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By-Type Chart: Date & Time:Dangi

CLDR Version 27.0.1 Index 2015-03-30 19:45:23 GMT
Core Data: Alphabetic Information | Main Exemplars | Punctuation Exemplars | Index Exemplars | Numbering Systems
Locale Display Names: Locale Name Patterns | Languages (A-D) | Languages (E-J) | Languages (K-N) | Languages (O-S) | Languages (T-Z) | Scripts | Geographic Regions | Territories (North America) | Territories (South America) | Territories (Africa) | Territories (Europe) | Territories (Asia) | Territories (Oceania) | Locale Variants | Keys
Date & Time: Fields | Gregorian | Generic | Buddhist | Chinese | Coptic | Dangi | Ethiopic | Ethiopic-Amete-Alem | Hebrew | Indian | Islamic | Japanese | Persian | ROC
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Currencies: North America (C) | South America (C) | Northern/Western Europe | Southern/Eastern Europe | Northern Africa | Western Africa | Middle Africa | Eastern Africa | Southern Africa | Western Asia (C) | Central Asia (C) | Eastern Asia (C) | Southern Asia (C) | Southeast Asia (C) | Oceania (C) | Unknown Region (C)
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cyclic-format-abbreviated-1English: ‹zi›
zi ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl·
จื่อ ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-2English: ‹chou›
chou ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl·
โฉ่ว ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-3English: ‹yin›
yin ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl·
อิ๋น ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-4English: ‹mao›
mao ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl·
เหม่า ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-5English: ‹chen›
chen ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl·
เฉิน ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-6English: ‹si›
si ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl·
ซื่อ ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-7English: ‹wu›
wu ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl·
อู้ ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-8English: ‹wei›
wei ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl·
เว่ย ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-9English: ‹shen›
shen ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl·
เซิน ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-10English: ‹you›
you ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl·
โหย่ว ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-11English: ‹xu›
xu ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl·
ซู ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-12English: ‹hai›
hai ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl·
ฮ่าย ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-1English: ‹spring begins›
begin van de lente ·nl·
mulai musim semi ·id·
pavasario pradžia ·lt·
입춘 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-2English: ‹rain water›
air hujan ·id·
lietaus vanduo ·lt·
regenwater ·nl·
우수 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-3English: ‹insects awaken›
insecten ontwaken ·nl·
serangga bangun ·id·
vabzdžių pabudimas ·lt·
경칩 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-4English: ‹spring equinox›
ekuinoks musim semi ·id·
lentepunt ·nl·
pavasario lygiadienis ·lt·
춘분 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-5English: ‹bright and clear›
licht en helder ·nl·
šviesu ·lt·
청명 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-6English: ‹grain rain›
hujan butiran ·id·
lietus javams ·lt·
곡우 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-7English: ‹summer begins›
begin van de zomer ·nl·
mulai musim panas ·id·
vasaros pradžia ·lt·
입하 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-8English: ‹grain full›
liūtys ·lt·
소만 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-9English: ‹grain in ear›
varpų formavimasis ·lt·
망종 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-10English: ‹summer solstice›
vasaros saulėgrįža ·lt·
