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By-Type Chart: Core Data:Numbering Systems

CLDR Version 33 Index
Core Data: Alphabetic Information | Main Exemplars | Punctuation Exemplars | Index Exemplars | Numbering Systems
Locale Display Names: Locale Name Patterns | Languages (A-D) | Languages (E-J) | Languages (K-N) | Languages (O-S) | Languages (T-Z) | Scripts | Geographic Regions | Territories (North America) | Territories (South America) | Territories (Africa) | Territories (Europe) | Territories (Asia) | Territories (Oceania) | Locale Variants | Keys
Date & Time: Fields | Gregorian | Generic | Buddhist | Chinese | Coptic | Dangi | Ethiopic | Ethiopic-Amete-Alem | Hebrew | Indian | Islamic | Japanese | Persian | Minguo
Timezones: Timezone Display Patterns | North America | South America | Africa | Europe | Russia | Western Asia | Central Asia | Eastern Asia | Southern Asia | Southeast Asia | Australasia | Antarctica | Oceania | Unknown Region | Overrides
Numbers: Symbols | Minimal Pairs | Number Formatting Patterns | Compact Decimal Formatting
Currencies: North America (C) | South America (C) | Northern/Western Europe | Southern/Eastern Europe | Northern Africa | Western Africa | Middle Africa | Eastern Africa | Southern Africa | Western Asia (C) | Central Asia (C) | Eastern Asia (C) | Southern Asia (C) | Southeast Asia (C) | Oceania (C) | Unknown Region (C)
Units: Measurement Systems | Duration | Length | Area | Volume | Speed and Acceleration | Mass and Weight | Energy and Power | Electrical and Frequency | Weather | Digital | Coordinates | Other Units | Compound Units
Characters: Category | Smileys | People | Animals & Nature | Food & Drink | Travel & Places | Activities | Objects | Symbols2 | Flags | Component | Typography
Miscellaneous: Displaying Lists | Linguistic Elements
Numbering System
defaultEnglish: ‹latn›
arab ·ar· ·ar_AE· ·ar_BH· ·ar_DJ· ·ar_EG· ·ar_ER· ·ar_IL· ·ar_IQ· ·ar_JO· ·ar_KM· ·ar_KW· ·ar_LB· ·ar_MR· ·ar_OM· ·ar_PS· ·ar_QA· ·ar_SA· ·ar_SD· ·ar_SO· ·ar_SS· ·ar_SY· ·ar_TD· ·ar_YE· ·ckb· ·sd·
arabext ·fa· ·ks· ·lrc· ·mzn· ·pa_Arab· ·ps· ·ur_IN· ·uz_Arab·
beng ·as· ·bn·
cakm ·ccp·
deva ·mr· ·ne·
latn ·ar_DZ· ·ar_EH· ·ar_LY· ·ar_MA· ·ar_TN· ·eo· ·fy· ·kab· ·kl· ·nds· ·prg· ·rm· ·se· ·all·others·
mymr ·my·
tibt ·dz·
latn ·ar·
hansfin ·yue_Hans· ·zh·
hantfin ·yue· ·zh_Hant·
jpanfin ·ja·
nativeEnglish: ‹latn›
arab ·ar· ·ckb· ·sd·
arabext ·fa· ·ks· ·lrc· ·mzn· ·pa_Arab· ·ps· ·ug· ·ur· ·uz_Arab·
beng ·as· ·bn·
cakm ·ccp·
deva ·brx· ·hi· ·kok· ·mr· ·ne·
gujr ·gu·
guru ·pa·
hanidec ·yue· ·yue_Hans· ·zh· ·zh_Hant·
khmr ·km·
knda ·kn·
laoo ·lo·
latn ·eo· ·fy· ·kab· ·kl· ·nds· ·prg· ·rm· ·se· ·all·others·
mlym ·ml·
mymr ·my·
orya ·or·
tamldec ·ta·
telu ·te·
thai ·th·
tibt ·bo· ·dz·
vaii ·vai· ·vai_Latn·
armn ·hy·
cyrl ·cu·
ethi ·am· ·om· ·ti·
geor ·ka·
grek ·el·
hans ·yue_Hans· ·zh·
hant ·yue· ·zh_Hant·
hebr ·he· ·yi·
jpan ·ja·
taml ·ta·