Re: Telugu vs Kannada confusables

From: Shriramana Sharma (
Date: Sat Nov 27 2010 - 07:50:30 CST

  • Next message: srivas sinnathurai: "Re: Telugu vs Kannada confusables"

    On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 5:29 PM, Christopher Fynn <> wrote:
    > I wonder, in a case like this, which of the two scripts takes precedence?

    Where's the question of precedence? As I understand it, confusable
    mappings go from higher codepoint to lower codepoint, so it's just a
    question of folding -- something like case folding.

    అరగ ಅರಗ అರగ ಅరಗ (you'll have to look at that via UniView to get the
    difference) will all fold to అరగ (all Telugu) if I am not mistaken
    (provided the appropriate Confusables.txt entries are present) and
    given that mixed script domain names are (almost) prohibited, whoever
    registers whichever first -- whether all Kannada or all Telugu -- will
    get precedence, even though in internal processing the Kannada
    codepoints will fold to Telugu.

    @ the techies here: I hope I got that right...

    Shriramana Sharma.

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