zomerpunt ·nl·
하지 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-11English: ‹minor heat›
nedidelis karštis ·lt·
warm ·nl·
소서 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-12English: ‹major heat›
didelis karštis ·lt·
heet ·nl·
대서 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-13English: ‹autumn begins›
begin van de herfst ·nl·
mulai musim gugur ·id·
rudens pradžia ·lt·
입추 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-14English: ‹end of heat›
akhir panas ·id·
einde van de hitte ·nl·
karščių pabaiga ·lt·
처서 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-15English: ‹white dew›
embun putih ·id·
šerkšnas ·lt·
witte dauw ·nl·
백로 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-16English: ‹autumn equinox›
ekuinoks musim gugur ·id·
herfstpunt ·nl·
rudens lygiadienis ·lt·
추분 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-17English: ‹cold dew›
embun dingin ·id·
koude dauw ·nl·
šalta rasa ·lt·
한로 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-18English: ‹frost descends›
eerste vorst ·nl·
embun beku turun ·id·
šalnos ·lt·
상강 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-19English: ‹winter begins›
begin van de winter ·nl·
žiemos pradžia ·lt·
입동 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-20English: ‹minor snow›
lichte sneeuw ·nl·
mulai turun salju ·id·
nesmarkus snigimas ·lt·
소설 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-21English: ‹major snow›
smarkus snigimas ·lt·
zware sneeuw ·nl·
대설 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-22English: ‹winter solstice›
winterpunt ·nl·
žiemos saulėgrįža ·lt·
동지 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-23English: ‹minor cold›
nedidelis šaltis ·lt·
소한 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-24English: ‹major cold›
didelis šaltis ·lt·
대한 ·ko·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-1English: ‹jia-zi›
jia-zi ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เจี่ยจื่อ ·th·
갑자 ·ko·
甲子 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-2English: ‹yi-chou›
yi-chou ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
อี๋โฉ่ว ·th·
을축 ·ko·
乙丑 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-3English: ‹bing-yin›
bing-yin ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ปิ่งอิ๋น ·th·
병인 ·ko·
丙寅 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-4English: ‹ding-mao›
ding-mao ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ติงเหม่า ·th·
정묘 ·ko·
丁卯 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-5English: ‹wu-chen›
wu-chen ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
อู้เฉิน ·th·
무진 ·ko·
戊辰 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-6English: ‹ji-si›
ji-si ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
จี่ซื่อ ·th·
기사 ·ko·
己巳 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-7English: ‹geng-wu›
geng-wu ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เกิงอู้ ·th·
경오 ·ko·
庚午 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-8English: ‹xin-wei›
xin-wei ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ซินเว่ย ·th·
신미 ·ko·
辛未 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-9English: ‹ren-shen›
ren-shen ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เหรินเซิน ·th·
임신 ·ko·
壬申 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-10English: ‹gui-you›
gui-you ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
กุ๋่ยโหย่ว ·th·
계유 ·ko·
癸酉 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-11English: ‹jia-xu›
jia-xu ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เจ่ียซู ·th·
갑술 ·ko·
甲戌 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-12English: ‹yi-hai›
yi-hai ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
อี๋ฮ่าย ·th·
을해 ·ko·
乙亥 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-13English: ‹bing-zi›
bing-zi ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ปิ๋ิ่งจื่อ ·th·
병자 ·ko·
丙子 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-14English: ‹ding-chou›
ding-chou ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ติงโฉ่ว ·th·
