapping tables from ISO 5426, DIN 31624, ANSI
    > Z39.47 to Unicode.

    Apparently there are _several_ mapping tables, with e.g. four (or more?)
    alternative mappings for PRIME, and whatever their status might be, they
    aren't part of a transliteration standard that refers to, say, ISO 5426.


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