Re: Is someone work on hebrew palestinian/babylonian punctuation?

From: John Hudson (
Date: Mon May 14 2007 - 12:44:30 CDT

  • Next message: Shohji Itoh: "Re: num of Ideographs U+????? = D?????"

    Peter Constable wrote:

    > As John Hudson had volunteered to provide type for those proposals and *is* a regular correspondant here, he's probably in the best position to comment on what progress has been happening in the background, if any.

    I've not heard from Elaine recently, so I don't know if any further work has been done on
    these proposals or, indeed, what remains to be done. As I understand from the proposals
    themselves, there are further manuscripts that should be reviewed in order to confirm the
    character set, and the proposed names and character properties need to be reviewed, and
    the complex Babylonian marks need to be identified in some systematic way that will enable
    them to be given names.

    I did provide Alaine with a font with which to illustrate the proposals.

    John Hudson

    Tiro Typeworks
    Gulf Islands, BC
    We say our understanding measures how things are,
    and likewise our perception, since that is how we
    find our way around, but in fact these do not measure.
    They are measured.   -- Aristotle, Metaphysics

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