Re: CLDR bug report

From: Mark Davis (
Date: Fri Mar 16 2007 - 16:29:42 CST

  • Next message: Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven: "Re: Implementing NFC"

    Sorry that you were prevented from submitting; that definitely should not
    happen, and we'll track it down. If in the future the Feedback button is not
    working for some reason, you can direct messages to the cldr-users list.


    On 3/16/07, Philippe Verdy <> wrote:
    > Sorry if this goes here in this list, but the Unicode Bug Report form has
    > problem when I submit the following message. I get "The system encountered
    > a
    > fatal error. internal overflow while sending message. The last error code
    > was: No such file or directory."
    > Philippe.
    > ----
    > Note that when voting for "EQE" this does not delete the current proposal
    > and this generates an error when trying to map the same (expected) value
    > "Ekwele" to "GQE"...
    > Now I have a new similar problem: two identical values for the "AZM" and
    > "AZN" currencies (French locale). I try to change "AZM" to "manat azéri
    > (1993-2006)" to solve the name ambiguity, but when I try to save it, the
    > tool says that it can't have the same value as "AZN", so it rejects the
    > proposal, despite the change is made to avoid the existing duplicate. The
    > tool rejects it because the existing code value is ambiguous, it should
    > only
    > reject proposals that make new ambiguities.
    > I have the same problem with the (deprecated) "POLYTONI" variant code...
    > which can't be voted for deletion given its current value matches the one
    > assigned to "POLYTONI" (which I want to keep).
    > My current vetting work suspended until further notice.


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