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Locale Data Summary for Makhuwa-Meetto [mgh]

CLDR Version 25 Other charts and help 2014-03-18 19:39:24 GMT

Root [root] > Makhuwa-Meetto [mgh]

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1Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseMain Letters[a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z] [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v w y z]
2Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: auxiliary[á à ă â å ä ã ā æ ç é è ĕ ê ë ē í ì ĭ î ï ī ñ ó ò ŏ ô ö ø ō œ ú ù ŭ û ü ū ÿ] [q x]
3Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: index[A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z] [A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z]
4Core DataAlphabetic InformationCharacters in UseOthers: punctuation[\- ‐ – — , ; \: ! ? . … ' ‘ ’ " “ ” ( ) \[ \] § @ * / \& # † ‡ ′ ″] [\- , ; \: ! ? . ( ) \[ \] \{ \}]
5Core DataNumbering SystemsNumbering Systemdefault= latn
6Core DataNumbering SystemsNumbering Systemnative= latn
7Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale FormattinglocalePattern= {0} ({1})
8Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale FormattinglocaleSeparator= {0}, {1}
9Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale FormattinglocaleKeyTypePattern= {0}: {1}
10Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale Field FallbackslanguageLanguage: {0} {0}
11Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale Field FallbacksscriptScript: {0} {0}
12Locale Display NamesLocale Name PatternsLocale Field FallbacksterritoryRegion: {0} {0}
13Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScriptarArabic Iarabu
14Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic Scriptar_001Modern Standard Arabic ar_001
15Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScriptbalBaluchi bal
16Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScriptbejBeja bej
17Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScriptckbSorani Kurdish ckb
18Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScriptcopCoptic cop
19Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScriptdoiDogri doi
20Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScriptfaPersian Iajemi
21Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScriptgbaGbaya gba
22Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScriptksKashmiri ks
23Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScriptlahLahnda lah
24Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScriptpsPashto ps
25Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScriptsdSindhi sd
26Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScriptswbComorian swb
27Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScriptugUyghur ug
28Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScripturUrdu Ihurdu
29Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Arabic ScriptzzaZaza zza
30Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Armenian ScripthyArmenian hy
31Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Avestan ScriptaeAvestan ae
32Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Bamum ScriptbaxBamun bax
33Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Bengali ScriptasAssamese as
34Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Bengali ScriptbnBengali Ibangla
35Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Bengali ScriptlusMizo lus
36Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Bengali ScriptmniManipuri mni
37Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cherokee ScriptchrCherokee chr
38Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cypriot ScriptgrcAncient Greek grc
39Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptabAbkhazian ab
40Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptadyAdyghe ady
41Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptaltSouthern Altai alt
42Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptavAvaric av
43Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptbaBashkir ba
44Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptbeBelarusian Ibelausi
45Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptbgBulgarian Ibulgaria
46Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptbuaBuriat bua
47Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptceChechen ce
48Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptchmMari chm
49Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptcrhCrimean Turkish crh
50Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptcuChurch Slavic cu
51Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptcvChuvash cv
52Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptdarDargwa dar
53Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptinhIngush inh
54Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptkaaKara-Kalpak kaa
55Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptkbdKabardian kbd
56Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptkkKazakh kk
57Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptkrcKarachay-Balkar krc
58Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptkumKumyk kum
59Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptkvKomi kv
60Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptkyKyrgyz ky
61Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptlezLezghian lez
62Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptmdfMoksha mdf
63Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptmkMacedonian mk
64Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptmnMongolian mn
65Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptmyvErzya myv
66Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptnogNogai nog
67Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptosOssetic os
68Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptromRomany rom
69Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptruRussian Irisi
70Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptsahSakha sah
71Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptselSelkup sel
72Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptsrSerbian sr
73Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScripttgTajik tg
74Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptttTatar tt
75Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScripttyvTuvinian tyv
76Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptudmUdmurt udm
77Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptukUkrainian Iukran
78Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Cyrillic ScriptxalKalmyk xal
79Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScriptanpAngika anp
80Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScriptawaAwadhi awa
81Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScriptbhoBhojpuri bho
82Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScriptbraBraj bra
83Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScriptbrxBodo brx
84Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScripthiHindi Ihindi
85Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScriptkokKonkani kok
86Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScriptkruKurukh kru
87Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScriptmagMagahi mag
88Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScriptmaiMaithili mai
89Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScriptmrMarathi mr
90Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScriptmwrMarwari mwr
91Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScriptneNepali Inepali
92Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScriptnewNewari new
93Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScriptpiPali pi
94Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Devanagari ScriptsaSanskrit sa
95Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Egyptian hieroglyphs ScriptegyAncient Egyptian egy
96Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Ethiopic ScriptamAmharic Imhari
97Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Ethiopic ScriptbynBlin byn
98Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Ethiopic ScriptgezGeez gez
99Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Ethiopic ScripttiTigrinya ti
100Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Ethiopic ScripttigTigre tig
101Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Ethiopic ScriptwalWolaytta wal
102Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Georgian ScriptkaGeorgian ka
103Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Gothic ScriptgotGothic got
104Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Greek ScriptelGreek Igiriki
105Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Gujarati ScriptguGujarati gu
106Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Gurmukhi ScriptpaPunjabi Ipunjabi
107Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Han ScriptyueCantonese yue
108Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Han ScriptzhChinese Ichina
109Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Han Scriptzh_HansSimplified Chinese zh_Hans
110Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Han Scriptzh_HantTraditional Chinese zh_Hant
111Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Hebrew ScriptheHebrew he
112Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Hebrew ScriptjprJudeo-Persian jpr
113Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Hebrew ScriptjrbJudeo-Arabic jrb
114Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Hebrew ScriptladLadino lad
115Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Hebrew ScriptsamSamaritan Aramaic sam
116Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Hebrew ScriptyiYiddish yi
117Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Imperial Aramaic ScriptarcAramaic arc
118Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Inscriptional Pahlavi ScriptpalPahlavi pal
119Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Japanese ScriptjaJapanese Ijapani
120Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Kannada ScriptknKannada kn
121Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Katakana ScriptainAinu ain
122Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Khmer ScriptkmKhmer Ikambodia
123Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Korean ScriptkoKorean Ikorea
124Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Lao ScriptloLao lo
125Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptaaAfar aa
126Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptaceAchinese ace
127Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptachAcoli ach
128Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptadaAdangme ada
129Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptafAfrikaans af
130Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptagqAghem agq
131Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptakAkan Ikan
132Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptaleAleut ale
133Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptanAragonese an
134Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptarnMapuche arn
135Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptarpArapaho arp
136Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptarwArawak arw
137Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptasaAsu asa
138Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptastAsturian ast
139Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptayAymara ay
140Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptazAzerbaijani az
141Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbanBalinese ban
142Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbasBasaa bas
143Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbbjGhomala bbj
144Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbemBemba bem
145Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbezBena bez
146Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbfdBafut bfd
147Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbiBislama bi
148Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbikBikol bik
149Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbinBini bin
150Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbkmKom bkm
151Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptblaSiksika bla
152Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbmBambara bm
153Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbrBreton br
154Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbsBosnian bs
155Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbssAkoose bss
156Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbugBuginese bug
157Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbumBulu bum
158Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptbyvMedumba byv
159Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptcaCatalan ca
160Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptcadCaddo cad
161Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptcarCarib car
162Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptcayCayuga cay
163Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptcchAtsam cch
164Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptcebCebuano ceb
165Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptcggChiga cgg
166Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptchChamorro ch
167Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptchkChuukese chk
168Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptchnChinook Jargon chn
169Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptchoChoctaw cho
170Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptchpChipewyan chp
171Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptchyCheyenne chy
172Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptcoCorsican co
173Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptcsCzech Icheki
174Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptcsbKashubian csb
175Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptcyWelsh cy
176Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptdaDanish da
177Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptdakDakota dak
178Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptdavTaita dav
179Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptdeGerman Ijerimani
180Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scriptde_ATAustrian German de_AT
181Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scriptde_CHSwiss High German de_CH
182Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptdelDelaware del
183Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptdenSlave den
184Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptdgrDogrib dgr
185Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptdinDinka din
186Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptdjeZarma dje
187Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptdsbLower Sorbian dsb
188Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptduaDuala dua
189Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptdyoJola-Fonyi dyo
190Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptdyuDyula dyu
191Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptebuEmbu ebu
192Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripteeEwe ee
193Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptefiEfik efi
194Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptekaEkajuk eka
195Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptenEnglish Ingilishi
196Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scripten_AUAustralian English en_AU
197Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scripten_CACanadian English en_CA
198Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scripten_GBBritish English en_GB
199Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scripten_GB-shortU.K. English en_GB
200Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scripten_USAmerican English en_US
201Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scripten_US-shortU.S. English en_US
202Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripteoEsperanto eo
203Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptesSpanish Ihispaniola
204Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scriptes_419Latin American Spanish es_419
205Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scriptes_ESEuropean Spanish es_ES
206Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scriptes_MXMexican Spanish es_MX
207Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptetEstonian et
208Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripteuBasque eu
209Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptewoEwondo ewo
210Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptfanFang fan
211Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptffFulah ff
212Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptfiFinnish fi
213Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptfilFilipino fil
214Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptfjFijian fj
215Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptfoFaroese fo
216Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptfonFon fon
217Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptfrFrench Ifaransa
218Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scriptfr_CACanadian French fr_CA
219Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scriptfr_CHSwiss French fr_CH
220Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptfrrNorthern Frisian frr
221Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptfrsEastern Frisian frs
222Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptfurFriulian fur
223Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptfyWestern Frisian fy
224Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptgaIrish ga
225Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptgaaGa gaa
226Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptgayGayo gay
227Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptgdScottish Gaelic gd
228Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptgilGilbertese gil
229Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptglGalician gl
230Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptgnGuarani gn
231Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptgorGorontalo gor
232Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptgrbGrebo grb
233Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptgswSwiss German gsw
234Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptguzGusii guz
235Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptgvManx gv
236Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptgwiGwichʼin gwi
237Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripthaHausa Ihausa
238Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripthaiHaida hai
239Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripthawHawaiian haw
240Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripthilHiligaynon hil
241Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripthmnHmong hmn
242Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripthoHiri Motu ho
243Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripthrCroatian hr
244Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripthsbUpper Sorbian hsb
245Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripthtHaitian ht
246Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripthuHungarian Ihungari
247Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripthupHupa hup
248Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripthzHerero hz
249Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptiaInterlingua ia
250Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptibaIban iba
251Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptibbIbibio ibb
252Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptidIndonesian id
253Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scriptig= Igbo
254Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptikInupiaq ik
255Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptiloIloko ilo
256Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptisIcelandic is
257Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptitItalian Italiano
258Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptjgoNgomba jgo
259Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptjmcMachame jmc
260Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptjvJavanese Ijava
261Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkabKabyle kab
262Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkacKachin kac
263Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkajJju kaj
264Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkamKamba kam
265Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkcgTyap kcg
266Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkdeMakonde kde
267Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkeaKabuverdianu kea
268Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkfoKoro kfo
269Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkgKongo kg
270Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkhaKhasi kha
271Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkhqKoyra Chiini khq
272Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkiKikuyu ki
273Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkjKuanyama kj
274Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkkjKako kkj
275Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptklKalaallisut kl
276Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptklnKalenjin kln
277Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkmbKimbundu kmb
278Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkosKosraean kos
279Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkpeKpelle kpe
280Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkrKanuri kr
281Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkrlKarelian krl
282Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptksbShambala ksb
283Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptksfBafia ksf
284Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkshColognian ksh
285Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkuKurdish ku
286Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkutKutenai kut
287Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptkwCornish kw
288Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptlaLatin la
289Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptlagLangi lag
290Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptlamLamba lam
291Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptlbLuxembourgish lb
292Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptlgGanda lg
293Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptliLimburgish li
294Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptlktLakota lkt
295Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptlnLingala ln
296Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptlolMongo lol
297Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptlozLozi loz
298Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptltLithuanian lt
299Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptluLuba-Katanga lu
300Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptluaLuba-Lulua lua
301Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptluiLuiseno lui
302Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptlunLunda lun
303Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptluoLuo luo
304Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptluyLuyia luy
305Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptlvLatvian lv
306Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmadMadurese mad
307Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmafMafa maf
308Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmakMakasar mak
309Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmanMandingo man
310Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmasMasai mas
311Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmdrMandar mdr
312Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmenMende men
313Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmerMeru mer
314Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmfeMorisyen mfe
315Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmgMalagasy mg
316Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmghMakhuwa-Meetto Makua
317Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmgoMeta' mgo
318Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmhMarshallese mh
319Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmiMaori mi
320Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmicMicmac mic
321Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptminMinangkabau min
322Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmohMohawk moh
323Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmosMossi mos
324Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmsMalay Imalesia
325Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmtMaltese mt
326Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmuaMundang mua
327Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmusCreek mus
328Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptmwlMirandese mwl
329Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnaNauru na
330Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnapNeapolitan nap
331Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnaqNama naq
332Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnbNorwegian Bokmål nb
333Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptndNorth Ndebele nd
334Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptndsLow German nds
335Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptngNdonga ng
336Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptniaNias nia
337Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptniuNiuean niu
338Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnlDutch Iholanzi
339Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scriptnl_BEFlemish nl_BE
340Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnmgKwasio nmg
341Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnnNorwegian Nynorsk nn
342Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnnhNgiemboon nnh
343Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnoNorwegian no
344Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnrSouth Ndebele nr
345Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnsoNorthern Sotho nso
346Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnusNuer nus
347Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnvNavajo nv
348Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnyNyanja ny
349Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnymNyamwezi nym
350Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnynNyankole nyn
351Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnyoNyoro nyo
352Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptnziNzima nzi
353Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptocOccitan oc
354Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptomOromo om
355Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptosaOsage osa
356Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptpagPangasinan pag
357Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptpamPampanga pam
358Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptpapPapiamento pap
359Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptpauPalauan pau
360Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptplPolish Ipolandi
361Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptponPohnpeian pon
362Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptptPortuguese Nreno
363Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scriptpt_BRBrazilian Portuguese pt_BR
364Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scriptpt_PTEuropean Portuguese pt_PT
365Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptquQuechua qu
366Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptrajRajasthani raj
367Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptrapRapanui rap
368Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptrarRarotongan rar
369Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptrmRomansh rm
370Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptrnRundi rn
371Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptroRomanian Iromania
372Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin Scriptro_MDMoldavian ro_MD
373Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptrofRombo rof
374Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptrupAromanian rup
375Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptrwKinyarwanda Inyaranda
376Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptrwkRwa rwk
377Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsadSandawe sad
378Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsaqSamburu saq
379Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsasSasak sas
380Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsatSantali sat
381Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsbpSangu sbp
382Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptscSardinian sc
383Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptscnSicilian scn
384Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptscoScots sco
385Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptseNorthern Sami se
386Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptseeSeneca see
387Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsehSena seh
388Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsesKoyraboro Senni ses
389Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsgSango sg
390Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsgaOld Irish sga
391Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsidSidamo sid
392Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptskSlovak sk
393Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptslSlovenian sl
394Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsmSamoan sm
395Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsmaSouthern Sami sma
396Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsmjLule Sami smj
397Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsmnInari Sami smn
398Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsmsSkolt Sami sms
399Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsnShona sn
400Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsnkSoninke snk
401Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsoSomali Isomali
402Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsqAlbanian sq
403Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsrnSranan Tongo srn
404Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsrrSerer srr
405Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptssSwati ss
406Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptssySaho ssy
407Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptstSouthern Sotho st
408Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsuSundanese su
409Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsukSukuma suk
410Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsusSusu sus
411Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptsvSwedish Iswidi
412Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptswSwahili sw
413Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptswcCongo Swahili swc
414Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttemTimne tem
415Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptteoTeso teo
416Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptterTereno ter
417Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttetTetum tet
418Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttivTiv tiv
419Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttkTurkmen tk
420Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttklTokelau tkl
421Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttlTagalog tl
422Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttlhKlingon tlh
423Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttliTlingit tli
424Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttmhTamashek tmh
425Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttnTswana tn
426Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttoTongan to
427Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttogNyasa Tonga tog
428Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttpiTok Pisin tpi
429Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttrTurkish Ituruki
430Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttrvTaroko trv
431Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttsTsonga ts
432Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttsiTsimshian tsi
433Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttumTumbuka tum
434Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttvlTuvalu tvl
435Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttwqTasawaq twq
436Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttyTahitian ty
437Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScripttzmCentral Atlas Tamazight tzm
438Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptumbUmbundu umb
439Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptundUnknown Language und
440Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptuzUzbek uz
441Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptveVenda ve
442Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptviVietnamese Ivyetinamu
443Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptvoVolapük vo
444Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptvotVotic vot
445Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptvunVunjo vun
446Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptwaWalloon wa
447Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptwaeWalser wae
448Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptwarWaray war
449Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptwasWasho was
450Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptwoWolof wo
451Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptxhXhosa xh
452Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptxogSoga xog
453Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptyaoYao yao
454Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptyapYapese yap
455Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptyavYangben yav
456Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptybbYemba ybb
457Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptyoYoruba Iyoruba
458Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptzaZhuang za
459Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptzapZapotec zap
460Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptzuZulu Izulu
461Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Latin ScriptzunZuni zun
462Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Malayalam ScriptmlMalayalam ml
463Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Mongolian ScriptmncManchu mnc
464Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Myanmar ScriptmyBurmese Iburma
465Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Myanmar ScriptshnShan shn
466Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using N’Ko ScriptnqoN’Ko nqo
467Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Old Persian ScriptpeoOld Persian peo
468Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Oriya ScriptorOriya or
469Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Phoenician ScriptphnPhoenician phn
470Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Runic ScriptnonOld Norse non
471Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Sinhala ScriptsiSinhala si
472Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform ScriptakkAkkadian akk
473Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform ScripthitHittite hit
474Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Syriac ScriptsyrSyriac syr
475Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Tamil ScripttaTamil Itamil
476Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Telugu ScriptgonGondi gon
477Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Telugu ScriptteTelugu te
478Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Thaana ScriptdvDivehi dv
479Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Thai ScriptthThai Itailandi
480Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Tibetan ScriptboTibetan bo
481Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Tibetan ScriptdzDzongkha dz
482Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Tifinagh ScriptshiTachelhit shi
483Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Tifinagh ScriptzenZenaga zen
484Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Tifinagh ScriptzghStandard Moroccan Tamazight zgh
485Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Ugaritic ScriptugaUgaritic uga
486Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics ScriptcrCree cr
487Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics ScriptiuInuktitut iu
488Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics ScriptojOjibwa oj
489Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptafhAfrihili afh
490Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptangOld English ang
491Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptchbChibcha chb
492Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptchgChagatai chg
493Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptdumMiddle Dutch dum
494Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptdzgDazaga dzg
495Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptelxElamite elx
496Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptenmMiddle English enm
497Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptfatFanti fat
498Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptfrmMiddle French frm
499Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptfroOld French fro
500Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptgmhMiddle High German gmh
501Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptgohOld High German goh
502Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptieInterlingue ie
503Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptioIdo io
504Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptjboLojban jbo
505Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptkawKawi kaw
506Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptkblKanembu kbl
507Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptkhoKhotanese kho
508Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptmdeMaba mde
509Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptmgaMiddle Irish mga
510Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptmulMultiple Languages mul
511Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptmyeMyene mye
512Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptnwcClassical Newari nwc
513Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptotaOttoman Turkish ota
514Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptproOld Provençal pro
515Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptrootRoot root
516Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptsbaNgambay sba
517Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptshSerbo-Croatian sh
518Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptshuChadian Arabic shu
519Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptsogSogdien sog
520Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptsuxSumerian sux
521Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptsycClassical Syriac syc
522Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScripttwTwi tw
523Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptzblBlissymbols zbl
524Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Unknown ScriptzxxNo linguistic content zxx
525Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Vai ScriptvaiVai vai
526Locale Display NamesLanguagesLanguages Using Yi ScriptiiSichuan Yi ii
527Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseArabArabic Arab
528Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseArmnArmenian Armn
529Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseBengBengali Beng
530Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseBopoBopomofo Bopo
531Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseCyrlCyrillic Cyrl
532Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseDevaDevanagari Deva
533Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseEthiEthiopic Ethi
534Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGeorGeorgian Geor
535Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGrekGreek Grek
536Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGujrGujarati Gujr
537Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseGuruGurmukhi Guru
538Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHangHangul Hang
539Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHaniHan Hani
540Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHansSimplified Hans
541Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHans-stand-aloneSimplified Han Hans
542Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHantTraditional Hant
543Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHant-stand-aloneTraditional Han Hant
544Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHebrHebrew Hebr
545Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseHiraHiragana Hira
546Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseJpanJapanese Jpan
547Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKanaKatakana Kana
548Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKhmrKhmer Khmr
549Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKndaKannada Knda
550Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseKoreKorean Kore
551Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseLaooLao Laoo
552Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseLatnLatin Latn
553Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseMlymMalayalam Mlym
554Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseMymrMyanmar Mymr
555Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseOryaOriya Orya
556Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseSinhSinhala Sinh
557Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseTamlTamil Taml
558Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseTeluTelugu Telu
559Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseThaaThaana Thaa
560Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseThai= Thai
561Locale Display NamesScriptsMajor UseTibtTibetan Tibt
562Locale Display NamesScriptsAspirationalCansUnified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Cans
563Locale Display NamesScriptsAspirationalMongMongolian Mong
564Locale Display NamesScriptsAspirationalPlrdPollard Phonetic Plrd
565Locale Display NamesScriptsAspirationalTfngTifinagh Tfng
566Locale Display NamesScriptsAspirationalYiiiYi Yiii
567Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseBaliBalinese Bali
568Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseBamuBamum Bamu
569Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseBatkBatak Batk
570Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCakmChakma Cakm
571Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCham= Cham
572Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseCherCherokee Cher
573Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseJavaJavanese Java
574Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseKaliKayah Li Kali
575Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLanaLanna Lana
576Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLepcLepcha Lepc
577Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLimbLimbu Limb
578Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseLisuFraser Lisu
579Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseMandMandaean Mand
580Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseMteiMeitei Mayek Mtei
581Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseNkooN’Ko Nkoo
582Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseOlckOl Chiki Olck
583Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSaurSaurashtra Saur
584Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSundSundanese Sund
585Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSyloSyloti Nagri Sylo
586Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseSyrcSyriac Syrc
587Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTaleTai Le Tale
588Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTaluNew Tai Lue Talu
589Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseTavtTai Viet Tavt
590Locale Display NamesScriptsLimited UseVaiiVai Vaii
591Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricArmiImperial Aramaic Armi
592Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricAvstAvestan Avst
593Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBrahBrahmi Brah
594Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBugiBuginese Bugi
595Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricBuhdBuhid Buhd
596Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCariCarian Cari
597Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCoptCoptic Copt
598Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricCprtCypriot Cprt
599Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricDsrtDeseret Dsrt
600Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricEgypEgyptian hieroglyphs Egyp
601Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGlagGlagolitic Glag
602Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricGothGothic Goth
603Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricHanoHanunoo Hano
604Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricItalOld Italic Ital
605Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKharKharoshthi Khar
606Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricKthiKaithi Kthi
607Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLinbLinear B Linb
608Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLyciLycian Lyci
609Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricLydiLydian Lydi
610Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMercMeroitic Cursive Merc
611Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricMeroMeroitic Mero
612Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOgamOgham Ogam
613Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOrkhOrkhon Orkh
614Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricOsmaOsmanya Osma
615Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhagPhags-pa Phag
616Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhliInscriptional Pahlavi Phli
617Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPhnxPhoenician Phnx
618Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricPrtiInscriptional Parthian Prti
619Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricQaac= Qaac
620Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricRjngRejang Rjng
621Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricRunrRunic Runr
622Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSamrSamaritan Samr
623Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSarbOld South Arabian Sarb
624Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricShawShavian Shaw
625Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricShrdSharada Shrd
626Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricSoraSora Sompeng Sora
627Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTagbTagbanwa Tagb
628Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTakrTakri Takr
629Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricTglgTagalog Tglg
630Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricUgarUgaritic Ugar
631Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricXpeoOld Persian Xpeo
632Locale Display NamesScriptsHistoricXsuxSumero-Akkadian Cuneiform Xsux
633Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherAfakAfaka Afak
634Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherAghb= Aghb
635Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherBassBassa Vah Bass
636Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherBlisBlissymbols Blis
637Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherBraiBraille Brai
638Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherCirtCirth Cirt
639Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherCyrsOld Church Slavonic Cyrillic Cyrs
640Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherDuplDuployan shorthand Dupl
641Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherEgydEgyptian demotic Egyd
642Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherEgyhEgyptian hieratic Egyh
643Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherElba= Elba
644Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherGeokGeorgian Khutsuri Geok
645Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherGranGrantha Gran
646Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherHluwAnatolian Hieroglyphs Hluw
647Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherHmngPahawh Hmong Hmng
648Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherHrktJapanese syllabaries Hrkt
649Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherHungOld Hungarian Hung
650Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherIndsIndus Inds
651Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherJurcJurchen Jurc
652Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherKhojKhojki Khoj
653Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherKpelKpelle Kpel
654Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherLatfFraktur Latin Latf
655Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherLatgGaelic Latin Latg
656Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherLinaLinear A Lina
657Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherLoma= Loma
658Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherMahj= Mahj
659Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherManiManichaean Mani
660Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherMayaMayan hieroglyphs Maya
661Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherMendMende Mend
662Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherMoon= Moon
663Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherMrooMro Mroo
664Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherNarbOld North Arabian Narb
665Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherNbatNabataean Nbat
666Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherNkgbNaxi Geba Nkgb
667Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherNshuNüshu Nshu
668Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherPalmPalmyrene Palm
669Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherPermOld Permic Perm
670Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherPhlpPsalter Pahlavi Phlp
671Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherPhlvBook Pahlavi Phlv
672Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaaa= Qaaa
673Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaab= Qaab
674Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaad= Qaad
675Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaae= Qaae
676Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaaf= Qaaf
677Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaag= Qaag
678Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaah= Qaah
679Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaaj= Qaaj
680Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaak= Qaak
681Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaal= Qaal
682Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaam= Qaam
683Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaan= Qaan
684Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaao= Qaao
685Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaap= Qaap
686Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaaq= Qaaq
687Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaar= Qaar
688Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaas= Qaas
689Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaat= Qaat
690Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaau= Qaau
691Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaav= Qaav
692Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaaw= Qaaw
693Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaax= Qaax
694Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaay= Qaay
695Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaaz= Qaaz
696Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQaba= Qaba
697Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabb= Qabb
698Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabc= Qabc
699Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabd= Qabd
700Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabe= Qabe
701Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabf= Qabf
702Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabg= Qabg
703Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabh= Qabh
704Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabi= Qabi
705Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabj= Qabj
706Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabk= Qabk
707Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabl= Qabl
708Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabm= Qabm
709Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabn= Qabn
710Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabo= Qabo
711Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabp= Qabp
712Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabq= Qabq
713Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabr= Qabr
714Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabs= Qabs
715Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabt= Qabt
716Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabu= Qabu
717Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabv= Qabv
718Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabw= Qabw
719Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherQabx= Qabx
720Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherRoroRongorongo Roro
721Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSaraSarati Sara
722Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSgnwSignWriting Sgnw
723Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSindKhudawadi Sind
724Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSyreEstrangelo Syriac Syre
725Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSyrjWestern Syriac Syrj
726Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherSyrnEastern Syriac Syrn
727Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherTangTangut Tang
728Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherTengTengwar Teng
729Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherTirhTirhuta Tirh
730Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherVispVisible Speech Visp
731Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherWaraVarang Kshiti Wara
732Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherWoleWoleai Wole
733Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZinhInherited Zinh
734Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZmthMathematical Notation Zmth
735Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZsymSymbols Zsym
736Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZxxxUnwritten Zxxx
737Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZyyyCommon Zyyy
738Locale Display NamesScriptsOtherZzzzUnknown Script Zzzz
739Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWorld001World 001
740Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWorld019Americas 019
741Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWorld002Africa 002
742Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWorld150Europe 150
743Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWorld142Asia 142
744Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWorld009Oceania 009
745Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAmericas003North America 003
746Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAmericas021Northern America 021
747Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAmericas013Central America 013
748Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAmericas029Caribbean 029
749Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAmericas005South America 005
750Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAmericas419Latin America 419
751Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AmericaBMBermuda BM
752Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AmericaCACanada Ukanada
753Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AmericaGLGreenland Ugrinlandi
754Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AmericaPMSaint Pierre and Miquelon Usantapieri na Mikeloni
755Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AmericaUSUnited States Umarekani
756Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AmericaUS-shortU.S. US
757Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCentral AmericaBZBelize BZ
758Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCentral AmericaCRCosta Rica CR
759Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCentral AmericaGTGuatemala Ugwatemala
760Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCentral AmericaHNHonduras Uhondurasi
761Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCentral AmericaMXMexico MX
762Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCentral AmericaNINicaragua NI
763Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCentral AmericaPAPanama Upanama
764Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCentral AmericaSVEl Salvador Usalavado
765Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanAGAntigua and Barbuda AG
766Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanAIAnguilla AI
767Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanAWAruba AW
768Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanBBBarbados BB
769Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanBLSaint Barthélemy BL
770Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanBQCaribbean Netherlands BQ
771Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanBSBahamas BS
772Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanCUCuba Ukuba
773Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanCWCuraçao CW
774Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanDMDominica Udominika
775Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanDODominican Republic DO
776Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanGDGrenada Ugrenada
777Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanGPGuadeloupe Ugwadelupe
778Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanHTHaiti Uhaiti
779Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanJMJamaica Ujamaika
780Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanKNSaint Kitts and Nevis Usantakitzi na Nevis
781Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanKYCayman Islands KY
782Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanLCSaint Lucia Usantalusia
783Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanMFSaint Martin MF
784Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanMQMartinique MQ
785Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanMSMontserrat MS
786Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanPRPuerto Rico Upwetoriko
787Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanSXSint Maarten SX
788Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanTCTurks and Caicos Islands TC
789Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanTTTrinidad and Tobago Utrinidad na Tobago
790Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanVCSt. Vincent & Grenadines Usantavisenti na Grenadini
791Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanVGBritish Virgin Islands VG
792Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCaribbeanVIU.S. Virgin Islands VI
793Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth AmericaARArgentina AR
794Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth AmericaBOBolivia BO
795Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth AmericaBRBrazil BR
796Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth AmericaCLChile Uchile
797Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth AmericaCOColombia Ukolombia
798Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth AmericaECEcuador EC
799Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth AmericaFKFalkland Islands FK
800Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth AmericaFK-variantFalkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) FK
801Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth AmericaGFFrench Guiana Ufaransa yo Gwaya
802Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth AmericaGYGuyana Uguyana
803Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth AmericaPEPeru Uperuu
804Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth AmericaPYParaguay Paragwai
805Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth AmericaSRSuriname Usurinamu
806Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth AmericaUYUruguay UY
807Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth AmericaVEVenezuela Uvenezuela
808Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAfrica015Northern Africa 015
809Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAfrica011Western Africa 011
810Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAfrica017Middle Africa 017
811Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAfrica014Eastern Africa 014
812Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAfrica018Southern Africa 018
813Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AfricaDZAlgeria Alujeria
814Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AfricaEGEgypt Umisiri
815Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AfricaEHWestern Sahara EH
816Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AfricaLYLibya Ulibya
817Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AfricaMAMorocco MA
818Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AfricaSDSudan Usudani
819Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AfricaSSSouth Sudan SS
820Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AfricaTNTunisia Utunisia
821Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AfricaEACeuta and Melilla EA
822Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern AfricaICCanary Islands IC
823Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaBFBurkina Faso BF
824Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaBJBenin Ubelin
825Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaCICôte d’Ivoire Ukodiva
826Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaCI-variantIvory Coast CI
827Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaCVCape Verde CV
828Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaGHGhana Ugana
829Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaGMGambia Ugambia
830Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaGNGuinea Ugine
831Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaGWGuinea-Bissau Uginebisau
832Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaLRLiberia Uliberia
833Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaMLMali ML
834Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaMRMauritania MR
835Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaNENiger Unijeri
836Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaNGNigeria Unijeria
837Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaSHSaint Helena Usantahelena
838Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaSLSierra Leone SL
839Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaSNSenegal Usenegali
840Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AfricaTGTogo Utogo
841Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMiddle AfricaAOAngola AO
842Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMiddle AfricaCDCongo - Kinshasa CD
843Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMiddle AfricaCD-variantCongo (DRC) CD
844Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMiddle AfricaCFCentral African Republic CF
845Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMiddle AfricaCGCongo - Brazzaville Ukongo
846Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMiddle AfricaCG-variantCongo (Republic) CG
847Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMiddle AfricaCMCameroon CM
848Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMiddle AfricaGAGabon Ugaboni
849Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMiddle AfricaGQEquatorial Guinea GQ
850Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMiddle AfricaSTSão Tomé and Príncipe Usao Tome na Principe
851Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMiddle AfricaTDChad Uchadi
852Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaBIBurundi Urundi
853Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaDJDjibouti Ujibuti
854Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaEREritrea Uriterea
855Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaETEthiopia Uhabeshi
856Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaKEKenya Ukenya
857Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaKMComoros Ukomoro
858Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaMGMadagascar Ubukini
859Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaMUMauritius MU
860Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaMWMalawi Umalawi
861Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaMZMozambique Umozambiki
862Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaRERéunion Uriyunioni
863Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaRWRwanda Urwanda
864Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaSCSeychelles Ushelisheli
865Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaSOSomalia Usomalia
866Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaTZTanzania Utanzania
867Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaUGUganda UG
868Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaYTMayotte YT
869Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaZMZambia Uzambia
870Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AfricaZWZimbabwe Uzimbabwe
871Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern AfricaBWBotswana BW
872Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern AfricaLSLesotho Ulesoto
873Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern AfricaNANamibia NA
874Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern AfricaSZSwaziland Uswazi
875Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern AfricaZASouth Africa Afrika du Sulu
876Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEurope154Northern Europe 154
877Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEurope155Western Europe 155
878Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEurope151Eastern Europe 151
879Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEurope039Southern Europe 039
880Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEuropeEUEuropean Union EU
881Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeGGGuernsey GG
882Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeIMIsle of Man IM
883Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeJEJersey JE
884Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeAXÅland Islands AX
885Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeDKDenmark Udenimaka
886Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeEEEstonia EE
887Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeFIFinland Ufini
888Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeFOFaroe Islands FO
889Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeGBUnited Kingdom GB
890Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeGB-shortU.K. GB
891Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeIEIreland Uayalandi
892Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeISIceland IS
893Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeLTLithuania Utwania
894Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeLVLatvia Ulativia
895Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeNONorway Unorwe
896Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeSESweden Uswidi
897Locale Display NamesTerritoriesNorthern EuropeSJSvalbard and Jan Mayen SJ
898Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern EuropeATAustria AT
899Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern EuropeBEBelgium BE
900Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern EuropeCHSwitzerland Uswisi
901Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern EuropeDEGermany DE
902Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern EuropeFRFrance Ufaransa
903Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern EuropeLILiechtenstein Ushenteni
904Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern EuropeLULuxembourg Usembaji
905Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern EuropeMCMonaco MC
906Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern EuropeNLNetherlands NL
907Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern EuropeBGBulgaria BG
908Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern EuropeBYBelarus BY
909Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern EuropeCZCzech Republic Ucheki
910Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern EuropeHUHungary Uhungaria
911Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern EuropeMDMoldova MD
912Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern EuropePLPoland Upolandi
913Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern EuropeRORomania Uromania
914Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern EuropeRURussia RU
915Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern EuropeSKSlovakia Uslovakia
916Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern EuropeUAUkraine UA
917Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeADAndorra Uandora
918Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeALAlbania Ualbania
919Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeBABosnia and Herzegovina BA
920Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeESSpain Uhispania
921Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeGIGibraltar Ujibralta
922Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeGRGreece GR
923Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeHRCroatia Ukorasia
924Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeITItaly Italia
925Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeMEMontenegro Umantegro
926Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeMKMacedonia Umasedonia
927Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeMK-variantMacedonia (FYROM) MK
928Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeMTMalta MT
929Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeRSSerbia RS
930Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropePTPortugal PT
931Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeSISlovenia Uslovenia
932Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeSMSan Marino Usamarino
933Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeVAVatican City Uvatikani
934Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern EuropeXKKosovo XK
935Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAsia145Western Asia 145
936Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAsia143Central Asia 143
937Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAsia030Eastern Asia 030
938Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAsia034Southern Asia 034
939Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAsia035South-Eastern Asia 035
940Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaAEUnited Arab Emirates AE
941Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaAMArmenia AM
942Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaAZAzerbaijan Uazabajani
943Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaBHBahrain BH
944Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaCYCyprus Ukuprosi
945Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaGEGeorgia Ujojia
946Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaILIsrael Uisraeli
947Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaIQIraq Wiraki
948Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaJOJordan Uyordani
949Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaKWKuwait KW
950Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaLBLebanon Ulebanoni
951Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaOMOman Uomani
952Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaPSPalestinian Territories PS
953Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaPS-shortPalestine PS
954Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaQAQatar Ukatari
955Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaSASaudi Arabia Usaudi
956Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaSYSyria Usiria
957Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaTRTurkey Utuki
958Locale Display NamesTerritoriesWestern AsiaYEYemen Uyemeni
959Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCentral AsiaTMTurkmenistan Uturukimenistani
960Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCentral AsiaTJTajikistan Ujikistani
961Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCentral AsiaKGKyrgyzstan KG
962Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCentral AsiaKZKazakhstan Ukazakistani
963Locale Display NamesTerritoriesCentral AsiaUZUzbekistan UZ
964Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AsiaCNChina Uchina
965Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AsiaHKHong Kong SAR China HK
966Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AsiaHK-shortHong Kong HK
967Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AsiaJPJapan Ujapani
968Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AsiaKPNorth Korea Ukorea Kaskazini
969Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AsiaKRSouth Korea Ukorea Kusini
970Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AsiaMNMongolia MN
971Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AsiaMOMacau SAR China MO
972Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AsiaMO-shortMacau MO
973Locale Display NamesTerritoriesEastern AsiaTWTaiwan TW
974Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern AsiaAFAfghanistan Ufugustani
975Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern AsiaBDBangladesh BD
976Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern AsiaBTBhutan BT
977Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern AsiaINIndia Uhindini
978Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern AsiaIRIran IR
979Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern AsiaLKSri Lanka Usirilanka
980Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern AsiaMVMaldives MV
981Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern AsiaNPNepal NP
982Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouthern AsiaPKPakistan Upakistani
983Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth-Eastern AsiaBNBrunei BN
984Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth-Eastern AsiaIDIndonesia Undonesia
985Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth-Eastern AsiaKHCambodia Ukambodia
986Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth-Eastern AsiaLALaos LA
987Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth-Eastern AsiaMMMyanmar (Burma) MM
988Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth-Eastern AsiaMYMalaysia MY
989Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth-Eastern AsiaPHPhilippines Ufilipino
990Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth-Eastern AsiaSGSingapore Usingapoo
991Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth-Eastern AsiaTHThailand Utailandi
992Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth-Eastern AsiaTLTimor-Leste Utimo Mashariki
993Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth-Eastern AsiaTL-variantEast Timor TL
994Locale Display NamesTerritoriesSouth-Eastern AsiaVNVietnam Uvietinamu
995Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOceania053Australasia 053
996Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOceania054Melanesia 054
997Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOceania057Micronesian Region 057
998Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOceania061Polynesia 061
999Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOceaniaQOOutlying Oceania QO
1000Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAustralasiaAUAustralia AU
1001Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAustralasiaNFNorfolk Island NF
1002Locale Display NamesTerritoriesAustralasiaNZNew Zealand NZ
1003Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMelanesiaFJFiji Ufiji
1004Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMelanesiaNCNew Caledonia NC
1005Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMelanesiaPGPapua New Guinea Upapua
1006Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMelanesiaSBSolomon Islands SB
1007Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMelanesiaVUVanuatu Uvanuatu
1008Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMicronesian RegionFMMicronesia FM
1009Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMicronesian RegionGUGuam Ugwam
1010Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMicronesian RegionKIKiribati KI
1011Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMicronesian RegionMHMarshall Islands MH
1012Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMicronesian RegionMPNorthern Mariana Islands MP
1013Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMicronesian RegionNRNauru NR
1014Locale Display NamesTerritoriesMicronesian RegionPWPalau PW
1015Locale Display NamesTerritoriesPolynesiaASAmerican Samoa Usamoa ya Marekani
1016Locale Display NamesTerritoriesPolynesiaCKCook Islands CK
1017Locale Display NamesTerritoriesPolynesiaNUNiue NU
1018Locale Display NamesTerritoriesPolynesiaPFFrench Polynesia Ufaransa yo Potina
1019Locale Display NamesTerritoriesPolynesiaPNPitcairn Islands Upitkairni
1020Locale Display NamesTerritoriesPolynesiaTKTokelau Utokelau
1021Locale Display NamesTerritoriesPolynesiaTOTonga Utonga
1022Locale Display NamesTerritoriesPolynesiaTVTuvalu Utuvalu
1023Locale Display NamesTerritoriesPolynesiaWFWallis and Futuna Uwalis na Futuna
1024Locale Display NamesTerritoriesPolynesiaWSSamoa Usamoa
1025Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOutlying OceaniaAQAntarctica AQ
1026Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOutlying OceaniaBVBouvet Island BV
1027Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOutlying OceaniaCCCocos (Keeling) Islands CC
1028Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOutlying OceaniaCXChristmas Island CX
1029Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOutlying OceaniaGSSouth Georgia & South Sandwich Islands GS
1030Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOutlying OceaniaHMHeard & McDonald Islands HM
1031Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOutlying OceaniaIOBritish Indian Ocean Territory IO
1032Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOutlying OceaniaTFFrench Southern Territories TF
1033Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOutlying OceaniaUMU.S. Outlying Islands UM
1034Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOutlying OceaniaACAscension Island AC
1035Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOutlying OceaniaCPClipperton Island CP
1036Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOutlying OceaniaDGDiego Garcia DG
1037Locale Display NamesTerritoriesOutlying OceaniaTATristan da Cunha TA
1038Locale Display NamesTerritoriesUnknown RegionZZUnknown Region ZZ
1039Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1606NICTLate Middle French to 1606 1606NICT
1040Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1694ACADEarly Modern French 1694ACAD
1041Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1901Traditional German orthography 1901
1042Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1959ACADAcademic 1959ACAD
1043Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1994Standardized Resian orthography 1994
1044Locale Display NamesLocale Variantsnull1996German orthography of 1996 1996
1045Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullALALC97ALA-LC Romanization, 1997 edition ALALC97
1046Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullALUKUAluku dialect ALUKU
1047Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAREVELAEastern Armenian AREVELA
1048Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullAREVMDAWestern Armenian AREVMDA
1049Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBAKU1926Unified Turkic Latin Alphabet BAKU1926
1050Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBALANKABalanka dialect of Anii BALANKA
1051Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBARLA>Barlavento dialect group of Kabuverdianu BARLA
1052Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBAUDDHA= BAUDDHA
1053Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBISCAYAN= BISCAYAN
1054Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBISKESan Giorgio/Bila dialect BISKE
1055Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBOHORICBohorič alphabet BOHORIC
1056Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullBOONTBoontling BOONT
1057Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullDAJNKODajnko alphabet DAJNKO
1058Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullEKAVSKSerbian with Ekavian pronunciation EKAVSK
1059Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullEMODENGEarly Modern English EMODENG
1060Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONIPAIPA Phonetics FONIPA
1061Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONUPAUPA Phonetics FONUPA
1062Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullFONXSAMP= FONXSAMP
1063Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullHEPBURNHepburn romanization HEPBURN
1064Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullHOGNORSK= HOGNORSK
1065Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullIJEKAVSKSerbian with Ijekavian pronunciation IJEKAVSK
1066Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullITIHASA= ITIHASA
1067Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullJAUER= JAUER
1068Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullJYUTPING= JYUTPING
1069Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullKKCORCommon Orthography KKCOR
1070Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullKSCORStandard Orthography KSCOR
1071Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLAUKIKA= LAUKIKA
1072Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLIPAWThe Lipovaz dialect of Resian LIPAW
1073Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullLUNA1918= LUNA1918
1074Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullMETELKOMetelko alphabet METELKO
1075Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullMONOTONMonotonic MONOTON
1076Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNDYUKANdyuka dialect NDYUKA
1077Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNEDISNatisone dialect NEDIS
1078Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNJIVAGniva/Njiva dialect NJIVA
1079Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullNULIKModern Volapük NULIK
1080Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullOSOJSOseacco/Osojane dialect OSOJS
1081Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPAMAKAPamaka dialect PAMAKA
1082Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPETR1708= PETR1708
1083Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPINYINPinyin Romanization PINYIN
1084Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPOLYTONPolytonic POLYTON
1085Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPOSIXComputer POSIX
1086Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullPUTER= PUTER
1087Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullREVISEDRevised Orthography REVISED
1088Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullRIGIKClassic Volapük RIGIK
1089Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullROZAJResian ROZAJ
1090Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullRUMGR= RUMGR
1091Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSAAHOSaho SAAHO
1092Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSCOTLANDScottish Standard English SCOTLAND
1093Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSCOUSEScouse SCOUSE
1094Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSOLBAStolvizza/Solbica dialect SOLBA
1095Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSOTAVSotavento dialect group of Kabuverdianu SOTAV
1096Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSURMIRAN= SURMIRAN
1097Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSURSILV= SURSILV
1098Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullSUTSILV= SUTSILV
1099Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullTARASKTaraskievica orthography TARASK
1100Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullUCCORUnified Orthography UCCOR
1101Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullUCRCORUnified Revised Orthography UCRCOR
1102Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullULSTER= ULSTER
1103Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullUNIFONUnifon phonetic alphabet UNIFON
1104Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVAIDIKA= VAIDIKA
1105Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVALENCIAValencian VALENCIA
1106Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullVALLADER= VALLADER
1107Locale Display NamesLocale VariantsnullWADEGILEWade-Giles Romanization WADEGILE
1108Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendarCalendar calendar
1109Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-buddhistBuddhist Calendar buddhist
1110Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-chineseChinese Calendar chinese
1111Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-copticCoptic Calendar coptic
1112Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-dangiDangi Calendar dangi
1113Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-ethiopicEthiopic Calendar ethiopic
1114Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-ethiopic-amete-alemEthiopic Amete Alem Calendar ethiopic-amete-alem
1115Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-gregorianGregorian Calendar gregorian
1116Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-hebrewHebrew Calendar hebrew
1117Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-indianIndian National Calendar indian
1118Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamicIslamic Calendar islamic
1119Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-civilIslamic Calendar (tabular, civil epoch) islamic-civil
1120Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-rgsaIslamic Calendar (Saudi Arabia, sighting) islamic-rgsa
1121Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-tblaIslamic Calendar (tabular, astronomical epoch) islamic-tbla
1122Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-islamic-umalquraIslamic Calendar (Umm al-Qura) islamic-umalqura
1123Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-iso8601ISO-8601 Calendar iso8601
1124Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-japaneseJapanese Calendar japanese
1125Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-persianPersian Calendar persian
1126Locale Display NamesKeyscalendarcalendar-rocMinguo Calendar roc
1127Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollationSort Order collation
1128Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-big5hanTraditional Chinese Sort Order - Big5 big5han
1129Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-dictionaryDictionary Sort Order dictionary
1130Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-ducetDefault Unicode Sort Order ducet
1131Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-eorEuropean Ordering Rules eor
1132Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-gb2312hanSimplified Chinese Sort Order - GB2312 gb2312han
1133Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-phonebookPhonebook Sort Order phonebook
1134Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-pinyinPinyin Sort Order pinyin
1135Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-reformedReformed Sort Order reformed
1136Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-searchGeneral-Purpose Search search
1137Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-searchjlSearch By Hangul Initial Consonant searchjl
1138Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-standardStandard Sort Order standard
1139Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-strokeStroke Sort Order stroke
1140Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-traditionalTraditional Sort Order traditional
1141Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-unihanRadical-Stroke Sort Order unihan
1142Locale Display NamesKeyscollationcollation-zhuyinZhuyin Sort Order zhuyin
1143Locale Display NamesKeyscurrencycurrencyCurrency currency
1144Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbersNumbers numbers
1145Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-arabArabic-Indic Digits arab
1146Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-arabextExtended Arabic-Indic Digits arabext
1147Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-armnArmenian Numerals armn
1148Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-armnlowArmenian Lowercase Numerals armnlow
1149Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-baliBalinese Digits bali
1150Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-bengBengali Digits beng
1151Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-brahBrahmi Digits brah
1152Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-cakmChakma Digits cakm
1153Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-chamCham Digits cham
1154Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-devaDevanagari Digits deva
1155Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-ethiEthiopic Numerals ethi
1156Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-fullwideFull Width Digits fullwide
1157Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-georGeorgian Numerals geor
1158Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-grekGreek Numerals grek
1159Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-greklowGreek Lowercase Numerals greklow
1160Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-gujrGujarati Digits gujr
1161Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-guruGurmukhi Digits guru
1162Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hanidecChinese Decimal Numerals hanidec
1163Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hansSimplified Chinese Numerals hans
1164Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hansfinSimplified Chinese Financial Numerals hansfin
1165Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hantTraditional Chinese Numerals hant
1166Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hantfinTraditional Chinese Financial Numerals hantfin
1167Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-hebrHebrew Numerals hebr
1168Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-javaJavanese Digits java
1169Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-jpanJapanese Numerals jpan
1170Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-jpanfinJapanese Financial Numerals jpanfin
1171Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-kaliKayah Li Digits kali
1172Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-khmrKhmer Digits khmr
1173Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-kndaKannada Digits knda
1174Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-lanaTai Tham Hora Digits lana
1175Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-lanathamTai Tham Tham Digits lanatham
1176Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-laooLao Digits laoo
1177Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-latnWestern Digits latn
1178Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-lepcLepcha Digits lepc
1179Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-limbLimbu Digits limb
1180Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mlymMalayalam Digits mlym
1181Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mongMongolian Digits mong
1182Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mteiMeetei Mayek Digits mtei
1183Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrMyanmar Digits mymr
1184Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-mymrshanMyanmar Shan Digits mymrshan
1185Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-nkooN'Ko Digits nkoo
1186Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-olckOl Chiki Digits olck
1187Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-oryaOriya Digits orya
1188Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-osmaOsmanya Digits osma
1189Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-romanRoman Numerals roman
1190Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-romanlowRoman Lowercase Numerals romanlow
1191Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-saurSaurashtra Digits saur
1192Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-shrdSharada Digits shrd
1193Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-soraSora Sompeng Digits sora
1194Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-sundSundanese Digits sund
1195Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-takrTakri Digits takr
1196Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-taluNew Tai Lue Digits talu
1197Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tamlTraditional Tamil Numerals taml
1198Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tamldecTamil Digits tamldec
1199Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-teluTelugu Digits telu
1200Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-thaiThai Digits thai
1201Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-tibtTibetan Digits tibt
1202Locale Display NamesKeysnumbersnumbers-vaiiVai Digits vaii
1203Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldseraEra kal'lai
1204Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsyearYear yaka
1205Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsmonthMonth mweri
1206Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekWeek iwiki mocha
1207Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayDay nihuku
1208Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsweekdayDay of the Week nihuku no mwisho wa wiki
1209Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldshourHour isaa
1210Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsdayperiodAM/PM Dayperiod
1211Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldsminuteMinute idakika
1212Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldssecondSecond isekunde
1213Date & TimeFieldsDate FieldszoneTime Zone Zone
1214Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year-1= last year
1215Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year0= this year
1216Date & TimeFieldsRelative Year1= next year
1217Date & TimeFieldsRelative Yearfuture-otherin {0} years +{0} y
1218Date & TimeFieldsRelative Yearpast-other{0} years ago -{0} y
1219Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month-1= last month
1220Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month0= this month
1221Date & TimeFieldsRelative Month1= next month
1222Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monthfuture-otherin {0} months +{0} m
1223Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monthpast-other{0} months ago -{0} m
1224Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week-1= last week
1225Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week0= this week
1226Date & TimeFieldsRelative Week1= next week
1227Date & TimeFieldsRelative Weekfuture-otherin {0} weeks +{0} w
1228Date & TimeFieldsRelative Weekpast-other{0} weeks ago -{0} w
1229Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day-1yesterday n'chana
1230Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day0today lel'lo
1231Date & TimeFieldsRelative Day1tomorrow me'llo
1232Date & TimeFieldsRelative Dayfuture-otherin {0} days +{0} d
1233Date & TimeFieldsRelative Daypast-other{0} days ago -{0} d
1234Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hourfuture-otherin {0} hours +{0} h
1235Date & TimeFieldsRelative Hourpast-other{0} hours ago -{0} h
1236Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minutefuture-otherin {0} minutes +{0} min
1237Date & TimeFieldsRelative Minutepast-other{0} minutes ago -{0} min
1238Date & TimeFieldsRelative Second0= now
1239Date & TimeFieldsRelative Secondfuture-otherin {0} seconds +{0} s
1240Date & TimeFieldsRelative Secondpast-other{0} seconds ago -{0} s
1241Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday-1= last Sunday
1242Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday0= this Sunday
1243Date & TimeFieldsRelative Sunday1= next Sunday
1244Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday-1= last Monday
1245Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday0= this Monday
1246Date & TimeFieldsRelative Monday1= next Monday
1247Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday-1= last Tuesday
1248Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday0= this Tuesday
1249Date & TimeFieldsRelative Tuesday1= next Tuesday
1250Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday-1= last Wednesday
1251Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday0= this Wednesday
1252Date & TimeFieldsRelative Wednesday1= next Wednesday
1253Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday-1= last Thursday
1254Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday0= this Thursday
1255Date & TimeFieldsRelative Thursday1= next Thursday
1256Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday-1= last Friday
1257Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday0= this Friday
1258Date & TimeFieldsRelative Friday1= next Friday
1259Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday-1= last Saturday
1260Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday0= this Saturday
1261Date & TimeFieldsRelative Saturday1= next Saturday
1262Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide0Before Christ Hinapiya yesu
1263Date & TimeGregorianEras - wide1Anno Domini Yopia yesu
1264Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated0BC HY
1265Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated0-variant= BCE
1266Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated1AD YY
1267Date & TimeGregorianEras - abbreviated1-variant= CE
1268Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting Context11st quarter Q1
1269Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting Context22nd quarter Q2
1270Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting Context33rd quarter Q3
1271Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - wide - Formatting Context44th quarter Q4
1272Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone Context1= 1
1273Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone Context2= 2
1274Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone Context3= 3
1275Date & TimeGregorianQuarters - narrow - Standalone Context4= 4
1276Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJanJanuary Mweri wo kwanza
1277Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextFebFebruary Mweri wo unayeli
1278Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMarMarch Mweri wo uneraru
1279Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextAprApril Mweri wo unecheshe
1280Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMayMay Mweri wo unethanu
1281Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJunJune Mweri wo thanu na mocha
1282Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJulJuly Mweri wo saba
1283Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextAugAugust Mweri wo nane
1284Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextSepSeptember Mweri wo tisa
1285Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextOctOctober Mweri wo kumi
1286Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextNovNovember Mweri wo kumi na moja
1287Date & TimeGregorianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextDecDecember Mweri wo kumi na yel'li
1288Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextJanJan Kwa
1289Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextFebFeb Una
1290Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextMarMar Rar
1291Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextAprApr Che
1292Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextMayMay Tha
1293Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextJunJun Moc
1294Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextJulJul Sab
1295Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextAugAug Nan
1296Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextSepSep Tis
1297Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextOctOct Kum
1298Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextNovNov Moj
1299Date & TimeGregorianMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextDecDec Yel
1300Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJanJ K
1301Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextFebF U
1302Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMarM R
1303Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextAprA C
1304Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMayM T
1305Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJunJ M
1306Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJulJ S
1307Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextAugA N
1308Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextSepS T
1309Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextOctO K
1310Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextNovN M
1311Date & TimeGregorianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextDecD Y
1312Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - Formatting ContextsunSunday Sabato
1313Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - Formatting ContextmonMonday Jumatatu
1314Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - Formatting ContexttueTuesday Jumanne
1315Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - Formatting ContextwedWednesday Jumatano
1316Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - Formatting ContextthuThursday Arahamisi
1317Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - Formatting ContextfriFriday Ijumaa
1318Date & TimeGregorianDays - wide - Formatting ContextsatSaturday Jumamosi
1319Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - Formatting ContextsunSun Sab
1320Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - Formatting ContextmonMon Jtt
1321Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - Formatting ContexttueTue Jnn
1322Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - Formatting ContextwedWed Jtn
1323Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - Formatting ContextthuThu Ara
1324Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - Formatting ContextfriFri Iju
1325Date & TimeGregorianDays - abbreviated - Formatting ContextsatSat Jmo
1326Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - Standalone Contextsun= S
1327Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - Standalone ContextmonM J
1328Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - Standalone ContexttueT J
1329Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - Standalone ContextwedW J
1330Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - Standalone ContextthuT A
1331Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - Standalone ContextfriF I
1332Date & TimeGregorianDays - narrow - Standalone ContextsatS J
1333Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formatting ContextamAM wichishu
1334Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formatting Contextnoon= noon
1335Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - wide - Formatting ContextpmPM mchochil'l
1336Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formatting Contextam= a
1337Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formatting Contextnoon= n
1338Date & TimeGregorianDay Periods - narrow - Formatting Contextpm= p
1339Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y EEEE, d MMMM y
1340Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y d MMMM y
1341Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y d MMM y
1342Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/yy dd/MM/y
1343Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatsfull= h:mm:ss a zzzz
1344Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatslong= h:mm:ss a z
1345Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatsmedium= h:mm:ss a
1346Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Time Formatsshort= h:mm a
1347Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
1348Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
1349Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium{1}, {0} {1} {0}
1350Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort{1}, {0} {1} {0}
1351Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsd= d
1352Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E E d
1353Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyy G G y
1354Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMM y G G y MMM
1355Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, y G G y MMM d
1356Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E
1357Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsM= L
1358Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d d/M
1359Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEd= E, M/d
1360Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
1361Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMd= MMM d
1362Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEd= E, MMM d
1363Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsy= y
1364Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyM= M/y
1365Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMdM/d/y d/M/y
1366Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMEd= E, M/d/y
1367Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMM= MMM y
1368Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMd= MMM d, y
1369Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMEd= E, MMM d, y
1370Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyQQQ= QQQ y
1371Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyQQQQ= QQQQ y
1372Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsEhm= E h:mm a
1373Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsEHm= E HH:mm
1374Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsEhms= E h:mm:ss a
1375Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsEHms= E HH:mm:ss
1376Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Time Formatsh= h a
1377Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsH= HH
1378Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Time Formatshm= h:mm a
1379Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
1380Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Time Formatshms= h:mm:ss a
1381Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
1382Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - Time Formatsmsmm:ss m:ss
1383Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Flexible - AppendTimezone= {0} {1}
1384Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d–d
1385Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M MM–MM
1386Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/dM/d – M/d MM-dd – MM-dd
