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207 Proposed Draft UTR #50, Unicode Properties for Vertical Text Layout 2012.10.29
Status: Closed
Originator: UTC
Informal Discussion: Forum 207
Formal Feedback: Moderated
Resolution: The UTR will be advanced to draft, with updates to the text and data.

Description of Issue:

The layout of Japanese text follows different conventions than the layout of Western texts. Many of the requirements are described in the W3C Working Group Note “Requirements for Japanese Text Layout”. This report describes two Unicode character properties which can be used to implement those requirements.

Changes in this update:

Draft updated 2012-10-18.

This is a moderated Public Review Issue. Discussion takes place on Forum 207. The moderator on this forum is responsible for summarizing discussion and providing formal feedback to the Unicode Technical Committee. The moderator will make summarized feedback available here by one week prior to the closing date. At that time this PRI will be opened for additional formal feedback via the Reporting Form.


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