정축 ·ko·
丁丑 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-15English: ‹wu-yin›
wu-yin ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
อู้อิ๋น ·th·
무인 ·ko·
戊寅 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-16English: ‹ji-mao›
ji-mao ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
จี๋เหม่า ·th·
기묘 ·ko·
己卯 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-17English: ‹geng-chen›
geng-chen ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เกิงเฉิน ·th·
경진 ·ko·
庚辰 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-18English: ‹xin-si›
xin-si ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ซินซื่อ ·th·
신사 ·ko·
辛巳 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-19English: ‹ren-wu›
ren-wu ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เหรินอู้ ·th·
임오 ·ko·
壬午 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-20English: ‹gui-wei›
gui-wei ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
กุ่ยเว่ย ·th·
계미 ·ko·
癸未 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-21English: ‹jia-shen›
jia-shen ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เจี่ยเซิน ·th·
갑신 ·ko·
甲申 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-22English: ‹yi-you›
yi-you ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
อี๋โหย่ว ·th·
을유 ·ko·
乙酉 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-23English: ‹bing-xu›
bing-xu ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ปิ่งซู ·th·
병술 ·ko·
丙戌 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-24English: ‹ding-hai›
ding-hai ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ติงฮ่าย ·th·
정해 ·ko·
丁亥 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-25English: ‹wu-zi›
wu-zi ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
อู้จื่อ ·th·
무자 ·ko·
戊子 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-26English: ‹ji-chou›
ji-chou ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
จี๋โฉ่ว ·th·
기축 ·ko·
己丑 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-27English: ‹geng-yin›
geng-yin ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เกิงอิ๋น ·th·
경인 ·ko·
庚寅 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-28English: ‹xin-mao›
xin-mao ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ซินเหม่า ·th·
신묘 ·ko·
辛卯 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-29English: ‹ren-chen›
ren-chen ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เหรินเฉิน ·th·
임진 ·ko·
壬辰 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-30English: ‹gui-si›
gui-si ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
กุ่ยซ่อ ·th·
계사 ·ko·
癸巳 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-31English: ‹jia-wu›
jia-wu ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เจ่ียอู้ ·th·
갑오 ·ko·
甲午 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-32English: ‹yi-wei›
yi-wei ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
อี่เว่ย ·th·
을미 ·ko·
乙未 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-33English: ‹bing-shen›
bing-shen ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ป่ิงเซิน ·th·
병신 ·ko·
丙申 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-34English: ‹ding-you›
ding-you ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ติงโหย่ว ·th·
정유 ·ko·
丁酉 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-35English: ‹wu-xu›
wu-xu ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
อู้ซู ·th·
무술 ·ko·
戊戌 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-36English: ‹ji-hai›
ji-hai ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
จี่ฮ่าย ·th·
기해 ·ko·
己亥 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-37English: ‹geng-zi›
geng-zi ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เกิงจื่อ ·th·
경자 ·ko·
庚子 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-38English: ‹xin-chou›
xin-chou ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ซินโฉ่ว ·th·
신축 ·ko·
辛丑 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-39English: ‹ren-yin›
ren-yin ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เหรินอิ๋น ·th·
임인 ·ko·
