Please fill all the sections A, B and C below.

Please read Principles and Procedures Document (P & P) from  for guidelines and details before filling this form.

Please ensure you are using the latest Form from

See also  for latest Roadmaps.

A. Administrative

1. Title:             _______________________________________________________________________

2. Requester's name: ___________________________________________________________________________

3. Requester type (Member body/Liaison/Individual contribution):    ____________________________________

4. Submission date:                                                                                                            _______________

5. Requester's reference (if applicable): _____________________________________________________________

6. Choose one of the following:

This is a complete proposal:                                                                                               _______________

or,         More information will be provided later:                                                                   _______________

B. Technical - General

1. Choose one of the following:

             a. This proposal is for a new script (set of characters):                                             ______________

                         Proposed name of script:            _________________________________________________________

.            b. The proposal is for addition of character(s) to an existing block:                          ______________

                         Name of the existing block:         __________________________________________________

2. Number of characters in proposal:                                                                                   ______________

3. Proposed category (select one from below - see section 2.2 of P&P document):

  A-Contemporary _____  B.1-Specialized (small collection)                                                                   _____  B.2-Specialized (large collection)                 _____

  C-Major extinct   _____  D-Attested extinct                      _____  E-Minor extinct                                  _____

  F-Archaic Hieroglyphic or Ideographic _____                   G-Obscure or questionable usage symbols   _____

4. Proposed Level of Implementation (1, 2 or 3) (see Annex K in P&P document):                  ______________

             Is a rationale provided for the choice?                                                                     ______________

                         If Yes, reference: ________________________________________________________________

5. Is a repertoire including character names provided?                                                           ______________

             a. If YES, are the names in accordance with the “character naming guidelines”
                          in Annex L of P&P document?                                                                   ______________

             b. Are the character shapes attached in a legible form suitable for review?                ______________

6. Who will provide the appropriate computerized font (ordered preference: True Type, or PostScript format) for
             publishing the standard? ________________________________________________________________

             If available now, identify source(s) for the font (include address, e-mail, ftp-site, etc.) and indicate the tools
             used: _________________________________________________________________________________

7. References:

             a. Are references (to other character sets, dictionaries, descriptive texts etc.) provided?                                

             b. Are published examples of use (such as samples from newspapers, magazines, or other sources)
                         of proposed characters attached?                                                                           ______________

8. Special encoding issues:

             Does the proposal address other aspects of character data processing (if applicable) such as input,
             presentation, sorting, searching, indexing, transliteration etc. (if yes please enclose information)?


9. Additional Information:

Submitters are invited to provide any additional information about Properties of the proposed Character(s) or Script that will assist in correct understanding of and correct linguistic processing of the proposed character(s) or script.  Examples of such properties are: Casing information, Numeric information, Currency information, Display behaviour information such as line breaks, widths etc., Combining behaviour, Spacing behaviour, Directional behaviour, Default Collation behaviour, relevance in Mark Up contexts, Compatibility equivalence and other Unicode normalization related information.  See the Unicode standard at for such information on other scripts.  Also see and associated Unicode Technical Reports for information needed for consideration by the Unicode Technical Committee for inclusion in the Unicode Standard.

C. Technical - Justification

1. Has this proposal for addition of character(s) been submitted before?                               ______________

             If YES explain  _________________________________________________________________________

2. Has contact been made to members of the user community (for example: National Body,
             user groups of the script or characters, other experts, etc.)?                                                 ______________

                         If YES, with whom? ______________________________________________________________

                         If YES, available relevant documents: ________________________________________________

3. Information on the user community for the proposed characters (for example:
             size, demographics, information technology use, or publishing use) is included?                   ______________

             Reference: ___________________________________________________________________________

4. The context of use for the proposed characters (type of use; common or rare)                               ______________

             Reference: ___________________________________________________________________________

5. Are the proposed characters in current use by the user community?                                               ______________

             If YES, where?  Reference:  ______________________________________________________________

6. After giving due considerations to the principles in the P&P document must the proposed characters be entirely
             in the BMP?                                                                                                            ______________

                         If YES, is a rationale provided?                                                                  ______________

                                      If YES, reference:  ________________________________________________________

7. Should the proposed characters be kept together in a contiguous range (rather than being scattered)?        _______

8. Can any of the proposed characters be considered a presentation form of an existing
             character or character sequence?                                                                                          ______________

                         If YES, is a rationale for its inclusion provided?                                          ______________

                                      If YES, reference: ________________________________________________________

9. Can any of the proposed characters be encoded using a composed character sequence of either
             existing characters or other proposed characters?                                                                ______________

                         If YES, is a rationale for its inclusion provided?                                          ______________

                                      If YES, reference:                                                                          ______________

10. Can any of the proposed character(s) be considered to be similar (in appearance or function)
             to an existing character?                                                                                         ______________

                         If YES, is a rationale for its inclusion provided?                                          ______________

                                      If YES, reference: ________________________________________________________

11. Does the proposal include use of combining characters and/or use of composite sequences?      ______________

                         If YES, is a rationale for such use provided?                                                           ______________

                                      If YES, reference:  _______________________________________________________

                         Is a list of composite sequences and their corresponding glyph images (graphic symbols)
                         provided?                                                                                                  ______________

                                      If YES, reference:  _______________________________________________________

12. Does the proposal contain characters with any special properties such as
             control function or similar semantics?                                                                      ______________

                         If YES, describe in detail (include attachment if necessary)                          ______________

13. Does the proposal contain any Ideographic compatibility character(s)?                            ______________

                         If YES, is the equivalent corresponding unified ideographic character(s) identified? ____________

                                      If YES, reference: ________________________________________________________


(Detach the following pages from the filled summary form before submitting).


