Re: Reality check - non-Unicode in Guinea-GTZ documents 2005

From: Daniel Yacob (
Date: Thu Aug 17 2006 - 14:23:59 CDT

  • Next message: Richard Wordingham: "Re: Reality check - non-Unicode in Guinea-GTZ documents 2005"


    I certainly concur with the points you've raised, to put it mildly. Over
    the years I've ended up with the perspective that a campaign on the scale
    of something like Polio erradication is what it is needed to make the
    world wide transition to unicode. Ultimately it happens one computer at
    a time, and one office at a time. Perhaps the software antivirus model
    can be applied to help in the migration away from the pre-Unicode
    enodoings. Imagine an antivirus update that found non-Unicode fonts
    on your system and remapped them, then found documents using the fonts
    and reencoded them. Hazardous sure, but backups could be made, etc.
    there really is no easy way its going to happen...


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