Re: Yi

Date: Tue Oct 26 1999 - 14:52:02 EDT

>In fact, I found a big nothing!

       Check out

       I also did a search from Alta Vista and came up with the
       following relevant hits:

       The following have to do with the Yi people, language and/or
       script (more interesting ones listed toward the top):

       The following have to do with Yi script and software:

       I have borrowed a couple of books from a colleague that are in
       Yi or have samples of Yi, but I can't read Yi or Chinese, so I
       can't provide you with bibliographic info.

       As for input methods, none exist. Prior to Unicode 3, the only
       software available for Yi text - as far as I am aware - were
       some adaptations of TeX and a proprietary DTP package available
       in China (I forget the name). The latter would have had some
       kind of input method, but it wouldn't work anywhere else. We
       have a Yi font in progress which we hope to have available on
       our web site by the end of the year. (It's being held up by
       lack of available personnel.)


       From: <> AT Internet on 10/26/99 10:48
             AM CDT

       Received on: 10/26/99

       To: Peter Constable/IntlAdmin/WCT, AT
       Subject: Re: Yi

       Scríobh Michael Everson:
>I would be very, very surprised if you found very much
       on the web at all.
>That comes from my experience as one of the few people
               who did a
>research on Yi to get it encoded. Certainly most of it
               would be in
>if it were there.

       In fact, I found a big nothing!

       Moreover, the language name, "Yi", does not help with search
       engines: it is so short and a common Chinese surname, so a lot
       of unrelated stuff comes up. I would prefer something in
       Western languages, however if you have URLs to Chinese stuff I
       should, very theoretically, be able to read it; and if it is
       something about the script, I espect a quantity of tables and
       pictures. I would be happy, at least, to see bitmaps of all
       those "YI SILLABLES" and "YI RADICALS" that have been added in
       I'd also welcome references to paper books (if they are not
       collector's items).

       Ciao. Marco

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Everson []
> Sent: 1999 October 26, Tuesday 16.38
> To: Unicode List
> Subject: Re: Yi
> Ar 10:06 -0700 1999-10-25, scríobh
> >I have seen the new Yi characters appearing in the Unicode
       database, but
> I
> >know pretty nothing about it.
> >
> >Could anyone suggest materials (better if on the Web) about:
> >
> >1) The Yi script;
> >2) The Yi language itself;
> >3) Yi keyboards and/or input methods;
> >4) Any other interesting stuff (fonts, editors, learning
       aids, etc.).
> I would be very, very surprised if you found very much on the
       web at all. > That comes from my experience as one of the few
       people who did a much
> research on Yi to get it encoded. Certainly most of it would
       be in
> Chinese,
> if it were there.
> --
> Michael Everson * Everson Gunn Teoranta * http:
> 15 Port Chaeimhghein Íochtarach; Baile Átha Cliath 2;
> Guthán: +353 1 478 2597 ** Facsa: +353 1 478 2597 (by
> 27 Páirc an Fhéithlinn; Baile an Bhóthair; Co. Átha Cliath;

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