Information accompanying submissions

The process of deciding which characters should be included in the repertoire of the standard by WG 2 depends on the availability of accurate and most comprehensive information about any proposed additions.  WG 2, at its San Francisco meeting 26, designed a form (template) that will assist the submitters in gathering and providing the relevant information, and will assist WG 2 in making more informed decisions.  This form has been revised over the years.  The latest version of this form must be used in submissions – see


A duly completed proposal summary form must accompany each new submission.  Such a form will assist WG 2 to better evaluate the proposal, and progress the proposal towards a speedier acceptance and inclusion in the standard.  Submitters are also requested to ensure that a proposed character does not already exist in the standard.


Submitters are encouraged to visit the “Where is my Character” page on the Unicode web site for more information on checking if their proposed character or script is already encoded in the standard, or a similar proposal has already been made by someone else.  There is also several electronic discussion lists maintained by the Unicode consortium that one could use to discuss with other experts internationally on various subjects related to the standard.  Submitters are also encouraged to familiarize themselves with ISO/IEC TR15285 – Character Glyph Model (available on line from


In addition to text extracted from the standard in Annex K: Levels of implementation in ISO/IEC 10646 and Annex L: Character-naming guidelines in the P&P document, the following definitions from the standard are also referenced in the proposal summary form:


Clause 4.12 Combining character:

A member of an identified subset of the coded character set of ISO/IEC 10646 intended for combination with the preceding non-combining graphic character, or with a sequence of combining characters preceded by a non-combining character (see also 4.14).

NOTE – ISO/IEC 10646 specifies several subset collections which include combining characters.


Clause 4.14 Composite sequence:

A sequence of graphic characters consisting of a noncombining character followed by one or more combining characters (see also 4.12).

NOTE 1 – A graphic symbol for a composite sequence generally consists of the combination of the graphic symbols of each character in the sequence.

NOTE 2 – A composite sequence is not a character and therefore is not a member of the repertoire of ISO/IEC 10646.

Submitter's responsibilities

The national body or liaison organization (or any other organization or an individual) proposing new character(s) or a new script shall provide:

1.         Proposed category for the script or character(s), character name(s), and description of usage.

2.         Justification for the category and name(s).

3.         A representative glyph(s) image on paper:
If the proposed glyph image is similar to a glyph image of a previously encoded ISO/IEC 10646 character, then additional justification for encoding the new character shall be provided.

Note:  Any proposal that suggests that one or more of such variant forms is actually a distinct character requiring separate encoding, should provide detailed, printed evidence that there is actual, contrastive use of the variant form(s).  It is insufficient for a proposal to claim a requirement to encode as characters in the Standard, glyphic forms which happen to occur in another character encoding that did not follow the Character-Glyph Model that guides the choice of appropriate characters for encoding in ISO/IEC 10646.

Note: WG 2 has resolved in Resolution M38.12 not to add any more Arabic presentation forms to the standard and suggests users to employ appropriate input methods, rendering and font technologies to meet the user requirements.

4.         Mappings to accepted sources, for example, other standards, dictionaries, accessible published materials.

5.         Computerized/camera-ready font:
Prior to the preparation of the final text of the next amendment or version of the standard a suitable computerized font (camera-ready font) will be needed.  Camera-ready copy is mandatory for final text of any pDAMs before the next revision.  Ordered preference of the fonts is True Type or PostScript format.  The minimum design resolution for the font is 96 by 96 dots matrix, for presentation at or near 22 points in print size.

6.         List of all the parties consulted.  Submitters are encouraged to provide the email id-s of the submitters as well as other experts who have been consulted to facilitate any clarification queries.

7.             Equivalent glyph images:
If the submission intends using composite sequences of proposed or existing combining and non-combining characters, a list consisting of each composite sequence and its corresponding glyph image shall be provided to better understand the intended use.

8.             Compatibility equivalents:
If the submission includes compatibility ideographic characters, identify the equivalent unified CJK Ideograph character(s).

9.             Any additional information that will assist in correct understanding of the different characteristics and linguistic processing of the proposed character(s) or script.


[1] Form number: N2652-F (Original 1994-10-14; Revised 1995-01, 1995-04, 1996-04, 1996-08, 1999-03, 2001-05, 2001-09, 2003-11)