Re: why Aramaic now

From: Curtis Clark (
Date: Wed Dec 24 2003 - 15:38:22 EST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: why Aramaic now lumpers and splitters"

    on 2003-12-24 12:02 Elaine Keown wrote:
    > Some of the sets of symbols I found---which I simply
    > assumed could be added to "Hebrew"--are innately
    > controversial because of the Roadmap.

    I've been following these threads with interest, as an uninformed
    bystander. Michael's unwillingness to unify in haste seems correct in
    first principles, independent of his expertise and experience. But you
    have presented the first cogent (to me :-) argument for why delaying the
    decision is a problem.

    One thing I've learned on this list is that Unicode done well respects
    no short-term convenience.

    Curtis Clark        
    Mockingbird Font Works        

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