壬寅 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-40English: ‹gui-mao›
gui-mao ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
กุ๋ยเหม่า ·th·
계묘 ·ko·
癸卯 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-41English: ‹jia-chen›
jia-chen ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เจี่ยเฉิน ·th·
갑진 ·ko·
甲辰 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-42English: ‹yi-si›
yi-si ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
อี่ซ่ือ ·th·
을사 ·ko·
乙巳 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-43English: ‹bing-wu›
bing-wu ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ป่ิงอู้ ·th·
병오 ·ko·
丙午 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-44English: ‹ding-wei›
ding-wei ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ติงเว่ย ·th·
정미 ·ko·
丁未 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-45English: ‹wu-shen›
wu-shen ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
อู้เซิน ·th·
무신 ·ko·
戊申 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-46English: ‹ji-you›
ji-you ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
จี๋โหย่ว ·th·
기유 ·ko·
己酉 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-47English: ‹geng-xu›
geng-xu ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เกิงซู ·th·
경술 ·ko·
庚戌 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-48English: ‹xin-hai›
xin-hai ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ซินฮ่าย ·th·
신해 ·ko·
辛亥 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-49English: ‹ren-zi›
ren-zi ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เหรินจ่ือ ·th·
임자 ·ko·
壬子 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-50English: ‹gui-chou›
gui-chou ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
กุ๋่ยโฉ่ว ·th·
계축 ·ko·
癸丑 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-51English: ‹jia-yin›
jia-yin ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เจี่ยอิ๋น ·th·
갑인 ·ko·
甲寅 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-52English: ‹yi-mao›
yi-mao ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
อ๋ีเหม่า ·th·
을묘 ·ko·
乙卯 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-53English: ‹bing-chen›
bing-chen ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ปิ่งเฉิน ·th·
병진 ·ko·
丙辰 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-54English: ‹ding-si›
ding-si ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ติงซื่อ ·th·
정사 ·ko·
丁巳 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-55English: ‹wu-wu›
wu-wu ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
อู้อู้ ·th·
무오 ·ko·
戊午 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-56English: ‹ji-wei›
ji-wei ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
จ่ีเว่ย ·th·
기미 ·ko·
己未 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-57English: ‹geng-shen›
geng-shen ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เกิงเซิน ·th·
경신 ·ko·
庚申 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-58English: ‹xin-you›
xin-you ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
ซินโหย่ว ·th·
신유 ·ko·
辛酉 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-59English: ‹ren-xu›
ren-xu ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
เหรินซู ·th·
임술 ·ko·
壬戌 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-60English: ‹gui-hai›
gui-hai ·fr· ·fy· ·lt· ·nl· ·sv·
กุ่ยฮ่าย ·th·
계해 ·ko·
癸亥 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-1English: ‹Rat›
Rat ·lb· ·nl·
Rôt ·fy·
zi ·fr·
Žiurkė ·lt·
หนู ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-2English: ‹Ox›
chou ·fr·
Jautis ·lt·
Ochs ·lb·
Okse ·fy·
Os ·nl·
วัว ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-3English: ‹Tiger›
Tiger ·fy· ·lb·
Tigras ·lt·
Tijger ·nl·
yin ·fr·
เสือ ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-4English: ‹Rabbit›
Kannéngchen ·lb·
Knyn ·fy·
Konijn ·nl·
mao ·fr·
Triušis ·lt·
กระต่าย ·th·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-5English: ‹Dragon›
chen ·fr·
Draach ·lb·
Draak ·fy· ·nl·
Drakonas ·lt·
มังกร ·th·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-6English: ‹Snake›
Gyvatė ·lt·