1387Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/MM/d – M/d MM-dd – MM-dd
1388Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E
1389Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E
1390Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/MMMM – MMM LLL–LLL
1391Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d MMM d–d
1392Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/M= MMM d – MMM d
1393Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1394Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1395Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yy – y y–y
1396Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y y-MM – y-MM
1397Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y y-MM – y-MM
1398Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1399Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1400Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1401Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1402Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1403Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1404Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM y y MMM–MMM
1405Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/yMMM y – MMM y y MMM – y MMM
1406Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y y MMM d–d
1407Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y y MMM d – MMM d
1408Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y y MMM d – y MMM d
1409Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y y MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1410Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y y MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1411Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y y MMM d, E – y MMM d, E
1412Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM y y MMMM–MMMM
1413Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/yMMMM y – MMMM y y MMMM – y MMMM
1414Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time Formatsh/a= h a – h a
1415Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time Formatsh/hh – h a h–h a
1416Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsH/HHH – HH HH–HH
1417Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshm/a= h:mm a – h:mm a
1418Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
1419Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsHm/HHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
1420Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
1421Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsHm/mHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
1422Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshmv/a= h:mm a – h:mm a v
1423Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
1424Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
1425Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
1426Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
1427Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshv/a= h a – h a v
1428Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshv/hh – h a v h–h a v
1429Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsHv/HHH – HH v HH–HH v
1430Date & TimeGregorianFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback= {0} – {1}
1431Date & TimeGenericEras - abbreviated0= ERA0
1432Date & TimeGenericEras - abbreviated1= ERA1
1433Date & TimeGenericMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJan= M01
1434Date & TimeGenericMonths - wide - Formatting ContextFeb= M02
1435Date & TimeGenericMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMar= M03
1436Date & TimeGenericMonths - wide - Formatting ContextApr= M04
1437Date & TimeGenericMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMay= M05
1438Date & TimeGenericMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJun= M06
1439Date & TimeGenericMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJul= M07
1440Date & TimeGenericMonths - wide - Formatting ContextAug= M08
1441Date & TimeGenericMonths - wide - Formatting ContextSep= M09
1442Date & TimeGenericMonths - wide - Formatting ContextOct= M10
1443Date & TimeGenericMonths - wide - Formatting ContextNov= M11
1444Date & TimeGenericMonths - wide - Formatting ContextDec= M12
1445Date & TimeGenericMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJan= 1
1446Date & TimeGenericMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextFeb= 2
1447Date & TimeGenericMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMar= 3
1448Date & TimeGenericMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextApr= 4
1449Date & TimeGenericMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMay= 5
1450Date & TimeGenericMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJun= 6
1451Date & TimeGenericMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJul= 7
1452Date & TimeGenericMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextAug= 8
1453Date & TimeGenericMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextSep= 9
1454Date & TimeGenericMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextOct= 10
1455Date & TimeGenericMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextNov= 11
1456Date & TimeGenericMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextDec= 12
1457Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, y G EEEE, d MMMM y G
1458Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, y G d MMMM y G
1459Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, y G d MMM y G
1460Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/y GGGGG dd/MM/y GGGGG
1461Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
1462Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
1463Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium{1}, {0} {1} {0}
1464Date & TimeGenericFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort{1}, {0} {1} {0}
1465Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsd= d
1466Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E E d
1467Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyy G G y
1468Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMM y G G y MMM
1469Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, y G G y MMM d
1470Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E
1471Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsM= L
1472Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d d/M
1473Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEd= E, M/d
1474Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
1475Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMd= MMM d
1476Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEd= E, MMM d
1477Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyy G y
1478Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMn/a M/y
1479Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMdn/a d/M/y
1480Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMEdn/a E, M/d/y
1481Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMn/a MMM y
1482Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMdn/a MMM d, y
1483Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMMMEdn/a E, MMM d, y
1484Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyQQQn/a QQQ y
1485Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyQQQQn/a QQQQ y
1486Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyyy G G y
1487Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM
1488Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd
1489Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E
1490Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMM y G G y MMM
1491Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, y G G y MMM d
1492Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E
1493Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQ y G G y QQQ
1494Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQQQ y G G y QQQQ
1495Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsEhm= E h:mm a
1496Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsEHm= E HH:mm
1497Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsEhms= E h:mm:ss a
1498Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsEHms= E HH:mm:ss
1499Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Time Formatsh= h a
1500Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsH= HH
1501Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Time Formatshm= h:mm a
1502Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
1503Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Time Formatshms= h:mm:ss a
1504Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
1505Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - Time Formatsmsmm:ss m:ss
1506Date & TimeGenericFormats - Flexible - AppendTimezone= {0} {1}
1507Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d–d
1508Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M MM–MM
1509Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/dM/d – M/d MM-dd – MM-dd
1510Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/MM/d – M/d MM-dd – MM-dd
1511Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E
1512Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E
1513Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/MMMM – MMM LLL–LLL
1514Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d MMM d–d
1515Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/M= MMM d – MMM d
1516Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1517Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1518Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yy – y G G y–y
1519Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM – y-MM
1520Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM – y-MM
1521Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1522Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1523Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1524Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1525Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1526Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1527Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM y G G y MMM–MMM
1528Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/yMMM y – MMM y G G y MMM – y MMM
1529Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, y G G y MMM d–d
1530Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, y G G y MMM d – MMM d
1531Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, y – MMM d, y G G y MMM d – y MMM d
1532Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1533Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1534Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G G y MMM d, E – y MMM d, E
1535Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM y G G y MMMM–MMMM
1536Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/yMMMM y – MMMM y G G y MMMM – y MMMM
1537Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time Formatsh/a= h a – h a
1538Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time Formatsh/hh – h a h–h a
1539Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsH/HHH – HH HH–HH
1540Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshm/a= h:mm a – h:mm a
1541Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
1542Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsHm/HHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
1543Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
1544Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsHm/mHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
1545Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshmv/a= h:mm a – h:mm a v
1546Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
1547Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
1548Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
1549Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
1550Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshv/a= h a – h a v
1551Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshv/hh – h a v h–h a v
1552Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsHv/HHH – HH v HH–HH v
1553Date & TimeGenericFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback= {0} – {1}
1554Date & TimeBuddhistEras - abbreviated0= BE
1555Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-1= zi
1556Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-2= chou
1557Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-3= yin
1558Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-4= mao
1559Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-5= chen
1560Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-6= si
1561Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-7= wu
1562Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-8= wei
1563Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-9= shen
1564Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-10= you
1565Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-11= xu
1566Date & TimeChinesedayPartscyclic-format-abbreviated-12= hai
1567Date & TimeChineseformatwide-leap= {0}bis
1568Date & TimeChinesenumericall-leap= {0}bis
1569Date & TimeChinesestand-alonenarrow-leap= {0}b
1570Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-1= jia-zi
1571Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-2= yi-chou
1572Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-3= bing-yin
1573Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-4= ding-mao
1574Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-5= wu-chen
1575Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-6= ji-si
1576Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-7= geng-wu
1577Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-8= xin-wei
1578Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-9= ren-shen
1579Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-10= gui-you
1580Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-11= jia-xu
1581Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-12= yi-hai
1582Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-13= bing-zi
1583Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-14= ding-chou
1584Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-15= wu-yin
1585Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-16= ji-mao
1586Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-17= geng-chen
1587Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-18= xin-si
1588Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-19= ren-wu
1589Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-20= gui-wei
1590Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-21= jia-shen
1591Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-22= yi-you
1592Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-23= bing-xu
1593Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-24= ding-hai
1594Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-25= wu-zi
1595Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-26= ji-chou
1596Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-27= geng-yin
1597Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-28= xin-mao
1598Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-29= ren-chen
1599Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-30= gui-si
1600Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-31= jia-wu
1601Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-32= yi-wei
1602Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-33= bing-shen
1603Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-34= ding-you
1604Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-35= wu-xu
1605Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-36= ji-hai
1606Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-37= geng-zi
1607Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-38= xin-chou
1608Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-39= ren-yin
1609Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-40= gui-mao
1610Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-41= jia-chen
1611Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-42= yi-si
1612Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-43= bing-wu
1613Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-44= ding-wei
1614Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-45= wu-shen
1615Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-46= ji-you
1616Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-47= geng-xu
1617Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-48= xin-hai
1618Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-49= ren-zi
1619Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-50= gui-chou
1620Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-51= jia-yin
1621Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-52= yi-mao
1622Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-53= bing-chen
1623Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-54= ding-si
1624Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-55= wu-wu
1625Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-56= ji-wei
1626Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-57= geng-shen
1627Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-58= xin-you
1628Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-59= ren-xu
1629Date & TimeChineseyearscyclic-format-abbreviated-60= gui-hai
1630Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJanMonth1 M01
1631Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - Formatting ContextFebMonth2 M02
1632Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMarMonth3 M03
1633Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - Formatting ContextAprMonth4 M04
1634Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMayMonth5 M05
1635Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJunMonth6 M06
1636Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJulMonth7 M07
1637Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - Formatting ContextAugMonth8 M08
1638Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - Formatting ContextSepMonth9 M09
1639Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - Formatting ContextOctMonth10 M10
1640Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - Formatting ContextNovMonth11 M11
1641Date & TimeChineseMonths - wide - Formatting ContextDecMonth12 M12
1642Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJan= 1
1643Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextFeb= 2
1644Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMar= 3
1645Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextApr= 4
1646Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMay= 5
1647Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJun= 6
1648Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJul= 7
1649Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextAug= 8
1650Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextSep= 9
1651Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextOct= 10
1652Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextNov= 11
1653Date & TimeChineseMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextDec= 12
1654Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsfullEEEE, MMMM d, U U MMMM d, EEEE
1655Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatslongMMMM d, U U MMMM d
1656Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsmediumMMM d, U U MMM d
1657Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date FormatsshortM/d/yy y-MM-dd
1658Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsfull{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
1659Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatslong{1} 'at' {0} {1} {0}
1660Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsmedium{1}, {0} {1} {0}
1661Date & TimeChineseFormats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formatsshort{1}, {0} {1} {0}
1662Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsd= d
1663Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsEdd E d, E
1664Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGy= U
1665Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMMMM U U MMM
1666Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMdMMM d, U U MMM d
1667Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsGyMMMEdE, MMM d, U U MMM d, E
1668Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsM= L
1669Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMdM/d MM-dd
1670Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMEdE, M/d MM-dd, E
1671Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMM= LLL
1672Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMd= MMM d
1673Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsMMMEdE, MMM d MMM d, E
1674Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsy= U
1675Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyMdM/d/y y-MM-dd
1676Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date Formatsyyyy= U
1677Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMM/y y-MM
1678Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMdM/d/y y-MM-dd
1679Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMEdE, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E
1680Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMMMM U U MMM
1681Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMdMMM d, U U MMM d
1682Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyMMMEdE, MMM d, U U MMM d, E
1683Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQ U U QQQ
1684Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Date FormatsyyyyQQQQQQQQ U U QQQQ
1685Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Time Formatsh= h a
1686Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsH= HH
1687Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Time Formatshm= h:mm a
1688Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsHm= HH:mm
1689Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Time Formatshms= h:mm:ss a
1690Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Time FormatsHms= HH:mm:ss
1691Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - Time Formatsms= mm:ss
1692Date & TimeChineseFormats - Flexible - AppendTimezone= {0} {1}
1693Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsd/dd – d d–d
1694Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsM/MM – M MM–MM
1695Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/dM/d – M/d MM-dd – MM-dd
1696Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMd/MM/d – M/d MM-dd – MM-dd
1697Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/dE, M/d – E, M/d MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E
1698Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMEd/ME, M/d – E, M/d MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E
1699Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMM/MMMM – MMM LLL–LLL
1700Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/dMMM d – d MMM d–d
1701Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMd/M= MMM d – MMM d
1702Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1703Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1704Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date Formatsy/yU – U U–U
1705Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/MM/y – M/y y-MM – y-MM
1706Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyM/yM/y – M/y y-MM – y-MM
1707Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/dM/d/y – M/d/y y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1708Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/MM/d/y – M/d/y y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1709Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMd/yM/d/y – M/d/y y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd
1710Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/dE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1711Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/ME, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1712Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMEd/yE, M/d/y – E, M/d/y y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
1713Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/MMMM – MMM U U MMM–MMM
1714Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMM/yMMM U – MMM U U MMM – U MMM
1715Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/dMMM d – d, U U MMM d–d
1716Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/MMMM d – MMM d, U U MMM d – MMM d
1717Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMd/yMMM d, U – MMM d, U U MMM d – U MMM d
1718Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/dE, MMM d – E, MMM d, U U MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1719Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/ME, MMM d – E, MMM d, U U MMM d, E – MMM d, E
1720Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMEd/yE, MMM d, U – E, MMM d, U U MMM d, E – U MMM d, E
1721Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/MMMMM – MMMM U U MMMM–MMMM
1722Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Date FormatsyMMMM/yMMMM U – MMMM U U MMMM – U MMMM
1723Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time Formatsh/a= h a – h a
1724Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time Formatsh/hh – h a h–h a
1725Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsH/HHH – HH HH–HH
1726Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshm/a= h:mm a – h:mm a
1727Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshm/hh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
1728Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsHm/HHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
1729Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshm/mh:mm – h:mm a h:mm–h:mm a
1730Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsHm/mHH:mm – HH:mm HH:mm–HH:mm
1731Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshmv/a= h:mm a – h:mm a v
1732Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshmv/hh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
1733Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsHmv/HHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
1734Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshmv/mh:mm – h:mm a v h:mm–h:mm a v
1735Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsHmv/mHH:mm – HH:mm v HH:mm–HH:mm v
1736Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshv/a= h a – h a v
1737Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time Formatshv/hh – h a v h–h a v
1738Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - Time FormatsHv/HHH – HH v HH–HH v
1739Date & TimeChineseFormats - Intervals - FallbackFallback= {0} – {1}
1740Date & TimeCopticEras - abbreviated0= ERA0
1741Date & TimeCopticEras - abbreviated1= ERA1
1742Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJan= Tout
1743Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - Formatting ContextFeb= Baba
1744Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMar= Hator
1745Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - Formatting ContextApr= Kiahk
1746Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMay= Toba
1747Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJun= Amshir
1748Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJul= Baramhat
1749Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - Formatting ContextAug= Baramouda
1750Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - Formatting ContextSep= Bashans
1751Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - Formatting ContextOct= Paona
1752Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - Formatting ContextNov= Epep
1753Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - Formatting ContextDec= Mesra
1754Date & TimeCopticMonths - wide - Formatting ContextUnd= Nasie
1755Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJan= 1
1756Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextFeb= 2
1757Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMar= 3
1758Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextApr= 4
1759Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMay= 5
1760Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJun= 6
1761Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJul= 7
1762Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextAug= 8
1763Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextSep= 9
1764Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextOct= 10
1765Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextNov= 11
1766Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextDec= 12
1767Date & TimeCopticMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextUnd= 13
1768Date & TimeEthiopicEras - abbreviated0= ERA0
1769Date & TimeEthiopicEras - abbreviated1= ERA1
1770Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJan= Meskerem
1771Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextFeb= Tekemt
1772Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMar= Hedar
1773Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextApr= Tahsas
1774Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMay= Ter
1775Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJun= Yekatit
1776Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJul= Megabit
1777Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextAug= Miazia
1778Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextSep= Genbot
1779Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextOct= Sene
1780Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextNov= Hamle
1781Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextDec= Nehasse
1782Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextUnd= Pagumen
1783Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJan= 1
1784Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextFeb= 2
1785Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMar= 3
1786Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextApr= 4
1787Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMay= 5
1788Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJun= 6
1789Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJul= 7
1790Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextAug= 8
1791Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextSep= 9
1792Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextOct= 10
1793Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextNov= 11
1794Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextDec= 12
1795Date & TimeEthiopicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextUnd= 13
1796Date & TimeEthiopic-Amete-AlemEras - abbreviated0= ERA0
1797Date & TimeHebrewEras - abbreviated0= AM
1798Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJan= Tishri
1799Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - Formatting ContextFeb= Heshvan
1800Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMar= Kislev
1801Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - Formatting ContextApr= Tevet
1802Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMay= Shevat
1803Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJun= Adar I
1804Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJul= Adar
1805Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJul (leap)= Adar II
1806Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - Formatting ContextAug= Nisan
1807Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - Formatting ContextSep= Iyar
1808Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - Formatting ContextOct= Sivan
1809Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - Formatting ContextNov= Tamuz
1810Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - Formatting ContextDec= Av
1811Date & TimeHebrewMonths - wide - Formatting ContextUnd= Elul
1812Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJan= 1
1813Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextFeb= 2
1814Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMar= 3
1815Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextApr= 4
1816Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMay= 5
1817Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJun= 6
1818Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJul= 7
1819Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJul (leap)= 7
1820Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextAug= 8
1821Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextSep= 9
1822Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextOct= 10
1823Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextNov= 11
1824Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextDec= 12
1825Date & TimeHebrewMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextUnd= 13
1826Date & TimeIndianEras - abbreviated0= Saka
1827Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJan= Chaitra
1828Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextFeb= Vaisakha
1829Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMar= Jyaistha
1830Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextApr= Asadha
1831Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMay= Sravana
1832Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJun= Bhadra
1833Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJul= Asvina
1834Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextAug= Kartika
1835Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextSep= Agrahayana
1836Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextOct= Pausa
1837Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextNov= Magha
1838Date & TimeIndianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextDec= Phalguna
1839Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJan= 1
1840Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextFeb= 2
1841Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMar= 3
1842Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextApr= 4
1843Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMay= 5
1844Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJun= 6
1845Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJul= 7
1846Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextAug= 8
1847Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextSep= 9
1848Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextOct= 10
1849Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextNov= 11
1850Date & TimeIndianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextDec= 12
1851Date & TimeIslamicEras - abbreviated0= AH
1852Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJan= Muharram
1853Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextFeb= Safar
1854Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMar= Rabiʻ I
1855Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextApr= Rabiʻ II
1856Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMay= Jumada I
1857Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJun= Jumada II
1858Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJul= Rajab
1859Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextAug= Shaʻban
1860Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextSep= Ramadan
1861Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextOct= Shawwal
1862Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextNov= Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah
1863Date & TimeIslamicMonths - wide - Formatting ContextDec= Dhuʻl-Hijjah
1864Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextJan= Muh.
1865Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextFeb= Saf.
1866Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextMar= Rab. I
1867Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextApr= Rab. II
1868Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextMay= Jum. I
1869Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextJun= Jum. II
1870Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextJul= Raj.
1871Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextAug= Sha.
1872Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextSep= Ram.
1873Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextOct= Shaw.
1874Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextNov= Dhuʻl-Q.
