ISO/TC 37 Conference 2010

From: Marion Gunn (
Date: Tue Aug 10 2010 - 10:56:18 CDT

  • Next message: Leonardo Boiko: "Re: Accessing alternate glyphs from plain text"

    *ISO/TC 37 will convene in Dublin next week, in the HQ of NSAI (The
    National Standards Authority of Ireland), where decisions will be made
    re many standards within ISO/TC 37's remit, such as ISO 639. The
    conference will have 104 participants from 21 countries: Australia,
    Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Columbia, Finland, France, Germany,
    Ireland, Korea (Republic of), Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
    Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, UK, US (more info on,
    including schedule of meetings and directions on how to get there).

    Irish people and others resident here who wish to participate as members
    of the NSAI delegation should first contact the convener of NSAI's
    ISO/TC 37 group, Fidelma Ní Ghallchobhair
    (FNiGhallchobhair@FORASNAGAEILGE.IE), for which I run the Irish
    Delegation's only official e-mail service
    (NSAI-ISOTC37-L@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE), courtesy of the Higher Education
    Authority of Ireland.

    The NSAI delegation of ISO/TC 37 consists of sixteen members, who will
    also be happy to meet any members of IETF lists and Unicode lists who
    may already have arrived here to attend the TKE conference in DCU this
    week. Those would like to make arrangements to meet up with NSAI
    delegates may do so by responding to this e-mail.



    Marion Gunn * eGteo (Estab.1991)
    27 Páirc an Fhéithlinn, Baile an
    Bhóthair, An Charraig Dhubh,
    Co. Átha Cliath, Éire/Ireland
    * * *

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