Re: vertical direction control

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Thu Mar 25 2004 - 06:39:50 EST

  • Next message: Antoine Leca: "Re: Urdu Unicode website [Was: Novice question]"

    On 24/03/2004 17:40, Doug Ewell wrote:

    >Peter Kirk <peterkirk at qaya dot org> wrote:
    >>And surely Braille could equally be considered a cipher of Latin
    >>script (although the same symbols are also used as a cipher of other
    >... which is one reason it can't be considered just a cipher of Latin.
    >-Doug Ewell
    > Fullerton, California
    Well, we went through this one some months ago. There is a script, I've
    forgotten its name, which is used as a cipher of Latin script and with
    the same glyphs as a cipher of Hebrew script. Does that imply that this
    script is not a cipher and so separately encodable?

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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