1875Date & TimeIslamicMonths - abbreviated - Formatting ContextDec= Dhuʻl-H.
1876Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJan= 1
1877Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextFeb= 2
1878Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMar= 3
1879Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextApr= 4
1880Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMay= 5
1881Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJun= 6
1882Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJul= 7
1883Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextAug= 8
1884Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextSep= 9
1885Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextOct= 10
1886Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextNov= 11
1887Date & TimeIslamicMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextDec= 12
1888Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated0= Taika (645-650)
1889Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated1= Hakuchi (650-671)
1890Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated2= Hakuhō (672-686)
1891Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated3= Shuchō (686-701)
1892Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated4= Taihō (701-704)
1893Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated5= Keiun (704-708)
1894Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated6= Wadō (708-715)
1895Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated7= Reiki (715-717)
1896Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated8= Yōrō (717-724)
1897Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated9= Jinki (724-729)
1898Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated10= Tempyō (729-749)
1899Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated11= Tempyō-kampō (749-749)
1900Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated12= Tempyō-shōhō (749-757)
1901Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated13= Tempyō-hōji (757-765)
1902Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated14= Temphō-jingo (765-767)
1903Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated15= Jingo-keiun (767-770)
1904Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated16= Hōki (770-780)
1905Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated17= Ten-ō (781-782)
1906Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated18= Enryaku (782-806)
1907Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated19= Daidō (806-810)
1908Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated20= Kōnin (810-824)
1909Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated21= Tenchō (824-834)
1910Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated22= Jōwa (834-848)
1911Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated23= Kajō (848-851)
1912Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated24= Ninju (851-854)
1913Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated25= Saiko (854-857)
1914Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated26= Tennan (857-859)
1915Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated27= Jōgan (859-877)
1916Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated28= Genkei (877-885)
1917Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated29= Ninna (885-889)
1918Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated30= Kampyō (889-898)
1919Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated31= Shōtai (898-901)
1920Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated32= Engi (901-923)
1921Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated33= Enchō (923-931)
1922Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated34= Shōhei (931-938)
1923Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated35= Tengyō (938-947)
1924Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated36= Tenryaku (947-957)
1925Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated37= Tentoku (957-961)
1926Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated38= Ōwa (961-964)
1927Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated39= Kōhō (964-968)
1928Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated40= Anna (968-970)
1929Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated41= Tenroku (970-973)
1930Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated42= Ten-en (973-976)
1931Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated43= Jōgen (976-978)
1932Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated44= Tengen (978-983)
1933Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated45= Eikan (983-985)
1934Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated46= Kanna (985-987)
1935Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated47= Ei-en (987-989)
1936Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated48= Eiso (989-990)
1937Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated49= Shōryaku (990-995)
1938Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated50= Chōtoku (995-999)
1939Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated51= Chōhō (999-1004)
1940Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated52= Kankō (1004-1012)
1941Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated53= Chōwa (1012-1017)
1942Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated54= Kannin (1017-1021)
1943Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated55= Jian (1021-1024)
1944Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated56= Manju (1024-1028)
1945Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated57= Chōgen (1028-1037)
1946Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated58= Chōryaku (1037-1040)
1947Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated59= Chōkyū (1040-1044)
1948Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated60= Kantoku (1044-1046)
1949Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated61= Eishō (1046-1053)
1950Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated62= Tengi (1053-1058)
1951Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated63= Kōhei (1058-1065)
1952Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated64= Jiryaku (1065-1069)
1953Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated65= Enkyū (1069-1074)
1954Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated66= Shōho (1074-1077)
1955Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated67= Shōryaku (1077-1081)
1956Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated68= Eiho (1081-1084)
1957Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated69= Ōtoku (1084-1087)
1958Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated70= Kanji (1087-1094)
1959Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated71= Kaho (1094-1096)
1960Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated72= Eichō (1096-1097)
1961Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated73= Shōtoku (1097-1099)
1962Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated74= Kōwa (1099-1104)
1963Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated75= Chōji (1104-1106)
1964Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated76= Kashō (1106-1108)
1965Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated77= Tennin (1108-1110)
1966Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated78= Ten-ei (1110-1113)
1967Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated79= Eikyū (1113-1118)
1968Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated80= Gen-ei (1118-1120)
1969Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated81= Hoan (1120-1124)
1970Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated82= Tenji (1124-1126)
1971Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated83= Daiji (1126-1131)
1972Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated84= Tenshō (1131-1132)
1973Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated85= Chōshō (1132-1135)
1974Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated86= Hoen (1135-1141)
1975Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated87= Eiji (1141-1142)
1976Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated88= Kōji (1142-1144)
1977Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated89= Tenyō (1144-1145)
1978Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated90= Kyūan (1145-1151)
1979Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated91= Ninpei (1151-1154)
1980Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated92= Kyūju (1154-1156)
1981Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated93= Hogen (1156-1159)
1982Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated94= Heiji (1159-1160)
1983Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated95= Eiryaku (1160-1161)
1984Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated96= Ōho (1161-1163)
1985Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated97= Chōkan (1163-1165)
1986Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated98= Eiman (1165-1166)
1987Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated99= Nin-an (1166-1169)
1988Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated100= Kaō (1169-1171)
1989Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated101= Shōan (1171-1175)
1990Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated102= Angen (1175-1177)
1991Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated103= Jishō (1177-1181)
1992Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated104= Yōwa (1181-1182)
1993Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated105= Juei (1182-1184)
1994Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated106= Genryuku (1184-1185)
1995Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated107= Bunji (1185-1190)
1996Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated108= Kenkyū (1190-1199)
1997Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated109= Shōji (1199-1201)
1998Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated110= Kennin (1201-1204)
1999Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated111= Genkyū (1204-1206)
2000Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated112= Ken-ei (1206-1207)
2001Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated113= Shōgen (1207-1211)
2002Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated114= Kenryaku (1211-1213)
2003Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated115= Kenpō (1213-1219)
2004Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated116= Shōkyū (1219-1222)
2005Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated117= Jōō (1222-1224)
2006Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated118= Gennin (1224-1225)
2007Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated119= Karoku (1225-1227)
2008Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated120= Antei (1227-1229)
2009Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated121= Kanki (1229-1232)
2010Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated122= Jōei (1232-1233)
2011Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated123= Tempuku (1233-1234)
2012Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated124= Bunryaku (1234-1235)
2013Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated125= Katei (1235-1238)
2014Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated126= Ryakunin (1238-1239)
2015Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated127= En-ō (1239-1240)
2016Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated128= Ninji (1240-1243)
2017Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated129= Kangen (1243-1247)
2018Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated130= Hōji (1247-1249)
2019Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated131= Kenchō (1249-1256)
2020Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated132= Kōgen (1256-1257)
2021Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated133= Shōka (1257-1259)
2022Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated134= Shōgen (1259-1260)
2023Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated135= Bun-ō (1260-1261)
2024Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated136= Kōchō (1261-1264)
2025Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated137= Bun-ei (1264-1275)
2026Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated138= Kenji (1275-1278)
2027Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated139= Kōan (1278-1288)
2028Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated140= Shōō (1288-1293)
2029Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated141= Einin (1293-1299)
2030Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated142= Shōan (1299-1302)
2031Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated143= Kengen (1302-1303)
2032Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated144= Kagen (1303-1306)
2033Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated145= Tokuji (1306-1308)
2034Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated146= Enkei (1308-1311)
2035Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated147= Ōchō (1311-1312)
2036Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated148= Shōwa (1312-1317)
2037Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated149= Bunpō (1317-1319)
2038Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated150= Genō (1319-1321)
2039Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated151= Genkyō (1321-1324)
2040Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated152= Shōchū (1324-1326)
2041Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated153= Kareki (1326-1329)
2042Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated154= Gentoku (1329-1331)
2043Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated155= Genkō (1331-1334)
2044Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated156= Kemmu (1334-1336)
2045Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated157= Engen (1336-1340)
2046Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated158= Kōkoku (1340-1346)
2047Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated159= Shōhei (1346-1370)
2048Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated160= Kentoku (1370-1372)
2049Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated161= Bunchū (1372-1375)
2050Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated162= Tenju (1375-1379)
2051Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated163= Kōryaku (1379-1381)
2052Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated164= Kōwa (1381-1384)
2053Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated165= Genchū (1384-1392)
2054Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated166= Meitoku (1384-1387)
2055Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated167= Kakei (1387-1389)
2056Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated168= Kōō (1389-1390)
2057Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated169= Meitoku (1390-1394)
2058Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated170= Ōei (1394-1428)
2059Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated171= Shōchō (1428-1429)
2060Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated172= Eikyō (1429-1441)
2061Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated173= Kakitsu (1441-1444)
2062Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated174= Bun-an (1444-1449)
2063Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated175= Hōtoku (1449-1452)
2064Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated176= Kyōtoku (1452-1455)
2065Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated177= Kōshō (1455-1457)
2066Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated178= Chōroku (1457-1460)
2067Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated179= Kanshō (1460-1466)
2068Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated180= Bunshō (1466-1467)
2069Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated181= Ōnin (1467-1469)
2070Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated182= Bunmei (1469-1487)
2071Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated183= Chōkyō (1487-1489)
2072Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated184= Entoku (1489-1492)
2073Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated185= Meiō (1492-1501)
2074Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated186= Bunki (1501-1504)
2075Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated187= Eishō (1504-1521)
2076Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated188= Taiei (1521-1528)
2077Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated189= Kyōroku (1528-1532)
2078Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated190= Tenmon (1532-1555)
2079Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated191= Kōji (1555-1558)
2080Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated192= Eiroku (1558-1570)
2081Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated193= Genki (1570-1573)
2082Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated194= Tenshō (1573-1592)
2083Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated195= Bunroku (1592-1596)
2084Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated196= Keichō (1596-1615)
2085Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated197= Genwa (1615-1624)
2086Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated198= Kan-ei (1624-1644)
2087Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated199= Shōho (1644-1648)
2088Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated200= Keian (1648-1652)
2089Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated201= Shōō (1652-1655)
2090Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated202= Meiryaku (1655-1658)
2091Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated203= Manji (1658-1661)
2092Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated204= Kanbun (1661-1673)
2093Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated205= Enpō (1673-1681)
2094Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated206= Tenwa (1681-1684)
2095Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated207= Jōkyō (1684-1688)
2096Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated208= Genroku (1688-1704)
2097Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated209= Hōei (1704-1711)
2098Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated210= Shōtoku (1711-1716)
2099Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated211= Kyōhō (1716-1736)
2100Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated212= Genbun (1736-1741)
2101Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated213= Kanpō (1741-1744)
2102Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated214= Enkyō (1744-1748)
2103Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated215= Kan-en (1748-1751)
2104Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated216= Hōryaku (1751-1764)
2105Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated217= Meiwa (1764-1772)
2106Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated218= An-ei (1772-1781)
2107Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated219= Tenmei (1781-1789)
2108Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated220= Kansei (1789-1801)
2109Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated221= Kyōwa (1801-1804)
2110Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated222= Bunka (1804-1818)
2111Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated223= Bunsei (1818-1830)
2112Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated224= Tenpō (1830-1844)
2113Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated225= Kōka (1844-1848)
2114Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated226= Kaei (1848-1854)
2115Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated227= Ansei (1854-1860)
2116Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated228= Man-en (1860-1861)
2117Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated229= Bunkyū (1861-1864)
2118Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated230= Genji (1864-1865)
2119Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated231= Keiō (1865-1868)
2120Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated232= Meiji
2121Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated233= Taishō
2122Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated234= Shōwa
2123Date & TimeJapaneseEras - abbreviated235= Heisei
2124Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow0= Taika (645-650)
2125Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow1= Hakuchi (650-671)
2126Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow2= Hakuhō (672-686)
2127Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow3= Shuchō (686-701)
2128Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow4= Taihō (701-704)
2129Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow5= Keiun (704-708)
2130Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow6= Wadō (708-715)
2131Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow7= Reiki (715-717)
2132Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow8= Yōrō (717-724)
2133Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow9= Jinki (724-729)
2134Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow10= Tempyō (729-749)
2135Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow11= Tempyō-kampō (749-749)
2136Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow12= Tempyō-shōhō (749-757)
2137Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow13= Tempyō-hōji (757-765)
2138Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow14= Temphō-jingo (765-767)
2139Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow15= Jingo-keiun (767-770)
2140Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow16= Hōki (770-780)
2141Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow17= Ten-ō (781-782)
2142Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow18= Enryaku (782-806)
2143Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow19= Daidō (806-810)
2144Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow20= Kōnin (810-824)
2145Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow21= Tenchō (824-834)
2146Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow22= Jōwa (834-848)
2147Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow23= Kajō (848-851)
2148Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow24= Ninju (851-854)
2149Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow25= Saiko (854-857)
2150Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow26= Tennan (857-859)
2151Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow27= Jōgan (859-877)
2152Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow28= Genkei (877-885)
2153Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow29= Ninna (885-889)
2154Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow30= Kampyō (889-898)
2155Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow31= Shōtai (898-901)
2156Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow32= Engi (901-923)
2157Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow33= Enchō (923-931)
2158Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow34= Shōhei (931-938)
2159Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow35= Tengyō (938-947)
2160Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow36= Tenryaku (947-957)
2161Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow37= Tentoku (957-961)
2162Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow38= Ōwa (961-964)
2163Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow39= Kōhō (964-968)
2164Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow40= Anna (968-970)
2165Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow41= Tenroku (970-973)
2166Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow42= Ten-en (973-976)
2167Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow43= Jōgen (976-978)
2168Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow44= Tengen (978-983)
2169Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow45= Eikan (983-985)
2170Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow46= Kanna (985-987)
2171Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow47= Ei-en (987-989)
2172Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow48= Eiso (989-990)
2173Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow49= Shōryaku (990-995)
2174Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow50= Chōtoku (995-999)
2175Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow51= Chōhō (999-1004)
2176Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow52= Kankō (1004-1012)
2177Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow53= Chōwa (1012-1017)
2178Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow54= Kannin (1017-1021)
2179Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow55= Jian (1021-1024)
2180Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow56= Manju (1024-1028)
2181Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow57= Chōgen (1028-1037)
2182Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow58= Chōryaku (1037-1040)
2183Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow59= Chōkyū (1040-1044)
2184Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow60= Kantoku (1044-1046)
2185Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow61= Eishō (1046-1053)
2186Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow62= Tengi (1053-1058)
2187Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow63= Kōhei (1058-1065)
2188Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow64= Jiryaku (1065-1069)
2189Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow65= Enkyū (1069-1074)
2190Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow66= Shōho (1074-1077)
2191Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow67= Shōryaku (1077-1081)
2192Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow68= Eiho (1081-1084)
2193Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow69= Ōtoku (1084-1087)
2194Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow70= Kanji (1087-1094)
2195Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow71= Kaho (1094-1096)
2196Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow72= Eichō (1096-1097)
2197Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow73= Shōtoku (1097-1099)
2198Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow74= Kōwa (1099-1104)
2199Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow75= Chōji (1104-1106)
2200Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow76= Kashō (1106-1108)
2201Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow77= Tennin (1108-1110)
2202Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow78= Ten-ei (1110-1113)
2203Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow79= Eikyū (1113-1118)
2204Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow80= Gen-ei (1118-1120)
2205Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow81= Hoan (1120-1124)
2206Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow82= Tenji (1124-1126)
2207Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow83= Daiji (1126-1131)
2208Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow84= Tenshō (1131-1132)
2209Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow85= Chōshō (1132-1135)
2210Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow86= Hoen (1135-1141)
2211Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow87= Eiji (1141-1142)
2212Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow88= Kōji (1142-1144)
2213Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow89= Tenyō (1144-1145)
2214Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow90= Kyūan (1145-1151)
2215Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow91= Ninpei (1151-1154)
2216Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow92= Kyūju (1154-1156)
2217Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow93= Hogen (1156-1159)
2218Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow94= Heiji (1159-1160)
2219Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow95= Eiryaku (1160-1161)
2220Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow96= Ōho (1161-1163)
2221Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow97= Chōkan (1163-1165)
2222Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow98= Eiman (1165-1166)
2223Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow99= Nin-an (1166-1169)
2224Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow100= Kaō (1169-1171)
2225Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow101= Shōan (1171-1175)
2226Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow102= Angen (1175-1177)
2227Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow103= Jishō (1177-1181)
2228Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow104= Yōwa (1181-1182)
2229Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow105= Juei (1182-1184)
2230Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow106= Genryuku (1184-1185)
2231Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow107= Bunji (1185-1190)
2232Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow108= Kenkyū (1190-1199)
2233Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow109= Shōji (1199-1201)
2234Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow110= Kennin (1201-1204)
2235Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow111= Genkyū (1204-1206)
2236Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow112= Ken-ei (1206-1207)
2237Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow113= Shōgen (1207-1211)
2238Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow114= Kenryaku (1211-1213)
2239Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow115= Kenpō (1213-1219)
2240Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow116= Shōkyū (1219-1222)
2241Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow117= Jōō (1222-1224)
2242Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow118= Gennin (1224-1225)
2243Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow119= Karoku (1225-1227)
2244Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow120= Antei (1227-1229)
2245Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow121= Kanki (1229-1232)
2246Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow122= Jōei (1232-1233)
2247Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow123= Tempuku (1233-1234)
2248Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow124= Bunryaku (1234-1235)
2249Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow125= Katei (1235-1238)
2250Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow126= Ryakunin (1238-1239)
2251Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow127= En-ō (1239-1240)
2252Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow128= Ninji (1240-1243)
2253Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow129= Kangen (1243-1247)
2254Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow130= Hōji (1247-1249)
2255Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow131= Kenchō (1249-1256)
2256Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow132= Kōgen (1256-1257)
2257Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow133= Shōka (1257-1259)
2258Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow134= Shōgen (1259-1260)
2259Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow135= Bun-ō (1260-1261)
2260Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow136= Kōchō (1261-1264)
2261Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow137= Bun-ei (1264-1275)
2262Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow138= Kenji (1275-1278)
2263Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow139= Kōan (1278-1288)
2264Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow140= Shōō (1288-1293)
2265Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow141= Einin (1293-1299)
2266Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow142= Shōan (1299-1302)
2267Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow143= Kengen (1302-1303)
2268Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow144= Kagen (1303-1306)
2269Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow145= Tokuji (1306-1308)
2270Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow146= Enkei (1308-1311)
2271Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow147= Ōchō (1311-1312)
2272Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow148= Shōwa (1312-1317)
2273Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow149= Bunpō (1317-1319)
2274Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow150= Genō (1319-1321)
2275Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow151= Genkyō (1321-1324)
2276Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow152= Shōchū (1324-1326)
2277Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow153= Kareki (1326-1329)
2278Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow154= Gentoku (1329-1331)
2279Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow155= Genkō (1331-1334)
2280Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow156= Kemmu (1334-1336)
2281Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow157= Engen (1336-1340)
2282Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow158= Kōkoku (1340-1346)
2283Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow159= Shōhei (1346-1370)
2284Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow160= Kentoku (1370-1372)
2285Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow161= Bunchũ (1372-1375)
2286Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow162= Tenju (1375-1379)
2287Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow163= Kōryaku (1379-1381)
2288Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow164= Kōwa (1381-1384)
2289Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow165= Genchũ (1384-1392)
2290Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow166= Meitoku (1384-1387)
2291Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow167= Kakei (1387-1389)
2292Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow168= Kōō (1389-1390)
2293Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow169= Meitoku (1390-1394)
2294Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow170= Ōei (1394-1428)
2295Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow171= Shōchō (1428-1429)
2296Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow172= Eikyō (1429-1441)
2297Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow173= Kakitsu (1441-1444)
2298Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow174= Bun-an (1444-1449)
2299Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow175= Hōtoku (1449-1452)
2300Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow176= Kyōtoku (1452-1455)
2301Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow177= Kōshō (1455-1457)
2302Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow178= Chōroku (1457-1460)
2303Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow179= Kanshō (1460-1466)
2304Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow180= Bunshō (1466-1467)
2305Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow181= Ōnin (1467-1469)
2306Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow182= Bunmei (1469-1487)
2307Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow183= Chōkyō (1487-1489)
2308Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow184= Entoku (1489-1492)
2309Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow185= Meiō (1492-1501)
2310Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow186= Bunki (1501-1504)
2311Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow187= Eishō (1504-1521)
2312Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow188= Taiei (1521-1528)
2313Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow189= Kyōroku (1528-1532)
2314Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow190= Tenmon (1532-1555)
2315Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow191= Kōji (1555-1558)
