
Capital letters (Khutsuri)

This is the uppercase of the old ecclesiastical alphabet. The style shown in the code charts is known as Asomtavruli. See the Georgian Supplement block for lowercase Nuskhuri.
10A0 Ⴀ Georgian Capital Letter An
  2D00 ⴀ georgian small letter an
  2D00 ⴀ georgian small letter an
10A1 Ⴁ Georgian Capital Letter Ban
  2D01 ⴁ georgian small letter ban
10A2 Ⴂ Georgian Capital Letter Gan
  2D02 ⴂ georgian small letter gan
10A3 Ⴃ Georgian Capital Letter Don
  2D03 ⴃ georgian small letter don
10A4 Ⴄ Georgian Capital Letter En
  2D04 ⴄ georgian small letter en
10A5 Ⴅ Georgian Capital Letter Vin
  2D05 ⴅ georgian small letter vin
10A6 Ⴆ Georgian Capital Letter Zen
  2D06 ⴆ georgian small letter zen
10A7 Ⴇ Georgian Capital Letter Tan
  2D07 ⴇ georgian small letter tan
10A8 Ⴈ Georgian Capital Letter In
  2D08 ⴈ georgian small letter in
10A9 Ⴉ Georgian Capital Letter Kan
  2D09 ⴉ georgian small letter kan
10AA Ⴊ Georgian Capital Letter Las
  2D0A ⴊ georgian small letter las
10AB Ⴋ Georgian Capital Letter Man
  2D0B ⴋ georgian small letter man
10AC Ⴌ Georgian Capital Letter Nar
  2D0C ⴌ georgian small letter nar
10AD Ⴍ Georgian Capital Letter On
  2D0D ⴍ georgian small letter on
10AE Ⴎ Georgian Capital Letter Par
  2D0E ⴎ georgian small letter par
10AF Ⴏ Georgian Capital Letter Zhar
  2D0F ⴏ georgian small letter zhar
10B0 Ⴐ Georgian Capital Letter Rae
  2D10 ⴐ georgian small letter rae
10B1 Ⴑ Georgian Capital Letter San
  2D11 ⴑ georgian small letter san
10B2 Ⴒ Georgian Capital Letter Tar
  2D12 ⴒ georgian small letter tar
10B3 Ⴓ Georgian Capital Letter Un
  2D13 ⴓ georgian small letter un
10B4 Ⴔ Georgian Capital Letter Phar
  2D14 ⴔ georgian small letter phar
10B5 Ⴕ Georgian Capital Letter Khar
  2D15 ⴕ georgian small letter khar
10B6 Ⴖ Georgian Capital Letter Ghan
  2D16 ⴖ georgian small letter ghan
10B7 Ⴗ Georgian Capital Letter Qar
  2D17 ⴗ georgian small letter qar
10B8 Ⴘ Georgian Capital Letter Shin
  2D18 ⴘ georgian small letter shin
10B9 Ⴙ Georgian Capital Letter Chin
  2D19 ⴙ georgian small letter chin
10BA Ⴚ Georgian Capital Letter Can
  2D1A ⴚ georgian small letter can
10BB Ⴛ Georgian Capital Letter Jil
  2D1B ⴛ georgian small letter jil
10BC Ⴜ Georgian Capital Letter Cil
  2D1C ⴜ georgian small letter cil
10BD Ⴝ Georgian Capital Letter Char
  2D1D ⴝ georgian small letter char
10BE Ⴞ Georgian Capital Letter Xan
  2D1E ⴞ georgian small letter xan
10BF Ⴟ Georgian Capital Letter Jhan
  2D1F ⴟ georgian small letter jhan
10C0 Ⴠ Georgian Capital Letter Hae
  2D20 ⴠ georgian small letter hae
10C1 Ⴡ Georgian Capital Letter He
  2D21 ⴡ georgian small letter he
10C2 Ⴢ Georgian Capital Letter Hie
  2D22 ⴢ georgian small letter hie
10C3 Ⴣ Georgian Capital Letter We
  2D23 ⴣ georgian small letter we
10C4 Ⴤ Georgian Capital Letter Har
  2D24 ⴤ georgian small letter har
10C5 Ⴥ Georgian Capital Letter Hoe
  2D25 ⴥ georgian small letter hoe

