Arabic ligatures and vowel signs

From: Andreas Prilop (
Date: Wed May 02 2007 - 09:29:02 CST

  • Next message: John Hudson: "Re: Arabic ligatures and vowel signs"

    The Unicode standard requires that "transparent characters"
    such as Arabic vowel signs do not affect the joining of
    Arabic letters and the formation of ligatures.

    However, the practice seems to be quite different.
    I notice that in Windows 2003/XP only the typefaces
    Microsoft Sans Serif and Times New Roman show the
    lam-alif ligature with transparent characters:

    The other typefaces show the joining of lam and alif
    but no ligature.

    What is the general situation? In Windows Vista?
    In other operating systems? With other typefaces?

    Should we omit any mark between lam and alif
    for the time being?

    In memoriam Alan J. Flavell

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