Re: Exact positioning of Indian Rupee symbol according to Unicode Technical Committee

From: Jukka K. Korpela <>
Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 13:30:15 +0300

2012-05-28 11:19, Anand Kumar Sharma wrote:

> I want to know that is current exact Position of Indian Rupee Symbol on
> US-English keyboard (QWERTY keyboard).

This is not something that Unicode or ISO 10646 standardizes. Keyboard
standards are defined by various organizations, mostly national, but
quite often they are just “de facto” standards. The US English keyboard
proper is not likely to be changed, but various modifications can be
defined, both “soft” (as keyboard drivers) and “hard” (affecting
physical keyboard engravings).

> I came across one of the blog showing Rupee symbol on extreme left to
> character "1" refer this

I didn’t quite get the idea, but the idea seems to be that the company
delivers fonts where the grave accent character (`) has a glyph of the
Indian rupee symbol. Such trickery is not uncommon, but it puzzles me
why they advertize this as the Unicode way. I might be wrong. Maybe just
they omitted some information. But to make a particular key produce a
new character, you need a modified keyboard layout (keyboard driver),
not just a new font.

There are several practical problems with the approach, too. The grave
accent is actually seriously needed in many computer notations. Besides,
the key is commonly not present in portable computers.

> There is another way of typing Rupee symbol using ALTGr+4 which I most
> of time use on third layer of In script Keyboard

If I were designing a modification of US keyboard layout to add the
Indian rupee sign, I would use AltGr R, which is not likely to cause
confusion. The beauty of this approach is that it could probably be
applied on most, if not all, European keyboards using Latin letters. The
combination hardly has an existing meaning. In contrast, on my
Finnish−Swedish keyboard for example, AltGr 4 produces the dollar sign,
so the combination is not “free.” And on many European keyboards, AltGr
R for Indian rupee would nicely match the use of AltGr E for the euro sign.

> *What will be the position of Rupee symbol according to particular
> STANDARD on our keyboard when new keyboard with rupee symbol will come
> into market*

I don’t think there will be any standard on it. If there will be, I
would expect it to be an Indian national standard. If issued, it would
by no means guarantee that software and hardware vendors would implement
it anytime soon.

Optimistically speaking, it will probably take ten years before the
Indian rupee sign will generally, worldwide, be present in fonts,
properly handled in software, and conveniently assigned to a key
combination. Realistically speaking, many advertisers will try to give
you the impression that by buying their product you would magically get
rid of such delays.

Received on Mon May 28 2012 - 05:36:54 CDT

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