2316Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow192= Eiroku (1558-1570)
2317Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow193= Genki (1570-1573)
2318Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow194= Tenshō (1573-1592)
2319Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow195= Bunroku (1592-1596)
2320Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow196= Keichō (1596-1615)
2321Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow197= Genwa (1615-1624)
2322Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow198= Kan-ei (1624-1644)
2323Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow199= Shōho (1644-1648)
2324Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow200= Keian (1648-1652)
2325Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow201= Shōō (1652-1655)
2326Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow202= Meiryaku (1655-1658)
2327Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow203= Manji (1658-1661)
2328Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow204= Kanbun (1661-1673)
2329Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow205= Enpō (1673-1681)
2330Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow206= Tenwa (1681-1684)
2331Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow207= Jōkyō (1684-1688)
2332Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow208= Genroku (1688-1704)
2333Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow209= Hōei (1704-1711)
2334Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow210= Shōtoku (1711-1716)
2335Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow211= Kyōhō (1716-1736)
2336Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow212= Genbun (1736-1741)
2337Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow213= Kanpō (1741-1744)
2338Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow214= Enkyō (1744-1748)
2339Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow215= Kan-en (1748-1751)
2340Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow216= Hōryaku (1751-1764)
2341Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow217= Meiwa (1764-1772)
2342Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow218= An-ei (1772-1781)
2343Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow219= Tenmei (1781-1789)
2344Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow220= Kansei (1789-1801)
2345Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow221= Kyōwa (1801-1804)
2346Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow222= Bunka (1804-1818)
2347Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow223= Bunsei (1818-1830)
2348Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow224= Tenpō (1830-1844)
2349Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow225= Kōka (1844-1848)
2350Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow226= Kaei (1848-1854)
2351Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow227= Ansei (1854-1860)
2352Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow228= Man-en (1860-1861)
2353Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow229= Bunkyū (1861-1864)
2354Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow230= Genji (1864-1865)
2355Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow231= Keiō (1865-1868)
2356Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow232= M
2357Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow233= T
2358Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow234= S
2359Date & TimeJapaneseEras - narrow235= H
2360Date & TimePersianEras - abbreviated0= AP
2361Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJan= Farvardin
2362Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextFeb= Ordibehesht
2363Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMar= Khordad
2364Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextApr= Tir
2365Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextMay= Mordad
2366Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJun= Shahrivar
2367Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextJul= Mehr
2368Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextAug= Aban
2369Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextSep= Azar
2370Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextOct= Dey
2371Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextNov= Bahman
2372Date & TimePersianMonths - wide - Formatting ContextDec= Esfand
2373Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJan= 1
2374Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextFeb= 2
2375Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMar= 3
2376Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextApr= 4
2377Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextMay= 5
2378Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJun= 6
2379Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextJul= 7
2380Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextAug= 8
2381Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextSep= 9
2382Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextOct= 10
2383Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextNov= 11
2384Date & TimePersianMonths - narrow - Standalone ContextDec= 12
2385Date & TimeROCEras - abbreviated0= Before R.O.C.
2386Date & TimeROCEras - abbreviated1Minguo R.O.C.
2387TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullRegion Format - Generic{0} Time {0}
2388TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullRegion Format - Standard{0} Standard Time {0} (+0)
2389TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullRegion Format - Daylight{0} Daylight Time {0} (+1)
2390TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullGMT Format= GMT{0}
2391TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullGMT Hours/Minutes Format= +HH:mm;-HH:mm
2392TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullGMT Zero Format= GMT
2393TimezonesTimezone Display PatternsnullLocation Fallback Format= {1} ({0})
2394TimezonesTimezone CitiesWorldUnknownUnknown City Unknown
2395TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaBermuda= Bermuda
2396TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaBlanc-Sablon= Blanc-Sablon
2397TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaCambridge_Bay= Cambridge Bay
2398TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaCoral_Harbour= Atikokan
2399TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaCreston= Creston
2400TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaDawson= Dawson
2401TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaDawson_Creek= Dawson Creek
2402TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaEdmonton= Edmonton
2403TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaGlace_Bay= Glace Bay
2404TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaGoose_Bay= Goose Bay
2405TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaHalifax= Halifax
2406TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaInuvik= Inuvik
2407TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaIqaluit= Iqaluit
2408TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaMoncton= Moncton
2409TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaNipigon= Nipigon
2410TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaPangnirtung= Pangnirtung
2411TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaRainy_River= Rainy River
2412TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaRankin_Inlet= Rankin Inlet
2413TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaRegina= Regina
2414TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaResolute= Resolute
2415TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaSt_Johns= St. John’s
2416TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaSwift_Current= Swift Current
2417TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaThunder_Bay= Thunder Bay
2418TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaToronto= Toronto
2419TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaVancouver= Vancouver
2420TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaWhitehorse= Whitehorse
2421TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaWinnipeg= Winnipeg
2422TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaYellowknife= Yellowknife
2423TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaDanmarkshavn= Danmarkshavn
2424TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaGodthab= Nuuk
2425TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaScoresbysund= Ittoqqortoormiit
2426TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaThule= Thule
2427TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaMiquelon= Miquelon
2428TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaAdak= Adak
2429TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaAnchorage= Anchorage
2430TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaBoise= Boise
2431TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaChicago= Chicago
2432TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaDenver= Denver
2433TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaDetroit= Detroit
2434TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaHonolulu= Honolulu
2435TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaIndiana/Knox= Knox, Indiana
2436TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaIndiana/Marengo= Marengo, Indiana
2437TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaIndiana/Petersburg= Petersburg, Indiana
2438TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaIndiana/Tell_City= Tell City, Indiana
2439TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaIndiana/Vevay= Vevay, Indiana
2440TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaIndiana/Vincennes= Vincennes, Indiana
2441TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaIndiana/Winamac= Winamac, Indiana
2442TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaIndianapolis= Indianapolis
2443TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaJuneau= Juneau
2444TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaKentucky/Monticello= Monticello, Kentucky
2445TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaLos_Angeles= Los Angeles
2446TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaLouisville= Louisville
2447TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaMenominee= Menominee
2448TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaMetlakatla= Metlakatla
2449TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaNew_York= New York
2450TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaNome= Nome
2451TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaNorth_Dakota/Beulah= Beulah, North Dakota
2452TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaNorth_Dakota/Center= Center, North Dakota
2453TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaNorth_Dakota/New_Salem= New Salem, North Dakota
2454TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaPhoenix= Phoenix
2455TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaSitka= Sitka
2456TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AmericaYakutat= Yakutat
2457TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaBelize= Belize
2458TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaCosta_Rica= Costa Rica
2459TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaGuatemala= Guatemala
2460TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaTegucigalpa= Tegucigalpa
2461TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaBahia_Banderas= Bahia Banderas
2462TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaCancun= Cancun
2463TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaChihuahua= Chihuahua
2464TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaHermosillo= Hermosillo
2465TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaMatamoros= Matamoros
2466TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaMazatlan= Mazatlan
2467TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaMerida= Merida
2468TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaMexico_City= Mexico City
2469TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaMonterrey= Monterrey
2470TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaOjinaga= Ojinaga
2471TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaSanta_Isabel= Santa Isabel
2472TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaTijuana= Tijuana
2473TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaManagua= Managua
2474TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaPanama= Panama
2475TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AmericaEl_Salvador= El Salvador
2476TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanAntigua= Antigua
2477TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanAnguilla= Anguilla
2478TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanAruba= Aruba
2479TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanBarbados= Barbados
2480TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanSt_BarthelemySaint Barthélemy St. Barthelemy
2481TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanKralendijk= Kralendijk
2482TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanNassau= Nassau
2483TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanHavana= Havana
2484TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanCuracaoCuraçao Curacao
2485TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanDominica= Dominica
2486TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanSanto_Domingo= Santo Domingo
2487TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanGrenada= Grenada
2488TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanGuadeloupe= Guadeloupe
2489TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanPort-au-Prince= Port-au-Prince
2490TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanJamaica= Jamaica
2491TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanSt_Kitts= St. Kitts
2492TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanCayman= Cayman
2493TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanSt_Lucia= St. Lucia
2494TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanMarigot= Marigot
2495TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanMartinique= Martinique
2496TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanMontserrat= Montserrat
2497TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanPuerto_Rico= Puerto Rico
2498TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanLower_Princes= Lower Prince's Quarter
2499TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanGrand_Turk= Grand Turk
2500TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanPort_of_Spain= Port of Spain
2501TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanSt_Vincent= St. Vincent
2502TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanTortola= Tortola
2503TimezonesTimezone CitiesCaribbeanSt_Thomas= St. Thomas
2504TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaArgentina/La_Rioja= La Rioja
2505TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaArgentina/Rio_Gallegos= Rio Gallegos
2506TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaArgentina/Salta= Salta
2507TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaArgentina/San_Juan= San Juan
2508TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaArgentina/San_Luis= San Luis
2509TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaArgentina/Tucuman= Tucuman
2510TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaArgentina/Ushuaia= Ushuaia
2511TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaBuenos_Aires= Buenos Aires
2512TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaCatamarca= Catamarca
2513TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaCordoba= Cordoba
2514TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaJujuy= Jujuy
2515TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaMendoza= Mendoza
2516TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaLa_Paz= La Paz
2517TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaAraguaina= Araguaina
2518TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaBahia= Bahia
2519TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaBelem= Belem
2520TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaBoa_Vista= Boa Vista
2521TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaCampo_Grande= Campo Grande
2522TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaCuiaba= Cuiaba
2523TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaEirunepe= Eirunepe
2524TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaFortaleza= Fortaleza
2525TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaMaceio= Maceio
2526TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaManaus= Manaus
2527TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaNoronha= Noronha
2528TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaPorto_Velho= Porto Velho
2529TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaRecife= Recife
2530TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaRio_Branco= Rio Branco
2531TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaSantarem= Santarem
2532TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaSao_Paulo= Sao Paulo
2533TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaEaster= Easter
2534TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaSantiago= Santiago
2535TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaBogota= Bogota
2536TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaGalapagos= Galapagos
2537TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaGuayaquil= Guayaquil
2538TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaStanley= Stanley
2539TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaCayenne= Cayenne
2540TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaGuyana= Guyana
2541TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaLima= Lima
2542TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaAsuncionAsunción Asuncion
2543TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaParamaribo= Paramaribo
2544TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaMontevideo= Montevideo
2545TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth AmericaCaracas= Caracas
2546TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AfricaAlgiers= Algiers
2547TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AfricaCairo= Cairo
2548TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AfricaEl_Aaiun= El Aaiun
2549TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AfricaTripoli= Tripoli
2550TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AfricaCasablanca= Casablanca
2551TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AfricaKhartoum= Khartoum
2552TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AfricaJuba= Juba
2553TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern AfricaTunis= Tunis
2554TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaOuagadougou= Ouagadougou
2555TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaPorto-Novo= Porto-Novo
2556TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaAbidjan= Abidjan
2557TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaCape_Verde= Cape Verde
2558TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaAccra= Accra
2559TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaBanjul= Banjul
2560TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaConakry= Conakry
2561TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaBissau= Bissau
2562TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaMonrovia= Monrovia
2563TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaBamako= Bamako
2564TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaNouakchott= Nouakchott
2565TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaNiamey= Niamey
2566TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaLagos= Lagos
2567TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaSt_Helena= St. Helena
2568TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaFreetown= Freetown
2569TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaDakar= Dakar
2570TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AfricaLome= Lome
2571TimezonesTimezone CitiesMiddle AfricaLuanda= Luanda
2572TimezonesTimezone CitiesMiddle AfricaKinshasa= Kinshasa
2573TimezonesTimezone CitiesMiddle AfricaLubumbashi= Lubumbashi
2574TimezonesTimezone CitiesMiddle AfricaBangui= Bangui
2575TimezonesTimezone CitiesMiddle AfricaBrazzaville= Brazzaville
2576TimezonesTimezone CitiesMiddle AfricaDouala= Douala
2577TimezonesTimezone CitiesMiddle AfricaLibreville= Libreville
2578TimezonesTimezone CitiesMiddle AfricaMalabo= Malabo
2579TimezonesTimezone CitiesMiddle AfricaSao_TomeSão Tomé Sao Tome
2580TimezonesTimezone CitiesMiddle AfricaNdjamena= Ndjamena
2581TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaBujumbura= Bujumbura
2582TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaDjibouti= Djibouti
2583TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaAsmera= Asmara
2584TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaAddis_Ababa= Addis Ababa
2585TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaNairobi= Nairobi
2586TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaComoro= Comoro
2587TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaAntananarivo= Antananarivo
2588TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaMauritius= Mauritius
2589TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaBlantyre= Blantyre
2590TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaMaputo= Maputo
2591TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaReunionRéunion Reunion
2592TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaKigali= Kigali
2593TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaMahe= Mahe
2594TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaMogadishu= Mogadishu
2595TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaDar_es_Salaam= Dar es Salaam
2596TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaKampala= Kampala
2597TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaMayotte= Mayotte
2598TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaLusaka= Lusaka
2599TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AfricaHarare= Harare
2600TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern AfricaGaborone= Gaborone
2601TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern AfricaMaseru= Maseru
2602TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern AfricaWindhoek= Windhoek
2603TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern AfricaMbabane= Mbabane
2604TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern AfricaJohannesburg= Johannesburg
2605TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeGuernsey= Guernsey
2606TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeIsle_of_Man= Isle of Man
2607TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeJersey= Jersey
2608TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeMariehamn= Mariehamn
2609TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeCopenhagen= Copenhagen
2610TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeTallinn= Tallinn
2611TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeHelsinki= Helsinki
2612TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeFaeroe= Faroe
2613TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeLondon= London
2614TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeDublin= Dublin
2615TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeReykjavik= Reykjavik
2616TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeVilnius= Vilnius
2617TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeRiga= Riga
2618TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeOslo= Oslo
2619TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeStockholm= Stockholm
2620TimezonesTimezone CitiesNorthern EuropeLongyearbyen= Longyearbyen
2621TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern EuropeVienna= Vienna
2622TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern EuropeBrussels= Brussels
2623TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern EuropeZurich= Zurich
2624TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern EuropeBerlin= Berlin
2625TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern EuropeBusingen= Busingen
2626TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern EuropeParis= Paris
2627TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern EuropeVaduz= Vaduz
2628TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern EuropeLuxembourg= Luxembourg
2629TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern EuropeMonaco= Monaco
2630TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern EuropeAmsterdam= Amsterdam
2631TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeSofia= Sofia
2632TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeMinsk= Minsk
2633TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropePrague= Prague
2634TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeBudapest= Budapest
2635TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeChisinau= Chisinau
2636TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeWarsaw= Warsaw
2637TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeBucharest= Bucharest
2638TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeAnadyr= Anadyr
2639TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeIrkutsk= Irkutsk
2640TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeKaliningrad= Kaliningrad
2641TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeKamchatka= Kamchatka
2642TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeKhandyga= Khandyga
2643TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeKrasnoyarsk= Krasnoyarsk
2644TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeMagadan= Magadan
2645TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeMoscow= Moscow
2646TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeNovokuznetsk= Novokuznetsk
2647TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeNovosibirsk= Novosibirsk
2648TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeOmsk= Omsk
2649TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeSakhalin= Sakhalin
2650TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeSamara= Samara
2651TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeUst-Nera= Ust-Nera
2652TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeVladivostok= Vladivostok
2653TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeVolgograd= Volgograd
2654TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeYakutsk= Yakutsk
2655TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeYekaterinburg= Yekaterinburg
2656TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeBratislava= Bratislava
2657TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeKiev= Kiev
2658TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeSimferopol= Simferopol
2659TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeUzhgorod= Uzhgorod
2660TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern EuropeZaporozhye= Zaporozhye
2661TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeAndorra= Andorra
2662TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeTirane= Tirane
2663TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeSarajevo= Sarajevo
2664TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeCanary= Canary
2665TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeCeuta= Ceuta
2666TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeMadrid= Madrid
2667TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeGibraltar= Gibraltar
2668TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeAthens= Athens
2669TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeZagreb= Zagreb
2670TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeRome= Rome
2671TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropePodgorica= Podgorica
2672TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeSkopje= Skopje
2673TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeMalta= Malta
2674TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeBelgrade= Belgrade
2675TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeAzores= Azores
2676TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeLisbon= Lisbon
2677TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeMadeira= Madeira
2678TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeLjubljana= Ljubljana
2679TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeSan_Marino= San Marino
2680TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern EuropeVatican= Vatican
2681TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaDubai= Dubai
2682TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaYerevan= Yerevan
2683TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaBaku= Baku
2684TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaBahrain= Bahrain
2685TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaNicosia= Nicosia
2686TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaTbilisi= Tbilisi
2687TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaJerusalem= Jerusalem
2688TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaBaghdad= Baghdad
2689TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaAmman= Amman
2690TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaKuwait= Kuwait
2691TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaBeirut= Beirut
2692TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaMuscat= Muscat
2693TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaGaza= Gaza
2694TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaHebron= Hebron
2695TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaQatar= Qatar
2696TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaRiyadh= Riyadh
2697TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaDamascus= Damascus
2698TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaIstanbul= Istanbul
2699TimezonesTimezone CitiesWestern AsiaAden= Aden
2700TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AsiaAshgabat= Ashgabat
2701TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AsiaDushanbe= Dushanbe
2702TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AsiaBishkek= Bishkek
2703TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AsiaAlmaty= Almaty
2704TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AsiaAqtau= Aqtau
2705TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AsiaAqtobe= Aqtobe
2706TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AsiaOral= Oral
2707TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AsiaQyzylorda= Qyzylorda
2708TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AsiaSamarkand= Samarkand
2709TimezonesTimezone CitiesCentral AsiaTashkent= Tashkent
2710TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AsiaChongqing= Chongqing
2711TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AsiaHarbin= Harbin
2712TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AsiaKashgar= Kashgar
2713TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AsiaShanghai= Shanghai
2714TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AsiaUrumqi= Urumqi
2715TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AsiaHong_Kong= Hong Kong
2716TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AsiaTokyo= Tokyo
2717TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AsiaPyongyang= Pyongyang
2718TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AsiaSeoul= Seoul
2719TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AsiaChoibalsan= Choibalsan
2720TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AsiaHovd= Hovd
2721TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AsiaUlaanbaatar= Ulaanbaatar
2722TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AsiaMacau= Macau
2723TimezonesTimezone CitiesEastern AsiaTaipei= Taipei
2724TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern AsiaKabul= Kabul
2725TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern AsiaDhaka= Dhaka
2726TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern AsiaThimphu= Thimphu
2727TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern AsiaCalcutta= Kolkata
2728TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern AsiaTehran= Tehran
2729TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern AsiaColombo= Colombo
2730TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern AsiaMaldives= Maldives
2731TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern AsiaKatmandu= Kathmandu
2732TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouthern AsiaKarachi= Karachi
2733TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth-Eastern AsiaBrunei= Brunei
2734TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth-Eastern AsiaJakarta= Jakarta
2735TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth-Eastern AsiaJayapura= Jayapura
2736TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth-Eastern AsiaMakassar= Makassar
2737TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth-Eastern AsiaPontianak= Pontianak
2738TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth-Eastern AsiaPhnom_Penh= Phnom Penh
2739TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth-Eastern AsiaVientiane= Vientiane
2740TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth-Eastern AsiaRangoon= Rangoon
2741TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth-Eastern AsiaKuala_Lumpur= Kuala Lumpur
2742TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth-Eastern AsiaKuching= Kuching
2743TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth-Eastern AsiaManila= Manila
2744TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth-Eastern AsiaSingapore= Singapore
2745TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth-Eastern AsiaBangkok= Bangkok
2746TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth-Eastern AsiaDili= Dili
2747TimezonesTimezone CitiesSouth-Eastern AsiaSaigonHo Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh
2748TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaAdelaide= Adelaide
2749TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaBrisbane= Brisbane
2750TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaBroken_Hill= Broken Hill
2751TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaCurrie= Currie
2752TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaDarwin= Darwin
2753TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaEucla= Eucla
2754TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaHobart= Hobart
2755TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaLindeman= Lindeman
2756TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaLord_Howe= Lord Howe
2757TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaMacquarie= Macquarie
2758TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaMelbourne= Melbourne
2759TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaPerth= Perth
2760TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaSydney= Sydney
2761TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaNorfolk= Norfolk
2762TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaAuckland= Auckland
2763TimezonesTimezone CitiesAustralasiaChatham= Chatham
2764TimezonesTimezone CitiesMelanesiaFiji= Fiji
2765TimezonesTimezone CitiesMelanesiaNoumea= Noumea
2766TimezonesTimezone CitiesMelanesiaPort_Moresby= Port Moresby
2767TimezonesTimezone CitiesMelanesiaGuadalcanal= Guadalcanal
2768TimezonesTimezone CitiesMelanesiaEfate= Efate
2769TimezonesTimezone CitiesMicronesian RegionKosrae= Kosrae
2770TimezonesTimezone CitiesMicronesian RegionPonape= Pohnpei
2771TimezonesTimezone CitiesMicronesian RegionTruk= Chuuk
2772TimezonesTimezone CitiesMicronesian RegionGuam= Guam
2773TimezonesTimezone CitiesMicronesian RegionEnderbury= Enderbury
2774TimezonesTimezone CitiesMicronesian RegionKiritimati= Kiritimati
2775TimezonesTimezone CitiesMicronesian RegionTarawa= Tarawa
2776TimezonesTimezone CitiesMicronesian RegionKwajalein= Kwajalein
2777TimezonesTimezone CitiesMicronesian RegionMajuro= Majuro
2778TimezonesTimezone CitiesMicronesian RegionSaipan= Saipan
