RE: Emails in Chinese

From: Jungshik Shin (
Date: Wed Oct 03 2001 - 22:10:18 EDT

On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, Andrew Cunningham wrote:

> Marco recommended looking at the Content_type declaration in the emails
> MIME header. Also have a look to see if there is a
> Content-Transfer-Encoding heading.

  The best way to get help (if Marco's and Andrew's advice cannot
be followed) is just attach the message in question (including the full
header) and ask for help here (well, it's a little off-topic......)

> Does anyone know if ISO-2022-CN is being used in Chinese email clients?

  I strongly doubt it's being used. One of the authors of
RFC 1922 wrote a couple of years ago that he had received a few emails in
ISO-2022-CN, but I'm pretty sure ISO-2022-CN has since become even rarer.
One possibility, though, is that some web-mail service providers may have
come across RFC 1922/ISO-2022-CN and decided to implement it thinking
that it's the standard for Chinese email exchange. ISO-2022-KR (for
Korean) sometimes pops up in my mail box this way although it has been
virtually depreciated for over a couple of years (EUC-KR has been widely
used along with C-T-E of 8bit/base64/qp as necessary and hopefully UTF-8
will catch up soon)

  Jungshik Shin

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