Re: Fwd: Re: Transcoding Tamil in the presence of markup

From: Mark E. Shoulson (
Date: Mon Dec 08 2003 - 23:04:01 EST

  • Next message: Peter Constable: "RE: Glottal stops (bis) (was RE: Missing African Latin letters (bis))"

    On 12/08/03 14:16, Peter Constable wrote:

    >>From: []
    >On Behalf
    >>Of Mark E. Shoulson
    >>(and now I contradict myself with a counterexample. In
    >>, Yannis
    >>Haralambous notes--correctly--that when typesetting the Hebrew Bible,
    >>letters that are written small hang from the top line and have
    >>normal-sized vowels below them (and the vowels are below the baseline
    >>the normal text))
    >It might be possible to develop technologies that allowed correct
    >positioning in particular cases where different sizes were involved, but
    >I think we still have some more basic problems to solve, like finishing
    >getting implementations that offer basic support for all of the scripts
    >in Unicode 4.0.
    Yes. And this business of small letters and normal vowels and whatnot
    isn't "plain text" anyway, so it should be the problem of the larger
    rendering system and probably not even just the font. Certainly not
    Unicode's problem.


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