Re: Dark beer emoji

From: Marcel Schneider <>
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2015 12:01:25 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 2 Sep 2015 23:37:31 +0100, Andrew West wrote:

> On 1 September 2015 at 17:37, Doug Ewell wrote:
> >
> > As an alternative to this proposal that may provide more flexibility, I
> > propose adapting the Fitzpatrick skin-tone modifiers from U+1F3FB to
> > U+1F3FF to be valid for use following U+1F37A BEER MUG or U+1F37B
> >
> > This could be done by establishing a normative correlation between the
> > Fitzpatrick scale and the Standard Reference Method (SRM), Lovibond,
> > and/or European Brewery Convention (EBC) beer color scales
> > .
> >
> > This mechanism would allow the entire spectrum of beer styles to be
> > depicted, instead of dividing beers arbitrarily into "light" and "dark,"
> > in the same way (and for the same reason) that Unicode already supports
> > a variety of skin tones.
> >
> > For example, a Budweiser or similar lager could be represented as
> > 🍺🏻 <1F37A, 1F3FB>, while a Newcastle Brown Ale might be 🍺🏽
> > <1F37A, 1F3FD>. U+1F3FF could denote imperial stout or Baltic porter.
> > There might be a need to encode an additional "Type 0" color modifier to
> > extend the "light" end of the scale, such as for non-alcoholic brews, or
> > for Coors Light.
> Yet more blatant anti-ginger discrimination. Yet another reason to
> encode a ginger emoji modifier at the earliest opportunity (see
>, which
> could then be applied to U+1F37A BEER MUG in order to depict ginger
> beer.

Given all the colours to be encoded as a modifier, could there be a way to encode a MULTICOLOUR EMOJI MODIFIER? It could consist of two hex digits for the code range, and three hex digits for the colour (based on the HTML three digit hex codes for colours). This would solve at once all colour requirements in a reasonable resolution (as I believe that defining emoji tones with six digits is uselessly precise).

Received on Thu Sep 03 2015 - 05:02:43 CDT

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