2779TimezonesTimezone CitiesMicronesian RegionNauru= Nauru
2780TimezonesTimezone CitiesMicronesian RegionPalau= Palau
2781TimezonesTimezone CitiesPolynesiaPago_Pago= Pago Pago
2782TimezonesTimezone CitiesPolynesiaRarotonga= Rarotonga
2783TimezonesTimezone CitiesPolynesiaNiue= Niue
2784TimezonesTimezone CitiesPolynesiaGambier= Gambier
2785TimezonesTimezone CitiesPolynesiaMarquesas= Marquesas
2786TimezonesTimezone CitiesPolynesiaTahiti= Tahiti
2787TimezonesTimezone CitiesPolynesiaPitcairn= Pitcairn
2788TimezonesTimezone CitiesPolynesiaFakaofo= Fakaofo
2789TimezonesTimezone CitiesPolynesiaTongatapu= Tongatapu
2790TimezonesTimezone CitiesPolynesiaFunafuti= Funafuti
2791TimezonesTimezone CitiesPolynesiaWallis= Wallis
2792TimezonesTimezone CitiesPolynesiaApia= Apia
2793TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaCasey= Casey
2794TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaDavis= Davis
2795TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaDumontDUrville= Dumont d’Urville
2796TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaMawson= Mawson
2797TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaMcMurdo= McMurdo
2798TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaPalmer= Palmer
2799TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaRothera= Rothera
2800TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaSyowa= Syowa
2801TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaVostok= Vostok
2802TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaCocos= Cocos
2803TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaChristmas= Christmas
2804TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaSouth_Georgia= South Georgia
2805TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaChagos= Chagos
2806TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaKerguelen= Kerguelen
2807TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaJohnston= Johnston
2808TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaMidway= Midway
2809TimezonesTimezone CitiesOutlying OceaniaWake= Wake
2810NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)decimal= ٫
2811NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)group= ٬
2812NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)plusSign= ‏+
2813NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)minusSign= ‏-
2814NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)percentSign= ٪
2815NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)perMille= ؉
2816NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)exponential= اس
2817NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)superscriptingExponent= ×
2818NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)infinity=
2819NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)nan= NaN
2820NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Arabic-Indic Digits (arab)list= ؛
2821NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)decimal= ٫
2822NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)group= ٬
2823NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)plusSign= ‎+‎
2824NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)minusSign= ‎-‎
2825NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)percentSign= ٪
2826NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)perMille= ؉
2827NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)exponential= ×۱۰^
2828NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)superscriptingExponent= ×
2829NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)infinity=
2830NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)nan= NaN
2831NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Extended Arabic-Indic Digits (arabext)list= ؛
2832NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Western Digits (latn)decimal. ,
2833NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Western Digits (latn)group, .
2834NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Western Digits (latn)plusSign= +
2835NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Western Digits (latn)minusSign= -
2836NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Western Digits (latn)percentSign= %
2837NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Western Digits (latn)perMille=
2838NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Western Digits (latn)exponential= E
2839NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Western Digits (latn)superscriptingExponent= ×
2840NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Western Digits (latn)infinity=
2841NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Western Digits (latn)nan= NaN
2842NumbersSymbolsSymbols when using Western Digits (latn)list= ;
2843NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns when using Western Digits (latn)standard-decimal= #,##0.###
2844NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns when using Western Digits (latn)standard-currency¤#,##0.00 ¤ #,##0.00
2845NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns when using Western Digits (latn)standard-percent= #,##0%
2846NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsStandard Patterns when using Western Digits (latn)standard-scientific= #E0
2847NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsCurrency Unit Patterns when using Western Digits (latn)currencies-other= {0} {1}
2848NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns when using Western Digits (latn)atLeast{0}+ ⩾{0}
2849NumbersNumber Formatting PatternsMiscellaneous Patterns when using Western Digits (latn)range= {0}–{1}
2850NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats when using Western Digits (latn)4-digits-short-other= 0K
2851NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats when using Western Digits (latn)5-digits-short-other= 00K
2852NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats when using Western Digits (latn)6-digits-short-other= 000K
2853NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats when using Western Digits (latn)7-digits-short-other= 0M
2854NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats when using Western Digits (latn)8-digits-short-other= 00M
2855NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats when using Western Digits (latn)9-digits-short-other= 000M
2856NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats when using Western Digits (latn)10-digits-short-other0B 0G
2857NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats when using Western Digits (latn)11-digits-short-other00B 00G
2858NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats when using Western Digits (latn)12-digits-short-other000B 000G
2859NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats when using Western Digits (latn)13-digits-short-other= 0T
2860NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats when using Western Digits (latn)14-digits-short-other= 00T
2861NumbersCompact Decimal FormattingShort Formats when using Western Digits (latn)15-digits-short-other= 000T
2862CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-nameBermudan Dollar BMD
2863CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-symbol-narrow= $
2864CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: BermudaBMD-symbol= BMD
2865CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-nameCanadian Dollar CAD
2866CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-symbol-narrow= $
2867CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: CanadaCAD-symbol= CA$
2868CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-nameUS Dollar USD
2869CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-symbol-narrow= $
2870CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United StatesUSD-symbol$ US$
2871CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (Not Current Tender)USN-nameUS Dollar (Next day) USN
2872CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USN (Not Current Tender)USN-symbol= USN
2873CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (Not Current Tender)USS-nameUS Dollar (Same day) USS
2874CurrenciesNorth America (C)Northern America: United States: USS (Not Current Tender)USS-symbol= USS
2875CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-nameBelize Dollar BZD
2876CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-symbol-narrow= $
2877CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: BelizeBZD-symbol= BZD
2878CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-nameCosta Rican Colón CRC
2879CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-symbol-narrow=
2880CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Costa RicaCRC-symbol= CRC
2881CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-nameGuatemalan Quetzal GTQ
2882CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: GuatemalaGTQ-symbol= GTQ
2883CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-nameHonduran Lempira HNL
2884CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: HondurasHNL-symbol= HNL
2885CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-nameMexican Peso MXN
2886CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-symbol-narrow= $
2887CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: MexicoMXN-symbol= MX$
2888CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXP (Not Current Tender)MXP-nameMexican Silver Peso (1861–1992) MXP
2889CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXP (Not Current Tender)MXP-symbol= MXP
2890CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXV (Not Current Tender)MXV-nameMexican Investment Unit MXV
2891CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Mexico: MXV (Not Current Tender)MXV-symbol= MXV
2892CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-nameNicaraguan Córdoba NIO
2893CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: NicaraguaNIO-symbol= NIO
2894CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (Not Current Tender)NIC-nameNicaraguan Córdoba (1988–1991) NIC
2895CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: Nicaragua: NIC (Not Current Tender)NIC-symbol= NIC
2896CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-namePanamanian Balboa PAB
2897CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: PanamaPAB-symbol= PAB
2898CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: El Salvador: SVC (Not Current Tender)SVC-nameSalvadoran Colón SVC
2899CurrenciesNorth America (C)Central America: El Salvador: SVC (Not Current Tender)SVC-symbol= SVC
2900CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-nameAruban Florin AWG
2901CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: ArubaAWG-symbol= AWG
2902CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-nameBarbadian Dollar BBD
2903CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-symbol-narrow= $
2904CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BarbadosBBD-symbol= BBD
2905CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-nameBahamian Dollar BSD
2906CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-symbol-narrow= $
2907CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: BahamasBSD-symbol= BSD
2908CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUC-nameCuban Convertible Peso CUC
2909CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-nameCuban Peso CUP
2910CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-symbol-narrow= $
2911CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUC-symbol= CUC
2912CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CubaCUP-symbol= CUP
2913CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-nameNetherlands Antillean Guilder ANG
2914CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: CuraçaoANG-symbol= ANG
2915CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-nameDominican Peso DOP
2916CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-symbol-narrow= $
2917CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Dominican RepublicDOP-symbol= DOP
2918CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-nameHaitian Gourde HTG
2919CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: HaitiHTG-symbol= HTG
2920CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-nameJamaican Dollar JMD
2921CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-symbol-narrow= $
2922CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: JamaicaJMD-symbol= JMD
2923CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-nameCayman Islands Dollar KYD
2924CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-symbol-narrow= $
2925CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Cayman IslandsKYD-symbol= KYD
2926CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Saint LuciaXCD-nameEast Caribbean Dollar XCD
2927CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Saint LuciaXCD-symbol= EC$
2928CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad and TobagoTTD-nameTrinidad and Tobago Dollar TTD
2929CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad and TobagoTTD-symbol-narrow= $
2930CurrenciesNorth America (C)Caribbean: Trinidad and TobagoTTD-symbol= TTD
2931CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-nameArgentine Peso ARS
2932CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-symbol-narrow= $
2933CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ArgentinaARS-symbol= ARS
2934CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARA (Not Current Tender)ARA-nameArgentine Austral ARA
2935CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARA (Not Current Tender)ARA-symbol= ARA
2936CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARL (Not Current Tender)ARL-nameArgentine Peso Ley (1970–1983) ARL
2937CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARL (Not Current Tender)ARL-symbol= ARL
2938CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARM (Not Current Tender)ARM-nameArgentine Peso (1881–1970) ARM
2939CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARM (Not Current Tender)ARM-symbol= ARM
2940CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARP (Not Current Tender)ARP-nameArgentine Peso (1983–1985) ARP
2941CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Argentina: ARP (Not Current Tender)ARP-symbol= ARP
2942CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-nameBolivian Boliviano BOB
2943CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BoliviaBOB-symbol= BOB
2944CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOL (Not Current Tender)BOL-nameBolivian Boliviano (1863–1963) BOL
2945CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOL (Not Current Tender)BOL-symbol= BOL
2946CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOP (Not Current Tender)BOP-nameBolivian Peso BOP
2947CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOP (Not Current Tender)BOP-symbol= BOP
2948CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOV (Not Current Tender)BOV-nameBolivian Mvdol BOV
2949CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Bolivia: BOV (Not Current Tender)BOV-symbol= BOV
2950CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-nameBrazilian Real BRL
2951CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-symbol-narrow= R$
2952CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: BrazilBRL-symbol= R$
2953CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRB (Not Current Tender)BRB-nameBrazilian New Cruzeiro (1967–1986) BRB
2954CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRB (Not Current Tender)BRB-symbol= BRB
2955CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRC (Not Current Tender)BRC-nameBrazilian Cruzado (1986–1989) BRC
2956CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRC (Not Current Tender)BRC-symbol= BRC
2957CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRE (Not Current Tender)BRE-nameBrazilian Cruzeiro (1990–1993) BRE
2958CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRE (Not Current Tender)BRE-symbol= BRE
2959CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRN (Not Current Tender)BRN-nameBrazilian New Cruzado (1989–1990) BRN
2960CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRN (Not Current Tender)BRN-symbol= BRN
2961CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRR (Not Current Tender)BRR-nameBrazilian Cruzeiro (1993–1994) BRR
2962CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRR (Not Current Tender)BRR-symbol= BRR
2963CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRZ (Not Current Tender)BRZ-nameBrazilian Cruzeiro (1942–1967) BRZ
2964CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Brazil: BRZ (Not Current Tender)BRZ-symbol= BRZ
2965CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-nameChilean Peso CLP
2966CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-symbol-narrow= $
2967CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ChileCLP-symbol= CLP
2968CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLE (Not Current Tender)CLE-nameChilean Escudo CLE
2969CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLE (Not Current Tender)CLE-symbol= CLE
2970CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLF (Not Current Tender)CLF-nameChilean Unit of Account (UF) CLF
2971CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Chile: CLF (Not Current Tender)CLF-symbol= CLF
2972CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-nameColombian Peso COP
2973CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-symbol-narrow= $
2974CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ColombiaCOP-symbol= COP
2975CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Colombia: COU (Not Current Tender)COU-nameColombian Real Value Unit COU
2976CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Colombia: COU (Not Current Tender)COU-symbol= COU
2977CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECS (Not Current Tender)ECS-nameEcuadorian Sucre ECS
2978CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECS (Not Current Tender)ECS-symbol= ECS
2979CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECV (Not Current Tender)ECV-nameEcuadorian Unit of Constant Value ECV
2980CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Ecuador: ECV (Not Current Tender)ECV-symbol= ECV
2981CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-nameFalkland Islands Pound FKP
2982CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Falkland IslandsFKP-symbol= FKP
2983CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-nameGuyanaese Dollar GYD
2984CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-symbol-narrow= $
2985CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: GuyanaGYD-symbol= GYD
2986CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-namePeruvian Nuevo Sol PEN
2987CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: PeruPEN-symbol= PEN
2988CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PEI (Not Current Tender)PEI-namePeruvian Inti PEI
2989CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PEI (Not Current Tender)PEI-symbol= PEI
2990CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PES (Not Current Tender)PES-namePeruvian Sol (1863–1965) PES
2991CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Peru: PES (Not Current Tender)PES-symbol= PES
2992CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-nameParaguayan Guarani PYG
2993CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-symbol-narrow=
2994CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: ParaguayPYG-symbol= PYG
2995CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-nameSurinamese Dollar SRD
2996CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-symbol-narrow= $
2997CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: SurinameSRD-symbol= SRD
2998CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Suriname: SRG (Not Current Tender)SRG-nameSurinamese Guilder SRG
2999CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Suriname: SRG (Not Current Tender)SRG-symbol= SRG
3000CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-nameUruguayan Peso UYU
3001CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-symbol-narrow= $
3002CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: UruguayUYU-symbol= UYU
3003CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYI (Not Current Tender)UYI-nameUruguayan Peso (Indexed Units) UYI
3004CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYI (Not Current Tender)UYI-symbol= UYI
3005CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYP (Not Current Tender)UYP-nameUruguayan Peso (1975–1993) UYP
3006CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Uruguay: UYP (Not Current Tender)UYP-symbol= UYP
3007CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVEF-nameVenezuelan Bolívar VEF
3008CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: VenezuelaVEF-symbol= VEF
3009CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEB (Not Current Tender)VEB-nameVenezuelan Bolívar (1871–2008) VEB
3010CurrenciesSouth America (C)South America: Venezuela: VEB (Not Current Tender)VEB-symbol= VEB
3011CurrenciesEurope (C)Europe: European UnionEUR-nameEuro EUR
3012CurrenciesEurope (C)Europe: European UnionEUR-symbol-narrow=
3013CurrenciesEurope (C)Europe: European UnionEUR-symbol=
3014CurrenciesEurope (C)Europe: European Union: XEU (Not Current Tender)XEU-nameEuropean Currency Unit XEU
3015CurrenciesEurope (C)Europe: European Union: XEU (Not Current Tender)XEU-symbol= XEU
3016CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: DenmarkDKK-nameDanish Krone DKK
3017CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: DenmarkDKK-symbol= DKK
3018CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: Estonia: EEK (Not Current Tender)EEK-nameEstonian Kroon EEK
3019CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: Estonia: EEK (Not Current Tender)EEK-symbol= EEK
3020CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: Finland: FIM (Not Current Tender)FIM-nameFinnish Markka FIM
3021CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: Finland: FIM (Not Current Tender)FIM-symbol= FIM
3022CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: United KingdomGBP-nameBritish Pound Sterling GBP
3023CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: United KingdomGBP-symbol-narrow= £
3024CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: United KingdomGBP-symbol= £
3025CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: Ireland: IEP (Not Current Tender)IEP-nameIrish Pound IEP
3026CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: Ireland: IEP (Not Current Tender)IEP-symbol= IEP
3027CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: IcelandISK-nameIcelandic Króna ISK
3028CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: IcelandISK-symbol= ISK
3029CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: LithuaniaLTL-nameLithuanian Litas LTL
3030CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: LithuaniaLTL-symbol= LTL
3031CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (Not Current Tender)LTT-nameLithuanian Talonas LTT
3032CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: Lithuania: LTT (Not Current Tender)LTT-symbol= LTT
3033CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: Latvia: LVL (Not Current Tender)LVL-nameLatvian Lats LVL
3034CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: Latvia: LVL (Not Current Tender)LVL-symbol= LVL
3035CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: Latvia: LVR (Not Current Tender)LVR-nameLatvian Ruble LVR
3036CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: Latvia: LVR (Not Current Tender)LVR-symbol= LVR
3037CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: NorwayNOK-nameNorwegian Krone NOK
3038CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: NorwayNOK-symbol= NOK
3039CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: SwedenSEK-nameSwedish Krona SEK
3040CurrenciesEurope (C)Northern Europe: SwedenSEK-symbol= SEK
3041CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Austria: ATS (Not Current Tender)ATS-nameAustrian Schilling ATS
3042CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Austria: ATS (Not Current Tender)ATS-symbol= ATS
3043CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Belgium: BEC (Not Current Tender)BEC-nameBelgian Franc (convertible) BEC
3044CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Belgium: BEC (Not Current Tender)BEC-symbol= BEC
3045CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Belgium: BEF (Not Current Tender)BEF-nameBelgian Franc BEF
3046CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Belgium: BEF (Not Current Tender)BEF-symbol= BEF
3047CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Belgium: BEL (Not Current Tender)BEL-nameBelgian Franc (financial) BEL
3048CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Belgium: BEL (Not Current Tender)BEL-symbol= BEL
3049CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-nameSwiss Franc CHF
3050CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: SwitzerlandCHF-symbol= CHF
3051CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Switzerland: CHE (Not Current Tender)CHE-nameWIR Euro CHE
3052CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Switzerland: CHE (Not Current Tender)CHE-symbol= CHE
3053CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Switzerland: CHW (Not Current Tender)CHW-nameWIR Franc CHW
3054CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Switzerland: CHW (Not Current Tender)CHW-symbol= CHW
3055CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Germany: DDM (Not Current Tender)DDM-nameEast German Mark DDM
3056CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Germany: DDM (Not Current Tender)DDM-symbol= DDM
3057CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Germany: DEM (Not Current Tender)DEM-nameGerman Mark DEM
3058CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Germany: DEM (Not Current Tender)DEM-symbol= DEM
3059CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: France: FRF (Not Current Tender)FRF-nameFrench Franc FRF
3060CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: France: FRF (Not Current Tender)FRF-symbol= FRF
3061CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (Not Current Tender)LUC-nameLuxembourgian Convertible Franc LUC
3062CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUC (Not Current Tender)LUC-symbol= LUC
3063CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (Not Current Tender)LUF-nameLuxembourgian Franc LUF
3064CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUF (Not Current Tender)LUF-symbol= LUF
3065CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (Not Current Tender)LUL-nameLuxembourg Financial Franc LUL
3066CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Luxembourg: LUL (Not Current Tender)LUL-symbol= LUL
3067CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Monaco: MCF (Not Current Tender)MCF-nameMonegasque Franc MCF
3068CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Monaco: MCF (Not Current Tender)MCF-symbol= MCF
3069CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Netherlands: NLG (Not Current Tender)NLG-nameDutch Guilder NLG
3070CurrenciesEurope (C)Western Europe: Netherlands: NLG (Not Current Tender)NLG-symbol= NLG
3071CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-nameBulgarian Lev BGN
3072CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: BulgariaBGN-symbol= BGN
3073CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGL (Not Current Tender)BGL-nameBulgarian Hard Lev BGL
3074CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGL (Not Current Tender)BGL-symbol= BGL
3075CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (Not Current Tender)BGM-nameBulgarian Socialist Lev BGM
3076CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGM (Not Current Tender)BGM-symbol= BGM
3077CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (Not Current Tender)BGO-nameBulgarian Lev (1879–1952) BGO
3078CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Bulgaria: BGO (Not Current Tender)BGO-symbol= BGO
3079CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: BelarusBYR-nameBelarusian Ruble BYR
3080CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: BelarusBYR-symbol-narrow= р.
3081CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: BelarusBYR-symbol= BYR
3082CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Belarus: BYB (Not Current Tender)BYB-nameBelarusian New Ruble (1994–1999) BYB
3083CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Belarus: BYB (Not Current Tender)BYB-symbol= BYB
3084CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Czech RepublicCZK-nameCzech Republic Koruna CZK
3085CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Czech RepublicCZK-symbol= CZK
3086CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Czech Republic: CSK (Not Current Tender)CSK-nameCzechoslovak Hard Koruna CSK
3087CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Czech Republic: CSK (Not Current Tender)CSK-symbol= CSK
3088CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: HungaryHUF-nameHungarian Forint HUF
3089CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: HungaryHUF-symbol= HUF
3090CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-nameMoldovan Leu MDL
3091CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: MoldovaMDL-symbol= MDL
3092CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Moldova: MDC (Not Current Tender)MDC-nameMoldovan Cupon MDC
3093CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Moldova: MDC (Not Current Tender)MDC-symbol= MDC
3094CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: PolandPLN-namePolish Zloty PLN
3095CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: PolandPLN-symbol= PLN
3096CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (Not Current Tender)PLZ-namePolish Zloty (1950–1995) PLZ
3097CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Poland: PLZ (Not Current Tender)PLZ-symbol= PLZ
3098CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: RomaniaRON-nameRomanian Leu RON
3099CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: RomaniaRON-symbol= RON
3100CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Romania: ROL (Not Current Tender)ROL-nameRomanian Leu (1952–2006) ROL
3101CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Romania: ROL (Not Current Tender)ROL-symbol= ROL
3102CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: RussiaRUB-nameRussian Ruble RUB
3103CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: RussiaRUB-symbol= RUB
3104CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Russia: RUR (Not Current Tender)RUR-nameRussian Ruble (1991–1998) RUR
3105CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Russia: RUR (Not Current Tender)RUR-symbol-narrow= р.
3106CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Russia: RUR (Not Current Tender)RUR-symbol= RUR
3107CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Russia: SUR (Not Current Tender)SUR-nameSoviet Rouble SUR
3108CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Russia: SUR (Not Current Tender)SUR-symbol= SUR
3109CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (Not Current Tender)SKK-nameSlovak Koruna SKK
3110CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Slovakia: SKK (Not Current Tender)SKK-symbol= SKK
3111CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: UkraineUAH-nameUkrainian Hryvnia UAH
3112CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: UkraineUAH-symbol-narrow=
3113CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: UkraineUAH-symbol= UAH
3114CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (Not Current Tender)UAK-nameUkrainian Karbovanets UAK
3115CurrenciesEurope (C)Eastern Europe: Ukraine: UAK (Not Current Tender)UAK-symbol= UAK
3116CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Andorra: ADP (Not Current Tender)ADP-nameAndorran Peseta ADP
3117CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Andorra: ADP (Not Current Tender)ADP-symbol= ADP
3118CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: AlbaniaALL-nameAlbanian Lek ALL
3119CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: AlbaniaALL-symbol= ALL
3120CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Bosnia and HerzegovinaBAM-nameBosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark BAM
3121CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Bosnia and HerzegovinaBAM-symbol= BAM
3122CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Bosnia and Herzegovina: BAD (Not Current Tender)BAD-nameBosnia-Herzegovina Dinar (1992–1994) BAD
3123CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Bosnia and Herzegovina: BAD (Not Current Tender)BAD-symbol= BAD
3124CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Bosnia and Herzegovina: BAN (Not Current Tender)BAN-nameBosnia-Herzegovina New Dinar (1994–1997) BAN
3125CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Bosnia and Herzegovina: BAN (Not Current Tender)BAN-symbol= BAN
3126CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Spain: ESA (Not Current Tender)ESA-nameSpanish Peseta (A account) ESA
3127CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Spain: ESA (Not Current Tender)ESA-symbol= ESA
3128CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Spain: ESB (Not Current Tender)ESB-nameSpanish Peseta (convertible account) ESB
3129CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Spain: ESB (Not Current Tender)ESB-symbol= ESB
3130CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Spain: ESP (Not Current Tender)ESP-nameSpanish Peseta ESP
3131CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Spain: ESP (Not Current Tender)ESP-symbol-narrow=
3132CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Spain: ESP (Not Current Tender)ESP-symbol= ESP
3133CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: GibraltarGIP-nameGibraltar Pound GIP
3134CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: GibraltarGIP-symbol-narrow= £
3135CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: GibraltarGIP-symbol= GIP
3136CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Greece: GRD (Not Current Tender)GRD-nameGreek Drachma GRD
3137CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Greece: GRD (Not Current Tender)GRD-symbol= GRD
3138CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: CroatiaHRK-nameCroatian Kuna HRK
3139CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: CroatiaHRK-symbol= HRK
3140CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Croatia: HRD (Not Current Tender)HRD-nameCroatian Dinar HRD
3141CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Croatia: HRD (Not Current Tender)HRD-symbol= HRD
3142CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Italy: ITL (Not Current Tender)ITL-nameItalian Lira ITL
3143CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Italy: ITL (Not Current Tender)ITL-symbol= ITL
3144CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: MacedoniaMKD-nameMacedonian Denar MKD
3145CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: MacedoniaMKD-symbol= MKD
3146CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Macedonia: MKN (Not Current Tender)MKN-nameMacedonian Denar (1992–1993) MKN
3147CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Macedonia: MKN (Not Current Tender)MKN-symbol= MKN
3148CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Malta: MTL (Not Current Tender)MTL-nameMaltese Lira MTL
3149CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Malta: MTL (Not Current Tender)MTL-symbol= MTL
3150CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Malta: MTP (Not Current Tender)MTP-nameMaltese Pound MTP
3151CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Malta: MTP (Not Current Tender)MTP-symbol= MTP
3152CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: SerbiaRSD-nameSerbian Dinar RSD
3153CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: SerbiaRSD-symbol= RSD
3154CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Serbia: CSD (Not Current Tender)CSD-nameSerbian Dinar (2002–2006) CSD
3155CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Serbia: CSD (Not Current Tender)CSD-symbol= CSD
