Re: UTS#40 (BOCU-1) special handling of large blocks

From: Markus Scherer (
Date: Wed Feb 07 2007 - 18:29:10 CST

  • Next message: Lokesh Joshi: "Query for Validity of Thai Sequence"

    On 2/4/07, Doug Ewell <> wrote:
    > Philippe Verdy <verdy underscore p at wanadoo dot fr> wrote:
    > > BOCU-1 contains some provisions in its encoding for handling large
    > > some blocks so that the smallest codes will be assigned to the
    > > codepoints in the middle of these large blocks.
    > >
    > > However I wonder if this is not a bit arbitrary, because these codes
    > > could like not be the most frequently used ones.
    > I'm sure it is arbitrary, in the sense that every "exceptional" large
    > block adds some complexity to the algorithm,

    Yes and no. Yes, it's arbitrary - when you design a charset or a data
    structure, you design and optimize it for what you deem important or

    > and the simplicity of
    > BOCU-1 compared to SCSU was supposed to be one of its selling points.

    This played a role.

    > CJK and Hangul are likely to be the most commonly used large blocks, by
    > a wide margin.

    This played a large role.

    > I think the goal was to ensure that the entire block was accessible via
    > 2-byte sequences.

    This is the key: Without special handling for Unihan and Hangul, it
    would use 3-byte sequences for many of the characters. This is not a
    problem for Yi and other "large" blocks that have fewer than 10000
    code points because they always stay within the range of 2-byte

    Same reason for Hiragana: The special adjustment is to keep this
    script, which is not 128-aligned but relatively common, within
    single-byte deltas. This is probably the most debatable special
    adjustment in BOCU-1.

    > ... I was basically told
    > that the SCSU spec is fixed and no such proposal would be entertained.
    > If this is the case, then certainly a "breaking" change like the
    > re-encoding of Yi or Cuneiform text would be out of the question.

    There is no reason to change the BOCU-1 encoding of Yi or Cuneiform
    because it would not improve compression at all.

    In general, if you make an incompatible change - a change where an old
    decoder cannot cope with the output from an updated encoder - then you
    must change the name of the charset.

    Best regards,

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