Re: Unicode organization is still anti-Serbian and anti-Macedonian

From: Otto Stolz <>
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 18:01:06 +0100


Am 14.02.2014 11:37, schrieb Крушевљанин:
> There is still problem with letters бгдпт in italic, and б in regular mode.

As has been said, already, in this thread, this is a mere font issue:
you have to use a particular font in order to display those italic
letters, in the Serbian and Macedonian style.

One example:
The ‘Gentium Plus’ font from SIL International, available from
can be configured to display the Serbian/Macedonian style italics
rather than the glyphs used elsewhere. If this configuration is
too cumbersome for you, feel free to ask me privately, for a copy
of the font, configured for Serbian/Macedonian. I can send you
that copy, without any obligation to maintain it or to adapt forth-
coming versions.

Best wishes,
   Otto Stolz

Unicode mailing list
Received on Sat Feb 15 2014 - 11:02:34 CST

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