Re: [OT] Freedom and organization (was RE: help needed with adding ne w character)

From: Mark E. Shoulson (
Date: Fri Mar 19 2004 - 10:11:31 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Irish dotless I"

    (perhaps ever so slightly closer to on-topic)...

    Marco Cimarosti wrote:

    >Kenneth Whistler wrote:
    >>Why is an Anarchist asking to standardize something?
    >Why not!? Can you elaborate on this? Myself, I am an anarchist sympathizer,
    >and I have been deeply interested in a character encoding standard for
    >nearly ten years now...
    And moreover, what difference does it make? What do the goals, real or
    perceived, of the group using the symbol have to do with its worthiness
    to be encoded? So long as it *is* in fact actually being used in a
    Unicode-worthy way, isn't that what matters?


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