Re: Ranges/blocks ; font lookup by range

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Sat May 05 2007 - 16:50:00 CST

  • Next message: "Re: Ranges/blocks ; font lookup by range"

    Don Osborn wrote:

    > 1) Is “character range” or “character block” the preferred term
    > now? I’m assuming that they are pretty much synonymous but wanted to
    > check before using one or the other for explaining Unicode to people
    > without much knowledge of how it works. “Block” and “character block”
    > (the latter as a crossref.) are in the Unicode glossary, but range is
    > the term used in the title of the charts. Sorry this is a tedious
    > question but it’s for a good purpose.

    I personally use "block" to mean specifically a range of 256 characters
    from U+xx00 through U+0xxFF, and "range" for a looser definition. I
    don't know if that is at all the intent of UTC and I'll be interested to
    see what they say.

    > 2) Is there a utility / database somewhere for font look-up by
    > character range or specific character? I’m aware of very useful
    > resources like Alan Wood’s site, where you can browse or search a list
    > of fonts, but haven’t found something to let you generate a list of
    > fonts that have a particular set of ranges or characters.

    Take a look at Andrew West's BabelMap:

    Doug Ewell  *  Fullerton, California, USA  *  RFC 4645  *  UTN #14

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