Schlaang ·lb·
si ·fr·
Slang ·fy· ·nl·
งู ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-7English: ‹Horse›
Arklys ·lt·
Hynder ·fy·
Paard ·nl·
Päerd ·lb·
wu ·fr·
ม้า ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-8English: ‹Goat›
Geess ·lb·
Geit ·fy· ·nl·
Ožka ·lt·
wei ·fr·
แพะ ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-9English: ‹Monkey›
Aap ·fy· ·nl·
Af ·lb·
Beždžionė ·lt·
shen ·fr·
ลิง ·th·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-10English: ‹Rooster›
Gaidys ·lt·
Haan ·nl·
Hoanne ·fy·
Hong ·lb·
you ·fr·
ไก่ตัวผู้ ·th·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-11English: ‹Dog›
Hond ·lb· ·nl·
Hûn ·fy·
Šuo ·lt·
xu ·fr·
สุนัข ·th·
cyclic-format-abbreviated-12English: ‹Pig›
Baarch ·fy·
hai ·fr·
Kiaulė ·lt·
Schwäin ·lb·
Varken ·nl·
หมู ·th·
monthPattern-format-wide-leapEnglish: ‹{0}bis›
{0}bis ·lt· ·nl·
윤{0} ·ko·
monthPattern-numeric-all-leapEnglish: ‹{0}bis›
{0}bis ·lt· ·nl·
윤{0} ·ko·
monthPattern-stand-alone-narrow-leapEnglish: ‹{0}b›
{0}b ·lt· ·nl·
윤{0} ·ko·
Months - wide - Formatting
JanEnglish: ‹Month1›
1 ·lt· ·th·
1월 ·ko·
maand 1 ·nl·
zhēngyuè ·fr·
正月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
FebEnglish: ‹Month2›
2 ·lt· ·th·
2월 ·ko·
èryuè ·fr·
maand 2 ·nl·
二月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
MarEnglish: ‹Month3›
3 ·lt· ·th·
3월 ·ko·
maand 3 ·nl·
sānyuè ·fr·
三月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
AprEnglish: ‹Month4›
4 ·lt· ·th·
4월 ·ko·
maand 4 ·nl·
sìyuè ·fr·
四月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
MayEnglish: ‹Month5›
5 ·lt· ·th·
5월 ·ko·
maand 5 ·nl·
wǔyuè ·fr·
五月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
JunEnglish: ‹Month6›
6 ·lt· ·th·
6월 ·ko·
liùyuè ·fr·
maand 6 ·nl·
六月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
JulEnglish: ‹Month7›
7 ·lt· ·th·
7월 ·ko·
maand 7 ·nl·
qīyuè ·fr·
七月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
AugEnglish: ‹Month8›
8 ·lt· ·th·
8월 ·ko·
bāyuè ·fr·
maand 8 ·nl·
八月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
SepEnglish: ‹Month9›
9 ·lt· ·th·
9월 ·ko·
jiǔyuè ·fr·
maand 9 ·nl·
九月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
OctEnglish: ‹Month10›
10 ·lt· ·th·
10월 ·ko·
maand 10 ·nl·
shíyuè ·fr·
十月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
NovEnglish: ‹Month11›
11 ·lt· ·th·
11월 ·ko·
maand 11 ·nl·
shíyīyuè ·fr·
十一月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
DecEnglish: ‹Month12›
12 ·lt· ·th·
12월 ·ko·
maand 12 ·nl·
shí’èryuè ·fr·
十二月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
Months - wide - Standalone
JanEnglish: ‹Month1›
1 ·lt· ·th·
1월 ·ko·
Maand 1 ·nl·
zhēngyuè ·fr·
正月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
FebEnglish: ‹Month2›
2 ·lt· ·th·
2월 ·ko·
èryuè ·fr·
Maand 2 ·nl·
二月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
MarEnglish: ‹Month3›
3 ·lt· ·th·
3월 ·ko·
Maand 3 ·nl·
sānyuè ·fr·
三月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
AprEnglish: ‹Month4›
4 ·lt· ·th·
4월 ·ko·
Maand 4 ·nl·
sìyuè ·fr·
四月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
MayEnglish: ‹Month5›
5 ·lt· ·th·
5월 ·ko·
Maand 5 ·nl·
wǔyuè ·fr·
五月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
JunEnglish: ‹Month6›
6 ·lt· ·th·
6월 ·ko·
liùyuè ·fr·
Maand 6 ·nl·
六月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
JulEnglish: ‹Month7›
7 ·lt· ·th·
7월 ·ko·
Maand 7 ·nl·
qīyuè ·fr·
七月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
AugEnglish: ‹Month8›
8 ·lt· ·th·
8월 ·ko·
bāyuè ·fr·
Maand 8 ·nl·
八月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
SepEnglish: ‹Month9›
9 ·lt· ·th·
9월 ·ko·
jiǔyuè ·fr·
Maand 9 ·nl·
九月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
OctEnglish: ‹Month10›
10 ·lt· ·th·
10월 ·ko·
Maand 10 ·nl·
shíyuè ·fr·
十月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
NovEnglish: ‹Month11›
11 ·lt· ·th·
11월 ·ko·
Maand 11 ·nl·
shíyīyuè ·fr·
十一月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
DecEnglish: ‹Month12›
12 ·lt· ·th·
12월 ·ko·
Maand 12 ·nl·
shí’èryuè ·fr·
十二月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
Months - abbreviated - Formatting