3156CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Serbia: YUD (Not Current Tender)YUD-nameYugoslavian Hard Dinar (1966–1990) YUD
3157CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Serbia: YUD (Not Current Tender)YUD-symbol= YUD
3158CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Serbia: YUM (Not Current Tender)YUM-nameYugoslavian New Dinar (1994–2002) YUM
3159CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Serbia: YUM (Not Current Tender)YUM-symbol= YUM
3160CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Serbia: YUN (Not Current Tender)YUN-nameYugoslavian Convertible Dinar (1990–1992) YUN
3161CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Serbia: YUN (Not Current Tender)YUN-symbol= YUN
3162CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Serbia: YUR (Not Current Tender)YUR-nameYugoslavian Reformed Dinar (1992–1993) YUR
3163CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Serbia: YUR (Not Current Tender)YUR-symbol= YUR
3164CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Portugal: PTE (Not Current Tender)PTE-namePortuguese Escudo PTE
3165CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Portugal: PTE (Not Current Tender)PTE-symbol= PTE
3166CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (Not Current Tender)SIT-nameSlovenian Tolar SIT
3167CurrenciesEurope (C)Southern Europe: Slovenia: SIT (Not Current Tender)SIT-symbol= SIT
3168CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-nameAlgerian Dinar DZD
3169CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: AlgeriaDZD-symbol= DZD
3170CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: EgyptEGP-nameEgyptian Pound EGP
3171CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: EgyptEGP-symbol= EGP
3172CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: LibyaLYD-nameLibyan Dinar LYD
3173CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: LibyaLYD-symbol= LYD
3174CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: MoroccoMAD-nameMoroccan Dirham MAD
3175CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: MoroccoMAD-symbol= MAD
3176CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: Morocco: MAF (Not Current Tender)MAF-nameMoroccan Franc MAF
3177CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: Morocco: MAF (Not Current Tender)MAF-symbol= MAF
3178CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: SudanSDG-nameSudanese Pound SDG
3179CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: SudanSDG-symbol= SDG
3180CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: Sudan: SDD (Not Current Tender)SDD-nameSudanese Dinar (1992–2007) SDD
3181CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: Sudan: SDD (Not Current Tender)SDD-symbol= SDD
3182CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: Sudan: SDP (Not Current Tender)SDP-nameSudanese Pound (1957–1998) SDP
3183CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: Sudan: SDP (Not Current Tender)SDP-symbol= SDP
3184CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: South SudanSSP-nameSouth Sudanese Pound SSP
3185CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: South SudanSSP-symbol-narrow= £
3186CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: South SudanSSP-symbol= SSP
3187CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: TunisiaTND-nameTunisian Dinar TND
3188CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Northern Africa: TunisiaTND-symbol= TND
3189CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-nameCFA Franc BCEAO XOF
3190CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Côte d’IvoireXOF-symbol= CFA
3191CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-nameCape Verdean Escudo CVE
3192CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Cape VerdeCVE-symbol= CVE
3193CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: GhanaGHS-nameGhanaian Cedi GHS
3194CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: GhanaGHS-symbol-narrow=
3195CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: GhanaGHS-symbol= GHS
3196CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Ghana: GHC (Not Current Tender)GHC-nameGhanaian Cedi (1979–2007) GHC
3197CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Ghana: GHC (Not Current Tender)GHC-symbol= GHC
3198CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: GambiaGMD-nameGambian Dalasi GMD
3199CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: GambiaGMD-symbol= GMD
3200CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: GuineaGNF-nameGuinean Franc GNF
3201CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: GuineaGNF-symbol= GNF
3202CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Guinea: GNS (Not Current Tender)GNS-nameGuinean Syli GNS
3203CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Guinea: GNS (Not Current Tender)GNS-symbol= GNS
3204CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWE (Not Current Tender)GWE-namePortuguese Guinea Escudo GWE
3205CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWE (Not Current Tender)GWE-symbol= GWE
3206CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (Not Current Tender)GWP-nameGuinea-Bissau Peso GWP
3207CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Guinea-Bissau: GWP (Not Current Tender)GWP-symbol= GWP
3208CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: LiberiaLRD-nameLiberian Dollar LRD
3209CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: LiberiaLRD-symbol-narrow= $
3210CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: LiberiaLRD-symbol= LRD
3211CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Mali: MLF (Not Current Tender)MLF-nameMalian Franc MLF
3212CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Mali: MLF (Not Current Tender)MLF-symbol= MLF
3213CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: MauritaniaMRO-nameMauritanian Ouguiya MRO
3214CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: MauritaniaMRO-symbol= MRO
3215CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: NigeriaNGN-nameNigerian Naira NGN
3216CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: NigeriaNGN-symbol-narrow=
3217CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: NigeriaNGN-symbol= NGN
3218CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Saint HelenaSHP-nameSaint Helena Pound SHP
3219CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Saint HelenaSHP-symbol= SHP
3220CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Sierra LeoneSLL-nameSierra Leonean Leone SLL
3221CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Western Africa: Sierra LeoneSLL-symbol= SLL
3222CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: AngolaAOA-nameAngolan Kwanza AOA
3223CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: AngolaAOA-symbol= AOA
3224CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: Angola: AOK (Not Current Tender)AOK-nameAngolan Kwanza (1977–1991) AOK
3225CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: Angola: AOK (Not Current Tender)AOK-symbol= AOK
3226CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: Angola: AON (Not Current Tender)AON-nameAngolan New Kwanza (1990–2000) AON
3227CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: Angola: AON (Not Current Tender)AON-symbol= AON
3228CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: Angola: AOR (Not Current Tender)AOR-nameAngolan Readjusted Kwanza (1995–1999) AOR
3229CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: Angola: AOR (Not Current Tender)AOR-symbol= AOR
3230CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-nameCongolese Franc CDF
3231CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: Congo - KinshasaCDF-symbol= CDF
3232CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (Not Current Tender)ZRN-nameZairean New Zaire (1993–1998) ZRN
3233CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRN (Not Current Tender)ZRN-symbol= ZRN
3234CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (Not Current Tender)ZRZ-nameZairean Zaire (1971–1993) ZRZ
3235CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa: ZRZ (Not Current Tender)ZRZ-symbol= ZRZ
3236CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: CameroonXAF-nameCFA Franc BEAC XAF
3237CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: CameroonXAF-symbol= FCFA
3238CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (Not Current Tender)GQE-nameEquatorial Guinean Ekwele GQE
3239CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: Equatorial Guinea: GQE (Not Current Tender)GQE-symbol= GQE
3240CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: São Tomé and PríncipeSTD-nameSão Tomé and Príncipe Dobra STD
3241CurrenciesNorthern/Western Africa (C)Middle Africa: São Tomé and PríncipeSTD-symbol= STD
3242CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: BurundiBIF-nameBurundian Franc BIF
3243CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: BurundiBIF-symbol= BIF
3244CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-nameDjiboutian Franc DJF
3245CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: DjiboutiDJF-symbol= DJF
3246CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: EritreaERN-nameEritrean Nakfa ERN
3247CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: EritreaERN-symbol= ERN
3248CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-nameEthiopian Birr ETB
3249CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: EthiopiaETB-symbol= ETB
3250CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: KenyaKES-nameKenyan Shilling KES
3251CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: KenyaKES-symbol= KES
3252CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: ComorosKMF-nameComorian Franc KMF
3253CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: ComorosKMF-symbol= KMF
3254CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-nameMalagasy Ariary MGA
3255CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: MadagascarMGA-symbol= MGA
3256CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (Not Current Tender)MGF-nameMalagasy Franc MGF
3257CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Madagascar: MGF (Not Current Tender)MGF-symbol= MGF
3258CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-nameMauritian Rupee MUR
3259CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: MauritiusMUR-symbol= MUR
3260CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: MalawiMWK-nameMalawian Kwacha MWK
3261CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: MalawiMWK-symbol= MWK
3262CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-nameMozambican Metical MZN
3263CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: MozambiqueMZN-symbolMZN MTn
3264CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (Not Current Tender)MZE-nameMozambican Escudo MZE
3265CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Mozambique: MZE (Not Current Tender)MZE-symbol= MZE
3266CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (Not Current Tender)MZM-nameMozambican Metical (1980–2006) MZM
3267CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Mozambique: MZM (Not Current Tender)MZM-symbol= MZM
3268CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: RwandaRWF-nameRwandan Franc RWF
3269CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: RwandaRWF-symbol= RWF
3270CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-nameSeychellois Rupee SCR
3271CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: SeychellesSCR-symbol= SCR
3272CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-nameSomali Shilling SOS
3273CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: SomaliaSOS-symbol= SOS
3274CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-nameTanzanian Shilling TZS
3275CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: TanzaniaTZS-symbol= TZS
3276CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: UgandaUGX-nameUgandan Shilling UGX
3277CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: UgandaUGX-symbol= UGX
3278CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (Not Current Tender)UGS-nameUgandan Shilling (1966–1987) UGS
3279CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Uganda: UGS (Not Current Tender)UGS-symbol= UGS
3280CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-nameZambian Kwacha ZMW
3281CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: ZambiaZMW-symbol= ZMW
3282CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (Not Current Tender)ZMK-nameZambian Kwacha (1968–2012) ZMK
3283CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Zambia: ZMK (Not Current Tender)ZMK-symbol= ZMK
3284CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (Not Current Tender)RHD-nameRhodesian Dollar RHD
3285CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: RHD (Not Current Tender)RHD-symbol= RHD
3286CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (Not Current Tender)ZWD-nameZimbabwean Dollar (1980–2008) ZWD
3287CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWD (Not Current Tender)ZWD-symbol= ZWD
3288CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (Not Current Tender)ZWL-nameZimbabwean Dollar (2009) ZWL
3289CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWL (Not Current Tender)ZWL-symbol= ZWL
3290CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (Not Current Tender)ZWR-nameZimbabwean Dollar (2008) ZWR
3291CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Eastern Africa: Zimbabwe: ZWR (Not Current Tender)ZWR-symbol= ZWR
3292CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Southern Africa: BotswanaBWP-nameBotswanan Pula BWP
3293CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Southern Africa: BotswanaBWP-symbol= BWP
3294CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Southern Africa: LesothoLSL-nameLesotho Loti LSL
3295CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Southern Africa: LesothoLSL-symbol= LSL
3296CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Southern Africa: NamibiaNAD-nameNamibian Dollar NAD
3297CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Southern Africa: NamibiaNAD-symbol-narrow= $
3298CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Southern Africa: NamibiaNAD-symbol= NAD
3299CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Southern Africa: SwazilandSZL-nameSwazi Lilangeni SZL
3300CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Southern Africa: SwazilandSZL-symbol= SZL
3301CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Southern Africa: South AfricaZAR-nameSouth African Rand ZAR
3302CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Southern Africa: South AfricaZAR-symbol= ZAR
3303CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Southern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (Not Current Tender)ZAL-nameSouth African Rand (financial) ZAL
3304CurrenciesSouthern/Eastern Africa (C)Southern Africa: South Africa: ZAL (Not Current Tender)ZAL-symbol= ZAL
3305CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: United Arab EmiratesAED-nameUnited Arab Emirates Dirham AED
3306CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: United Arab EmiratesAED-symbol= AED
3307CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-nameArmenian Dram AMD
3308CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: ArmeniaAMD-symbol= AMD
3309CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-nameAzerbaijani Manat AZN
3310CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: AzerbaijanAZN-symbol= AZN
3311CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (Not Current Tender)AZM-nameAzerbaijani Manat (1993–2006) AZM
3312CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: Azerbaijan: AZM (Not Current Tender)AZM-symbol= AZM
3313CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-nameBahraini Dinar BHD
3314CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: BahrainBHD-symbol= BHD
3315CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (Not Current Tender)CYP-nameCypriot Pound CYP
3316CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: Cyprus: CYP (Not Current Tender)CYP-symbol= CYP
3317CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-nameGeorgian Lari GEL
3318CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: GeorgiaGEL-symbol= GEL
3319CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (Not Current Tender)GEK-nameGeorgian Kupon Larit GEK
3320CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: Georgia: GEK (Not Current Tender)GEK-symbol= GEK
3321CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-nameIsraeli New Sheqel ILS
3322CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-symbol-narrow=
3323CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: IsraelILS-symbol=
3324CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (Not Current Tender)ILP-nameIsraeli Pound ILP
3325CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: Israel: ILP (Not Current Tender)ILP-symbol= ILP
3326CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-nameIraqi Dinar IQD
3327CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: IraqIQD-symbol= IQD
3328CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-nameJordanian Dinar JOD
3329CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: JordanJOD-symbol= JOD
3330CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-nameKuwaiti Dinar KWD
3331CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: KuwaitKWD-symbol= KWD
3332CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-nameLebanese Pound LBP
3333CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: LebanonLBP-symbol= LBP
3334CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-nameOmani Rial OMR
3335CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: OmanOMR-symbol= OMR
3336CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-nameQatari Rial QAR
3337CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: QatarQAR-symbol= QAR
3338CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-nameSaudi Riyal SAR
3339CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: Saudi ArabiaSAR-symbol= SAR
3340CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-nameSyrian Pound SYP
3341CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: SyriaSYP-symbol= SYP
3342CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-nameTurkish Lira TRY
3343CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-symbol-narrow=
3344CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-symbol= TRY
3345CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: TurkeyTRY-symbol-variant= TL
3346CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: Turkey: TRL (Not Current Tender)TRL-nameTurkish Lira (1922–2005) TRL
3347CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: Turkey: TRL (Not Current Tender)TRL-symbol= TRL
3348CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-nameYemeni Rial YER
3349CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: YemenYER-symbol= YER
3350CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (Not Current Tender)YDD-nameYemeni Dinar YDD
3351CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Western Asia: Yemen: YDD (Not Current Tender)YDD-symbol= YDD
3352CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-nameTurkmenistani Manat TMT
3353CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Central Asia: TurkmenistanTMT-symbol= TMT
3354CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (Not Current Tender)TMM-nameTurkmenistani Manat (1993–2009) TMM
3355CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Central Asia: Turkmenistan: TMM (Not Current Tender)TMM-symbol= TMM
3356CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-nameTajikistani Somoni TJS
3357CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Central Asia: TajikistanTJS-symbol= TJS
3358CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (Not Current Tender)TJR-nameTajikistani Ruble TJR
3359CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Central Asia: Tajikistan: TJR (Not Current Tender)TJR-symbol= TJR
3360CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-nameKyrgystani Som KGS
3361CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Central Asia: KyrgyzstanKGS-symbol= KGS
3362CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-nameKazakhstani Tenge KZT
3363CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-symbol-narrow=
3364CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Central Asia: KazakhstanKZT-symbol= KZT
3365CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-nameUzbekistan Som UZS
3366CurrenciesWestern/Central Asia (C)Central Asia: UzbekistanUZS-symbol= UZS
3367CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-nameChinese Yuan CNY
3368CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-symbol-narrow= ¥
3369CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: ChinaCNY-symbol= CN¥
3370CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-nameHong Kong Dollar HKD
3371CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-symbol-narrow= $
3372CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR ChinaHKD-symbol= HK$
3373CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-nameJapanese Yen JPY
3374CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-symbol-narrow= ¥
3375CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: JapanJPY-symbol¥ JP¥
3376CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-nameNorth Korean Won KPW
3377CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: North KoreaKPW-symbol= KPW
3378CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-nameSouth Korean Won KRW
3379CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-symbol-narrow=
3380CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South KoreaKRW-symbol=
3381CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRH (Not Current Tender)KRH-nameSouth Korean Hwan (1953–1962) KRH
3382CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRH (Not Current Tender)KRH-symbol= KRH
3383CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRO (Not Current Tender)KRO-nameSouth Korean Won (1945–1953) KRO
3384CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: South Korea: KRO (Not Current Tender)KRO-symbol= KRO
3385CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-nameMongolian Tugrik MNT
3386CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-symbol-narrow=
3387CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: MongoliaMNT-symbol= MNT
3388CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macau SAR ChinaMOP-nameMacanese Pataca MOP
3389CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: Macau SAR ChinaMOP-symbol= MOP
3390CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-nameNew Taiwan Dollar TWD
3391CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-symbol-narrow= NT$
3392CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Eastern Asia: TaiwanTWD-symbol= NT$
3393CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-nameAfghan Afghani AFN
3394CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: AfghanistanAFN-symbol= AFN
3395CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Afghanistan: AFA (Not Current Tender)AFA-nameAfghan Afghani (1927–2002) AFA
3396CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Afghanistan: AFA (Not Current Tender)AFA-symbol= AFA
3397CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-nameBangladeshi Taka BDT
3398CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-symbol-narrow=
3399CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BangladeshBDT-symbol= BDT
3400CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-nameBhutanese Ngultrum BTN
3401CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: BhutanBTN-symbol= BTN
3402CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-nameIndian Rupee INR
3403CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-symbol-narrow=
3404CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IndiaINR-symbol=
3405CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-nameIranian Rial IRR
3406CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: IranIRR-symbol= IRR
3407CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-nameSri Lankan Rupee LKR
3408CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: Sri LankaLKR-symbol= LKR
3409CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-nameMaldivian Rufiyaa MVR
3410CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: MaldivesMVR-symbol= MVR
3411CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-nameNepalese Rupee NPR
3412CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: NepalNPR-symbol= NPR
3413CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-namePakistani Rupee PKR
3414CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)Southern Asia: PakistanPKR-symbol= PKR
3415CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: BruneiBND-nameBrunei Dollar BND
3416CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: BruneiBND-symbol-narrow= $
3417CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: BruneiBND-symbol= BND
3418CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: IndonesiaIDR-nameIndonesian Rupiah IDR
3419CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: IndonesiaIDR-symbol= IDR
3420CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: CambodiaKHR-nameCambodian Riel KHR
3421CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: CambodiaKHR-symbol-narrow=
3422CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: CambodiaKHR-symbol= KHR
3423CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: LaosLAK-nameLaotian Kip LAK
3424CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: LaosLAK-symbol-narrow=
3425CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: LaosLAK-symbol= LAK
3426CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-nameMyanmar Kyat MMK
3427CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: Myanmar (Burma)MMK-symbol= MMK
3428CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: Myanmar (Burma): BUK (Not Current Tender)BUK-nameBurmese Kyat BUK
3429CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: Myanmar (Burma): BUK (Not Current Tender)BUK-symbol= BUK
3430CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: MalaysiaMYR-nameMalaysian Ringgit MYR
3431CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: MalaysiaMYR-symbol= MYR
3432CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: PhilippinesPHP-namePhilippine Peso PHP
3433CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: PhilippinesPHP-symbol-narrow=
3434CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: PhilippinesPHP-symbol= PHP
3435CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: SingaporeSGD-nameSingapore Dollar SGD
3436CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: SingaporeSGD-symbol-narrow= $
3437CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: SingaporeSGD-symbol= SGD
3438CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: ThailandTHB-nameThai Baht THB
3439CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: ThailandTHB-symbol-narrow= ฿
3440CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: ThailandTHB-symbol= ฿
3441CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: Timor-Leste: TPE (Not Current Tender)TPE-nameTimorese Escudo TPE
3442CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: Timor-Leste: TPE (Not Current Tender)TPE-symbol= TPE
3443CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: VietnamVND-nameVietnamese Dong VND
3444CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: VietnamVND-symbol-narrow=
3445CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: VietnamVND-symbol=
3446CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: Vietnam: VNN (Not Current Tender)VNN-nameVietnamese Dong (1978–1985) VNN
3447CurrenciesEastern/Southern Asia (C)South-Eastern Asia: Vietnam: VNN (Not Current Tender)VNN-symbol= VNN
3448CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-nameAustralian Dollar AUD
3449CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-symbol-narrow= $
3450CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: AustraliaAUD-symbol= A$
3451CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-nameNew Zealand Dollar NZD
3452CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-symbol-narrow= $
3453CurrenciesOceania (C)Australasia: New ZealandNZD-symbol= NZ$
3454CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-nameFijian Dollar FJD
3455CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-symbol-narrow= $
3456CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: FijiFJD-symbol= FJD
3457CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-namePapua New Guinean Kina PGK
3458CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Papua New GuineaPGK-symbol= PGK
3459CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-nameSolomon Islands Dollar SBD
3460CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-symbol-narrow= $
3461CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: Solomon IslandsSBD-symbol= SBD
3462CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-nameVanuatu Vatu VUV
3463CurrenciesOceania (C)Melanesia: VanuatuVUV-symbol= VUV
3464CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: French PolynesiaXPF-nameCFP Franc XPF
3465CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: French PolynesiaXPF-symbol= CFPF
3466CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-nameTongan Paʻanga TOP
3467CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: TongaTOP-symbol= TOP
3468CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-nameSamoan Tala WST
3469CurrenciesOceania (C)Polynesia: SamoaWST-symbol= WST
3470CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAGXAG-nameSilver XAG
3471CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAGXAG-symbol= XAG
3472CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAUXAU-nameGold XAU
3473CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XAUXAU-symbol= XAU
3474CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBAXBA-nameEuropean Composite Unit XBA
3475CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBAXBA-symbol= XBA
3476CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBBXBB-nameEuropean Monetary Unit XBB
3477CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBBXBB-symbol= XBB
3478CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBCXBC-nameEuropean Unit of Account (XBC) XBC
3479CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBCXBC-symbol= XBC
3480CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBDXBD-nameEuropean Unit of Account (XBD) XBD
3481CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XBDXBD-symbol= XBD
3482CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XDRXDR-nameSpecial Drawing Rights XDR
3483CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XDRXDR-symbol= XDR
3484CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFOXFO-nameFrench Gold Franc XFO
3485CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFOXFO-symbol= XFO
3486CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFUXFU-nameFrench UIC-Franc XFU
3487CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XFUXFU-symbol= XFU
3488CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPDXPD-namePalladium XPD
3489CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPDXPD-symbol= XPD
3490CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPTXPT-namePlatinum XPT
3491CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XPTXPT-symbol= XPT
3492CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XREXRE-nameRINET Funds XRE
3493CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XREXRE-symbol= XRE
3494CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XSUXSU-nameSucre XSU
3495CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XSUXSU-symbol= XSU
3496CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XTSXTS-nameTesting Currency Code XTS
3497CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XTSXTS-symbol= XTS
3498CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XUAXUA-nameADB Unit of Account XUA
3499CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XUAXUA-symbol= XUA
3500CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-nameUnknown Currency XXX
3501CurrenciesUnknown Region (C)Unknown Region: XXXXXX-symbol= XXX
3502UnitsMeasurement Systemsnullmetric= Metric
3503UnitsMeasurement SystemsnullUK= UK
3504UnitsMeasurement SystemsnullUS= US
3505UnitsDurationmillisecondshort-other= {0} ms
3506UnitsDurationyearshort-other{0} yrs {0} y
3507UnitsDurationmonthshort-other{0} mths {0} m
3508UnitsDurationweekshort-other{0} wks {0} w
3509UnitsDurationdayshort-other{0} days {0} d
3510UnitsDurationhourshort-other{0} hrs {0} h
3511UnitsDurationminuteshort-other{0} mins {0} min
3512UnitsDurationsecondshort-other{0} secs {0} s
3513UnitsDurationDuration Patternshm= h:mm
3514UnitsDurationDuration Patternshms= h:mm:ss
3515UnitsDurationDuration Patternsms= m:ss
3516UnitsLengthcentimetershort-other= {0} cm
3517UnitsLengthfootshort-other= {0} ft
3518UnitsLengthinchshort-other= {0} in
3519UnitsLengthkilometershort-other= {0} km
3520UnitsLengthlight-yearshort-other= {0} ly
3521UnitsLengthmetershort-other= {0} m
3522UnitsLengthmileshort-other= {0} mi
3523UnitsLengthmillimetershort-other= {0} mm
3524UnitsLengthpicometershort-other= {0} pm
3525UnitsLengthyardshort-other= {0} yd
3526UnitsMass and Weightgramshort-other= {0} g
3527UnitsMass and Weightkilogramshort-other= {0} kg
3528UnitsMass and Weightounceshort-other= {0} oz
3529UnitsMass and Weightpoundshort-other= {0} lb
3530UnitsWeatherpressure-hectopascalshort-other= {0} hPa
3531UnitsWeatherpressure-inch-hgshort-other= {0} inHg
3532UnitsWeatherpressure-millibarshort-other= {0} mbar
3533UnitsWeathertemperature-celsiusshort-other= {0}°C
3534UnitsWeathertemperature-fahrenheitshort-other= {0}°F
3535UnitsOther Unitsacceleration-g-forceshort-other= {0} G
3536UnitsOther Unitsangle-arc-minuteshort-other{0} arcmin {0}′
3537UnitsOther Unitsangle-arc-secondshort-other{0} arcsecs {0}″
3538UnitsOther Unitsangle-degreeshort-other{0} deg {0}°
3539UnitsOther Unitsarea-acreshort-other= {0} ac
3540UnitsOther Unitsarea-hectareshort-other= {0} ha
3541UnitsOther Unitsarea-square-footshort-other{0} sq ft {0} ft²
3542UnitsOther Unitsarea-square-kilometershort-other= {0} km²
3543UnitsOther Unitsarea-square-metershort-other= {0} m²
3544UnitsOther Unitsarea-square-mileshort-other{0} sq mi {0} mi²
3545UnitsOther Unitspower-horsepowershort-other= {0} hp
3546UnitsOther Unitspower-kilowattshort-other= {0} kW
3547UnitsOther Unitspower-wattshort-other= {0} W
3548UnitsOther Unitsspeed-kilometer-per-hourshort-other{0} kph {0} km/h
3549UnitsOther Unitsspeed-meter-per-secondshort-other= {0} m/s
3550UnitsOther Unitsspeed-mile-per-hourshort-other{0} mph {0} mi/h
3551UnitsOther Unitsvolume-cubic-kilometershort-other= {0} km³
3552UnitsOther Unitsvolume-cubic-mileshort-other= {0} mi³
3553UnitsOther Unitsvolume-litershort-other= {0} l
3554UnitsCompound Unitspershort= {0}/{1}
3555MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsRegular Lists2{0} and {1} {0}, {1}
3556MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsRegular Listsstart= {0}, {1}
3557MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsRegular Listsmiddle= {0}, {1}
3558MiscellaneousDisplaying ListsRegular Listsend{0}, and {1} {0}, {1}
3559MiscellaneousLinguistic ElementsEllipsisfinal= {0}…
3560MiscellaneousLinguistic ElementsEllipsisinitial= …{0}
3561MiscellaneousLinguistic ElementsEllipsismedial= {0}…{1}
3562MiscellaneousLinguistic ElementsEllipsisword-final= {0} …
3563MiscellaneousLinguistic ElementsEllipsisword-initial= … {0}
3564MiscellaneousLinguistic ElementsEllipsisword-medial= {0} … {1}
3565MiscellaneousLinguistic ElementsQuotation MarksEnd=
3566MiscellaneousLinguistic ElementsQuotation MarksStart=
3567MiscellaneousLinguistic ElementsQuotation Marksembedded-End=
3568MiscellaneousLinguistic ElementsQuotation Marksembedded-Start=
3569MiscellaneousLinguistic ElementsSymbolsMore Information= ?
3570MiscellaneousLinguistic ElementsYes and Noposix-nono:n akin'tuna:a
3571MiscellaneousLinguistic ElementsYes and Noposix-yesyes:y eyo:e

Aliased items: 7624
Inherited items:3251
Omitted items:823