Re: UTF-8 signature in web and email

From: Martin Duerst (
Date: Tue May 22 2001 - 21:02:15 EDT

At 00:07 01/05/23 +0100, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
>MS-DOS users, on the other hand, expect applications to have pro-
>prietary formats, and are quite happy to go through convoluted con-
>version procedures in order to access their data (to the extent to
>which they are happy in the first place). Heck, MS-DOS doesn't even
>have the concept of concatenating plain files!

Some addition:

MS-DOS and Windows also have file types based on extensions.
For the typical case where the UTF-8 'signature' was promoted,
namely a Win system with a single legacy encoding and UTF-8,
introducing a new extension for UTF-8 files (e.g. .t8t instead
of .txt) would have had the same benefits as the 'signature',
and much less problems. And it can still be done!

Regards, Martin.

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