Re: [indic] Translate: symbol names (shortics!!!, voiceless and near voiceless)

From: Richard Wordingham (
Date: Sun Feb 19 2006 - 23:04:00 CST

  • Next message: N. Ganesan: "Re: Translate: symbol names (shortics!!!, voiceless and near voiceless)"

    Sinnathurai Srivas wrote on Sunday, February 19, 2006 at 3:47 PM
    re: Translate: symbol names (shortics!!!, voiceless and near voiceless)

    > 1/
    > Could some one translate the name (of letter/sybbol.marker)
    > kuTTiyal (kuRRiyal).
    > 2/ Could I also have translation of symbols/markers that indicate
    > voiceless and
    > near-voiceless.
    > what is kuTTiyal (kuRRiyal)
    > In tamil the word kuTT (kuRR) can have context sensitive double meaning.
    > One meaning is "a dot mark", the other meaning is "short"
    > For example, it is said that the word PRint has a near voice-less "i" in
    > between P and R as in PiRint. Similarly BRook = BuRook with a near
    > voiceless "u". I can site many examples.
    > For example, the "e" in Stroke is voiceless.

    I think the word you are look ing for (or striving to avoid) is
    'svarabhakti'. In native English English a svarabhakti vowel may frequently
    be found as the middle vowel of 'Henry' (as in substandard "Our 'Enery"),
    'every' and 'chimney'. The Graeco-Latin word is 'anaptyctic', which has a
    diachronic or derivational overtone.

    The IPA symbol for extra-shortness is simple a breve (U+0306). The symbol
    for voicelessness is the ring below (U+0325) - I'm not aware of any other
    name for it. While a voiceless svarabhakti vowel might appear in 'print' -
    if shivering, for example - I would expect any svarabhakti vowel in 'break'
    to be mostly voiced in most Englishmen's speech.

    A final vowel added to 'stroke' does stand a good chance of being voiceless,
    but adding such a vowel is not a native English English phenomenon.


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