Re: Requesting alternate glyphs from plain text

From: Robert Wheelock <>
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 16:53:00 -0400

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 10:16 AM, Joó Ádám <> wrote:

> I recall this idea of yours have already been discussed in the past years.
> Á

That sort of glyph (character) switching would need to be done *within an
application*, either with an *Alternate Glyph Substitution* menu command, *
or* with a *Glyph Palette* that a user would add-on to his/her
Ex.: In my new ISRI Font Series, there are old-style forms for <C> and <G>
(that are boxy in appearance), and for <T> (like a larger copy of the usual
lowercase letter—with the vertical stroke expanded a bit at top past the
horizontal cross-stroke, and the bottom-right hook), which would be used in
old-time documents (to make it look like the 1500s-1600s, or to make it
look like it was written by a moron...). Most of us would use such a
command (and/or add-on applet) to switch the forms of—let's say—the capital
velar nasal letter *Eng* <Ŋ> (to make it look like either a capital <N> or
a large lowercase <n> in form). Thank You!

Robert Lloyd Wheelock
International Symbolism Research Institute
Augusta, ME U.S.A.
Received on Tue Aug 21 2012 - 15:58:47 CDT

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