Re: ISO vs Unicode UTF-8 (was RE: UTF-8 signature in web and email)

From: Jianping Yang (
Date: Tue May 29 2001 - 15:32:10 EDT

Antoine Leca wrote:

> Jianping Yang wrote:
> >
> > As a matter of fact, the surrogate or supplementary character was not defined
> > in the past,
> How long is "the past"? I remember reading about these surrogates the first
> time I put my hands on a draft copy of ISO 10646. It was nearly six years ago.

Surrogate range was defined there but no character was defined in that range until

> Or do you mean that it was (or worse, still is) impossible to have PUA
> characters is some DB products... No, you cannot imply that...
> > so we could live without Premise B in the past. But now the
> > supplementary character is defined and will soon be supported,
> "Soon to be supported" will be kind for Microsoft+James Kass to hear.

Nothing will prevent you from storing surrogates into DB products. But here you
have to wait for the OS to provide the IM and font for them.


> Antoine

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