Re: [hebrew] Re: Aramaic unification and information retrieval

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Sat Dec 27 2003 - 18:12:22 EST

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: [hebrew] Re: Aramaic unification and information retrieval"

    At 14:44 -0800 2003-12-27, Peter Kirk wrote:

    >Doug, thanks for making this new point re ancient Semitic scripts.
    >Fundamental identity of the characters is a strong reason for
    >unifying these scripts as well as Han scripts. As I wrote a few days
    >ago, ALEF is ALEF is ALEF is ALEF, whatever glyph shapes are used.

    And ALPHA and A, are just the same.

    We disunified Nuskhuri from Mkhedruli, and familiarity and legibility
    were indeed criteria for the disunification. Mark Shoulson has just
    given his expert testimony that, one-to-one relation to the Semitic
    repertoire or not, Samaritan needs to be considered different from
    Hebrew. I'd say he'd probably feel the same about the older
    Phoenician as well.

    I will say it again: You and every Semiticist specialist on the face
    of the earth can encode every Phoenician document transliterated into
    Hebrew script in your databases and never even look at an eventually
    encoded Phoenician script. That usage still doesn't mean that the
    Phoenician script is a glyph variant of square Hebrew even if they
    share a repertoire.

    Even in antiquity these scripts were used distinctively in a number
    of instances, which will be discussed in the proposal documents in
    due course.

    Scripts develop, and differentiate. The nodes of Semitic which we
    will encode have not all been investigated, but, like Indic, it makes
    sense to encode more than one of them. I believe that the distinction
    between Phoenician and Square Hebrew should be maintained in plain
    text; font markup is not sufficient.

    Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

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