Re: help needed (GB mappings)

From: Joan Aliprand (BR.JMA@RLG.Stanford.EDU)
Date: Thu May 30 1996 - 17:20:24 EDT

Steve Silberstein ( wrote:
> Can someone help me? I need to know the Unicode code for certain Chinese
> punctuation marks that appear in the Guo Biao coding system, for example
> the GB code 0203 (in hex A2A3) If anyone knows the EACC or CCCII code as
> well, I would sure appreciate it.

You will find these mapping tables at the Unicode FTP site,
Start with the /pub/ directory, which will lead you to MappingTables, and
so on.

Name Size Modified Type

GB12345 177KB Aug 16 1994 File
GB12345.Z 51KB Jan 7 1995 File
GB2312 175KB May 4 1994 File
GB2312.Z 51KB May 19 1994 File

Once you have the Unicode value for a particular character, you can look in
the Cross-Reference charts (Vol. 2, p. 169) to pick up the corresponding
EACC encoding. (It's marked "A" for ANSI, i.e., ANSI Z39.64.)

These cross-reference files are also at the Unicode ftp site, as

See you at the ALA Conference, I hope!

-- Joan Aliprand
   Research Libraries Group


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