Simple C++ compiler test. How does yours fare?

From: Doug Schiffer (
Date: Sun Feb 02 1997 - 15:15:54 EST

I coded a very simple test of the level of support for
wide character strings in a C/C++ compiler. Unfortunately
it shows that there are still compilers out there that
will have trouble even at the entry level of Unicode functionality.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>

wchar_t *foo = L"\x4e00 = jit7 in Hakka";

void main(void)
int i = 0;

        printf("%04X ", foo[i]);

        if (foo[i] < 128)
                printf("%c", foo[i]);
        else if (foo[i]>=0x4e00 && foo[i] < 0x9fff)
                printf("<Han character>");
//======================= END

Compiled with Borland 5.01 compiler under Win 95 gives:

wchar_t *foo = L"\x4e00 is jit7 in Hakka";
(error) Numeric constant too large
(warning) Hexadecimal value contains more than 3 digits

The program compiles and executes just fine under
Watcom 10.6

Next, I'll be trying it under Microsoft C++ 4.0.

Anyone want to try other compilers & platforms? If the program
compiles, then try running the executable - the output should look
like -
4E00 <Han character>
0069 i
0073 s
006A j
0069 i
0074 t
0037 7
0069 i
006E n
0048 H
0061 a
006B k
006B k
0061 a
It has to compile and execute - making wchar_t at least 16 bits is

Let's get these compilers going for the future!

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