Roman numerals in non-latin text

From: Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin (
Date: Thu Jun 12 2003 - 02:50:30 EDT

  • Next message: Pim Blokland: "Re: Caron / Hacek?"

    I'm referencing to a book entitled: Памятники Музея Ізящныхъ Іскусствъ імені ІмператораАлександра III въ Москве.

    I see that the the roman ordinal "third" can be encoded in a couple of
    different ways:

    - U+0049 U+0049 U+0049
    - U+0406 U+0406 U+0406 (considering that this old russian orthography)
    - U+2162
    - U+2160 U+2160 U+2160

    What do you say about this, and about roman numerals in non-latin text
    in general? Is the U+2160 - U+217F of any use after all?

    -- ____.
    António MARTINS-Tuválkin, | ()|
    <> |####|
    R. Laureano de Oliveira, 64 r/c esq. |
    PT-1885-050 MOSCAVIDE (LRS) Não me invejo de quem tem |
    +351 917 511 459 carros, parelhas e montes | só me invejo de quem bebe | a água em todas as fontes |

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