JanEnglish: ‹Mo1›
1 ·lt· ·th·
1yuè ·fr·
1월 ·ko·
mnd 1 ·nl·
正月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
FebEnglish: ‹Mo2›
2 ·lt· ·th·
2yuè ·fr·
2월 ·ko·
mnd 2 ·nl·
二月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
MarEnglish: ‹Mo3›
3 ·lt· ·th·
3yuè ·fr·
3월 ·ko·
mnd 3 ·nl·
三月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
AprEnglish: ‹Mo4›
4 ·lt· ·th·
4yuè ·fr·
4월 ·ko·
mnd 4 ·nl·
四月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
MayEnglish: ‹Mo5›
5 ·lt· ·th·
5yuè ·fr·
5월 ·ko·
mnd 5 ·nl·
五月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
JunEnglish: ‹Mo6›
6 ·lt· ·th·
6yuè ·fr·
6월 ·ko·
mnd 6 ·nl·
六月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
JulEnglish: ‹Mo7›
7 ·lt· ·th·
7yuè ·fr·
7월 ·ko·
mnd 7 ·nl·
七月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
AugEnglish: ‹Mo8›
8 ·lt· ·th·
8yuè ·fr·
8월 ·ko·
mnd 8 ·nl·
八月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
SepEnglish: ‹Mo9›
9 ·lt· ·th·
9yuè ·fr·
9월 ·ko·
mnd 9 ·nl·
九月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
OctEnglish: ‹Mo10›
10 ·lt· ·th·
10yuè ·fr·
10월 ·ko·
mnd 10 ·nl·
十月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
NovEnglish: ‹Mo11›
11 ·lt· ·th·
11yuè ·fr·
11월 ·ko·
mnd 11 ·nl·
十一月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
DecEnglish: ‹Mo12›
12 ·lt· ·th·
12yuè ·fr·
12월 ·ko·
mnd 12 ·nl·
十二月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
Months - abbreviated - Standalone
JanEnglish: ‹Mo1›
1 ·lt· ·th·
1yuè ·fr·
1월 ·ko·
Mnd 1 ·nl·
正月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
FebEnglish: ‹Mo2›
2 ·lt· ·th·
2yuè ·fr·
2월 ·ko·
Mnd 2 ·nl·
二月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
MarEnglish: ‹Mo3›
3 ·lt· ·th·
3yuè ·fr·
3월 ·ko·
Mnd 3 ·nl·
三月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
AprEnglish: ‹Mo4›
4 ·lt· ·th·
4yuè ·fr·
4월 ·ko·
Mnd 4 ·nl·
四月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
MayEnglish: ‹Mo5›
5 ·lt· ·th·
5yuè ·fr·
5월 ·ko·
Mnd 5 ·nl·
五月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
JunEnglish: ‹Mo6›
6 ·lt· ·th·
6yuè ·fr·
6월 ·ko·
Mnd 6 ·nl·
六月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
JulEnglish: ‹Mo7›
7 ·lt· ·th·
7yuè ·fr·
7월 ·ko·
Mnd 7 ·nl·
七月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
AugEnglish: ‹Mo8›
8 ·lt· ·th·
8yuè ·fr·
8월 ·ko·
Mnd 8 ·nl·
八月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
SepEnglish: ‹Mo9›
9 ·lt· ·th·
9yuè ·fr·
9월 ·ko·
Mnd 9 ·nl·
九月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
OctEnglish: ‹Mo10›
10 ·lt· ·th·
10yuè ·fr·
10월 ·ko·
Mnd 10 ·nl·
十月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
NovEnglish: ‹Mo11›
11 ·lt· ·th·
11yuè ·fr·
11월 ·ko·
Mnd 11 ·nl·
十一月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
DecEnglish: ‹Mo12›
12 ·lt· ·th·
12yuè ·fr·
12월 ·ko·
Mnd 12 ·nl·
十二月 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
Months - narrow - Formatting
JanEnglish: ‹1›
1 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
FebEnglish: ‹2›
2 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
MarEnglish: ‹3›
3 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
AprEnglish: ‹4›
4 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
MayEnglish: ‹5›
5 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
JunEnglish: ‹6›
6 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
JulEnglish: ‹7›
7 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
AugEnglish: ‹8›
8 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
SepEnglish: ‹9›
9 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
OctEnglish: ‹10›
10 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
NovEnglish: ‹11›
11 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
十一 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
DecEnglish: ‹12›
12 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
十二 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
Months - narrow - Standalone
JanEnglish: ‹1›
1 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
FebEnglish: ‹2›
2 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
MarEnglish: ‹3›
