Re: Uppercase ß is coming? (U+1E9E)

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Sat May 05 2007 - 01:30:21 CST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: Uppercase ß is coming? (U+1E9E)"

    At 15:23 -0700 2007-05-04, Douglas Davidson wrote:

    >Aren't there individuals in Japan with similar
    >strong opinions as to how to write their names,
    >regarding as error what Unicode regards as mere
    >glyph variation?

    Maybe. But Han isn't Latin, and the Universal
    Character Set is devoid of purity.

    >Adding new characters for the special purpose of
    >names risks interfering with the ordinary
    >functions of searching, sorting, casing, etc.
    >for ordinary text.

    The example of name was an example. It is not the
    ONLY reason this character is being added.

    >If he insists on the new character, Peter risks
    >becoming known as PETER WEI? with no glyph to
    >anyone who does not have the proper font; on the
    >other hand, official records are likely to
    >regard him as PETER WEISS whether he likes it or

    One expects core fonts to include the character in due course.

    >Considering the all-around experience, might it
    >not be better to regard uppercase ß as a glyph
    >variant of SS rather than a new character?

    Just as ß is not a glyph variant of ss, so [ß] is not a glyph variant of SS.

    Michael Everson *

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