Where is CEN TC304 ?

From: Philippe Verdy (verdy_p@wanadoo.fr)
Date: Thu Oct 30 2003 - 04:23:39 CST

Just a little question: the unicode web site
(example at: http://www.unicode.org/timesens/calendar.html)
includes a link to what was supposed to be the information page for CEN
TC304 (European Standards): http://www.stri.is/TC304/default.html

This is no longer working, and even the Icelandic domain seems to be now
May be CEN has stopped its activity, but it was the source of the definition
of the basic subsets of Unicode characters used for languages in the
European Union (or the European Communities in a larger view), i.e. MES-1,
MES-2, MES-3A, etc...

The main references to TC304 is within UTR#17 (Character Encoding Model) at:
which says:
    Subsetting is a major formal aspect of ISO/IEC 10646-1. The standard
includes a set of internal catalog numbers for named subsets, and further
makes a distinction between subsets that are fixed collections and those
that are open collections, defined by a range of code positions. (See
Technical Corrigendum No. 2 to ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993(E) for details.) The
collections that are defined by a range of code positions are themselves
open subsets of the repertoire, since they could be extended at any time by
an addition to the repertoire which happens to get encoded in a code
position between the range limits which define such a collection. The
current TC304 project to define multilingual European subsets (MES-1, MES-2,
MES-3A, and MES-3B) of ISO/IEC 10646-1 is a CEN effort to define three more
subsets (each a fixed collection) that will, no doubt, at some point be
added as named subsets in 10646.

Technically, this is not an issue for Unicode works (Unicode does not define
or standardize subsets), but for ISO10646.

Can this link to CEN TC304 be updated ? Where can we find the results of its
(past?) activities? In the ISO10646 repertoires collection?

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