3 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
AprEnglish: ‹4›
4 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
MayEnglish: ‹5›
5 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
JunEnglish: ‹6›
6 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
JulEnglish: ‹7›
7 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
AugEnglish: ‹8›
8 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
SepEnglish: ‹9›
9 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
OctEnglish: ‹10›
10 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
·ja· ·zh_Hant·
NovEnglish: ‹11›
11 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
十一 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
DecEnglish: ‹12›
12 ·fr· ·fy· ·ko· ·lt· ·nl· ·th·
十二 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
Formats - Standard - Date Formats
fullEnglish: ‹EEEE, MMMM d, r(U)›
EEEE d MMMM U ·fr· ·fy· ·nl·
EEEE, U MMMM d ·th·
U MMMM d, EEEE ·lt·
U년 MMM d일 EEEE ·ko·
U年MMMd日EEEE ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
longEnglish: ‹MMMM d, r(U)›
d MMMM U ·fr· ·fy· ·nl·
U MMMM d ·lt· ·th·
U년 MMM d일 ·ko·
U年MMMd日 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
mediumEnglish: ‹MMM d, r›
d MMM U ·fr· ·fy· ·nl·
U MMM d ·lt· ·th·
U年MMMd日 ·ja· ·zh_Hant·
y. M. d. ·ko·
shortEnglish: ‹M/d/r›
d/M/y ·fr·
dd-MM-yy ·fy· ·nl·
U-M-d ·ja·
U/M/d ·zh_Hant·
y-M-d ·th·
y-MM-dd ·lt·
y. M. d. ·ko·
Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats
fullEnglish: ‹{1} 'at' {0}›
{1} {0} ·lt·
longEnglish: ‹{1} 'at' {0}›
{1} {0} ·lt·
mediumEnglish: ‹{1}, {0}›
{1} {0} ·lt·
shortEnglish: ‹{1}, {0}›
{1} {0} ·lt·
Formats - Flexible - Date Formats
dEnglish: ‹d›
d ·lt·
EdEnglish: ‹d E›
d, E ·lt·
GyEnglish: ‹r(U)›
U ·lt·
GyMMMEnglish: ‹MMM r(U)›
U MMM ·lt·
GyMMMdEnglish: ‹MMM d, r›
U MMM d ·lt·
GyMMMEdEnglish: ‹E, MMM d, r(U)›
U MMM d, E ·lt·
MEnglish: ‹L›
L ·lt·
MdEnglish: ‹M/d›
MM-dd ·lt·
MEdEnglish: ‹E, M/d›
MM-dd, E ·lt·
MMMEnglish: ‹LLL›
LLL ·lt·
MMMdEnglish: ‹MMM d›
MMM d ·lt·
MMMEdEnglish: ‹E, MMM d›
MMM d, E ·lt·
yEnglish: ‹r(U)›
U ·lt·
yMdEnglish: ‹M/d/r›
y-MM-dd ·lt·
yyyyEnglish: ‹r(U)›
U ·lt·
yyyyMEnglish: ‹M/r›
y-MM ·lt·
yyyyMdEnglish: ‹M/d/r›
y-MM-dd ·lt·
yyyyMEdEnglish: ‹E, M/d/r›
y-MM-dd, E ·lt·
yyyyMMMEnglish: ‹MMM r(U)›
U MMM ·lt·
yyyyMMMdEnglish: ‹MMM d, r›
U MMM d ·lt·
yyyyMMMEdEnglish: ‹E, MMM d, r(U)›
U MMM d, E ·lt·
yyyyQQQEnglish: ‹QQQ r(U)›
U QQQ ·lt·
yyyyQQQQEnglish: ‹QQQQ r(U)›
U QQQQ ·lt·
Formats - Intervals - Date Formats
d/dEnglish: ‹d – d›
d–d ·lt·
M/MEnglish: ‹M – M›
MM–MM ·lt·
Md/dEnglish: ‹M/d – M/d›
MM-dd–MM-dd ·lt·
Md/MEnglish: ‹M/d – M/d›
MM-dd–MM-dd ·lt·
MEd/dEnglish: ‹E, M/d – E, M/d›
MM-dd, E–MM-dd, E ·lt·
MEd/MEnglish: ‹E, M/d – E, M/d›
MM-dd, E–MM-dd, E ·lt·
MMM/MEnglish: ‹MMM – MMM›
LLL–LLL ·lt·
MMMd/dEnglish: ‹MMM d – d›
MMM d–d ·lt·
MMMd/MEnglish: ‹MMM d – MMM d›
MMM d–MMM d ·lt·
MMMEd/dEnglish: ‹E, MMM d – E, MMM d›
MMM d, E–MMM d, E ·lt·
MMMEd/MEnglish: ‹E, MMM d – E, MMM d›
MMM d, E–MMM d, E ·lt·
y/yEnglish: ‹U – U›
U–U ·lt·
yM/MEnglish: ‹M/y – M/y›
y-MM–y-MM ·lt·
yM/yEnglish: ‹M/y – M/y›
y-MM–y-MM ·lt·
yMd/dEnglish: ‹M/d/y – M/d/y›
y-MM-dd–y-MM-dd ·lt·
yMd/MEnglish: ‹M/d/y – M/d/y›
y-MM-dd–y-MM-dd ·lt·
yMd/yEnglish: ‹M/d/y – M/d/y›
y-MM-dd–y-MM-dd ·lt·
yMEd/dEnglish: ‹E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y›
y-MM-dd, E–y-MM-dd, E ·lt·
yMEd/MEnglish: ‹E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y›
y-MM-dd, E–y-MM-dd, E ·lt·
yMEd/yEnglish: ‹E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y›
y-MM-dd, E–y-MM-dd, E ·lt·
yMMM/MEnglish: ‹MMM – MMM U›
U MMM–MMM ·lt·
yMMM/yEnglish: ‹MMM U – MMM U›
U MMM–U MMM ·lt·
yMMMd/dEnglish: ‹MMM d – d, U›
U MMM d–d ·lt·
yMMMd/MEnglish: ‹MMM d – MMM d, U›
U MMM d–MMM d ·lt·
yMMMd/yEnglish: ‹MMM d, U – MMM d, U›
U MMM d–U MMM d ·lt·
yMMMEd/dEnglish: ‹E, MMM d – E, MMM d, U›
U MMM d, E–MMM d, E ·lt·
yMMMEd/MEnglish: ‹E, MMM d – E, MMM d, U›
U MMM d, E–MMM d, E ·lt·
yMMMEd/yEnglish: ‹E, MMM d, U – E, MMM d, U›
U MMM d, E–U MMM d, E ·lt·
yMMMM/MEnglish: ‹MMMM – MMMM U›
yMMMM/yEnglish: ‹MMMM U – MMMM U›