Re: Hebrew Vav Holam

From: John Cowan (
Date: Wed Jul 30 2003 - 15:07:29 EDT

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: Hebrew Vav Holam"

    Jony Rosenne scripsit:

    > We have here one character sequence with two alternate renditions: the
    > common rendition, in which they are the same, and a distinguished rendition
    > which uses two separate glyphs for the separate meanings.

    Thank you for this clarification. It sounds like a fairly straightforward
    disunification, analogous to S WITH CEDILLA/S WITH COMMA BELOW or EZH/YOGH,
    which we have dealt with in the past. Best usage made these pairs distinct,
    but they had been falsely unified based on substantial glyphic overlap
    conditioned partly by having only one represented in common encodings.

    > On paper, which is two-dimensional, it is a Vav with a Holam point somewhere
    > above it.

    When you say "it", which glyph do you mean? I would like a description
    of what the two glyphs look like and how they are to be distinguished,

    > the marks follow the base character.

    This is a universal Unicode rule, and may get us into trouble someday when
    we run into a script that attaches vowel marks to the following consonant.
    (Still worse, if it does so in some uses but not others: "A Elbereth
    Gilthoniel" won't be very processable if it must be encoded "A Lebrethe

    "Clear?  Huh!  Why a four-year-old child        John Cowan
    could understand this report.  Run out
    and find me a four-year-old child.  I 
    can't make head or tail out of it."   
            --Rufus T. Firefly on government reports

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