Re: List of Latin characters which look the same but are encoded differently

From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Sat Dec 29 2007 - 14:10:01 CST

  • Next message: Erkki I. Kolehmainen: "RE: List of Latin characters which look the same but are encoded differently"

    My view is that there's nothing wrong with using a distinctive label on
    a keyboard, even to the point of choosing the lowercase letter for some
    keycaps. I suspect that most users would try that key with a shift to
    get the uppercase and not think twice about the inconsistency.

    When consistency gets in the way of getting the job done, it's no longer
    a help, but a hindrance.

    Using dead-key hacks seems a terrible idea - unless it allows you to
    achieve a consistency of approach. In other words, a keyboard layout
    where all diacritics can be typed as deadkeys has a certain consistency
    of its own, and might be easier to use for those typists that need to
    copy a wide variety of letter forms (e.g. from a list of names).
    Learning a dozen deadkeys would seem way easier than to learn three or
    four times that many key-combinations (not key-strokes) for precomposed

    The worst design would be one, where you could never predict which
    combination might be available via dead-keys and which might not be, for
    example if the barred D required a deadkey but the Polish barred L might

    On the other hand, if I had to guess which design a standards body might
    come up with...


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