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182 Proposed Update UTS #18: Unicode Regular Expressions 2012.05.01
Status: Closed
Resolution: The draft will be updated with feedback received, and published.
Originator: UTC
Informal Discussion: Unicode Mail List (Join)
Formal Feedback: Contact Form

Description of Issue:

A proposed update for UTS #18, Unicode Regular Expressions has been posted at http://unicode.org/reports/tr18/proposed.html. Feedback on this draft is welcome, especially from regular expression engine developers and users. The main changes in this update include:

There are significant additions and changes in the new proposed update of this specification, with the addition of Name_Alias matching, matching rules from UAX #44, use of the new Script_Extensions property, new recommended properties, a compact form of \u{...}, alignment of rule RL1.4 with Appendix C, and the incorporation of text for PRI #179.

There are several of review notes requesting feedback on particular issues. In particular, the UTC would like feedback on the following issues:

  1. Should we have options for different case folding for: literals vs ".", ranges, and properties? (Section 1.5)
  2. The UTC has received a request for UCA matching according to the DUCET rules, at level 2. Feedback on this issue would be appreciated. (Section 2)
  3. Should the @ syntax be in a separate section, with a separate clause? (Section 2.6)

Please submit feedback on those and the rest of this document by May 1 for consideration at the UTC meeting starting on May 7.

For information about how to discuss this issue and how to supply formal feedback, please see the feedback and discussion instructions. The accumulated feedback received so far on this issue is shown below, or you can look at a full page view.

The draft was updated on 2012-03-06.


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