U-Source ideographs mapped to themselves

From: Uriah Eisenstein (uriaheisenstein@gmail.com)
Date: Sun Aug 29 2010 - 07:07:35 CDT

  • Next message: mpsuzuki@hiroshima-u.ac.jp: "Re: [unicode] U-Source ideographs mapped to themselves"

    UAX #38 (Unihan) defines the kIRG_USource field as a reference into the
    U-source ideograph database described in UTR #45, having the form "UTC
    nnnnn". However, several CJK Compatibility Ideographs are mapped to their
    own code point values, e.g. "U+FA0C kIRG_USource U+FA0C". The formal
    syntax of kIRG_USource allows this, but I've found no explanation as to the
    meaning of such a mapping; there is also no such mapping from a code point
    to another code point.

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