Additional letter

10C7 Ⴧ Georgian Capital Letter Yn
  2D27 ⴧ georgian small letter yn

Additional letter for Ossetian

10CD Ⴭ Georgian Capital Letter Aen
  2D2D ⴭ georgian small letter aen


This is the lowercase of the modern secular alphabet. Modern Georgian orthography uses these letters for most text, including at the beginnings of sentences and names. See the Georgian Extended block for uppercase Mtavruli.
10D0 ა Georgian Letter An
  1C90 Ა georgian mtavruli capital letter an
  1C90 Ა georgian mtavruli capital letter an
10D1 ბ Georgian Letter Ban
  1C91 Ბ georgian mtavruli capital letter ban
10D2 გ Georgian Letter Gan
  1C92 Გ georgian mtavruli capital letter gan
10D3 დ Georgian Letter Don
  1C93 Დ georgian mtavruli capital letter don
10D4 ე Georgian Letter En
  1C94 Ე georgian mtavruli capital letter en
10D5 ვ Georgian Letter Vin
  1C95 Ვ georgian mtavruli capital letter vin
10D6 ზ Georgian Letter Zen
  1C96 Ზ georgian mtavruli capital letter zen
10D7 თ Georgian Letter Tan
  1C97 Თ georgian mtavruli capital letter tan
10D8 ი Georgian Letter In
  1C98 Ი georgian mtavruli capital letter in
10D9 კ Georgian Letter Kan
  1C99 Კ georgian mtavruli capital letter kan
10DA ლ Georgian Letter Las
  1C9A Ლ georgian mtavruli capital letter las
10DB მ Georgian Letter Man
  1C9B Მ georgian mtavruli capital letter man
10DC ნ Georgian Letter Nar
  1C9C Ნ georgian mtavruli capital letter nar
10DD ო Georgian Letter On
  1C9D Ო georgian mtavruli capital letter on
10DE პ Georgian Letter Par
  1C9E Პ georgian mtavruli capital letter par
10DF ჟ Georgian Letter Zhar
  1C9F Ჟ georgian mtavruli capital letter zhar
10E0 რ Georgian Letter Rae
  1CA0 Რ georgian mtavruli capital letter rae
10E1 ს Georgian Letter San
  1CA1 Ს georgian mtavruli capital letter san
10E2 ტ Georgian Letter Tar
  1CA2 Ტ georgian mtavruli capital letter tar
10E3 უ Georgian Letter Un
  1CA3 Უ georgian mtavruli capital letter un
10E4 ფ Georgian Letter Phar
  1CA4 Ფ georgian mtavruli capital letter phar
10E5 ქ Georgian Letter Khar
  1CA5 Ქ georgian mtavruli capital letter khar
10E6 ღ Georgian Letter Ghan
  1CA6 Ღ georgian mtavruli capital letter ghan
10E7 ყ Georgian Letter Qar
  1CA7 Ყ georgian mtavruli capital letter qar
10E8 შ Georgian Letter Shin
  1CA8 Შ georgian mtavruli capital letter shin
10E9 ჩ Georgian Letter Chin
  1CA9 Ჩ georgian mtavruli capital letter chin
10EA ც Georgian Letter Can
  1CAA Ც georgian mtavruli capital letter can
10EB ძ Georgian Letter Jil
  1CAB Ძ georgian mtavruli capital letter jil
10EC წ Georgian Letter Cil
  1CAC Წ georgian mtavruli capital letter cil
10ED ჭ Georgian Letter Char
  1CAD Ჭ georgian mtavruli capital letter char
10EE ხ Georgian Letter Xan
  1CAE Ხ georgian mtavruli capital letter xan
10EF ჯ Georgian Letter Jhan
  1CAF Ჯ georgian mtavruli capital letter jhan
10F0 ჰ Georgian Letter Hae
  1CB0 Ჰ georgian mtavruli capital letter hae

Archaic letters

10F1 ჱ Georgian Letter He
  1CB1 Ჱ georgian mtavruli capital letter he
10F2 ჲ Georgian Letter Hie
  1CB2 Ჲ georgian mtavruli capital letter hie
10F3 ჳ Georgian Letter We
  1CB3 Ჳ georgian mtavruli capital letter we
10F4 ჴ Georgian Letter Har
  1CB4 Ჴ georgian mtavruli capital letter har
10F5 ჵ Georgian Letter Hoe
  1CB5 Ჵ georgian mtavruli capital letter hoe
10F6 ჶ Georgian Letter Fi
  1CB6 Ჶ georgian mtavruli capital letter fi

Additional letters for Mingrelian and Svan

10F7 ჷ Georgian Letter Yn
  1CB7 Ჷ georgian mtavruli capital letter yn
10F8 ჸ Georgian Letter Elifi
  1CB8 Ჸ georgian mtavruli capital letter elifi

Additional letters

10F9 ჹ Georgian Letter Turned Gan
  1CB9 Ჹ georgian mtavruli capital letter turned gan
10FA ჺ Georgian Letter Ain
  1CBA Ჺ georgian mtavruli capital letter ain


10FB ჻ Georgian Paragraph Separator
  2056 ⁖ three dot punctuation

Modifier letter

10FC ჼ Modifier Letter Georgian Nar
  <super> 10DC ნ

Additional letters for Ossetian and Abkhaz

10FD ჽ Georgian Letter Aen
  1CBD Ჽ georgian mtavruli capital letter aen
10FE ჾ Georgian Letter Hard Sign
  1CBE Ჾ georgian mtavruli capital letter hard sign
10FF ჿ Georgian Letter Labial Sign
  1CBF Ჿ georgian mtavruli capital letter labial sign