Re: CORBA and Unicode

From: Jim Laverty (
Date: Mon Nov 24 1997 - 12:01:17 EST

We're trying to use sequences of shorts, to avoid byte ordering issues in
the marshaling code generated by IDL.

At 03:19 PM 11/21/97 -0800, Mark Leisher wrote:
> Jim> Has anyone here tweaked CORBA 2.0 IDL code to gain Unicode
> Jim> support? I am trying to add Unicode support to the IDL
> Jim> generated code, using sequences of shorts vs. the char *'s that
> Jim> a engrained into the code. CORBA 2.0 does not support Unicode
> Jim> and this is a problem for us.
>Jim, I have no direct experience with CORBA myself, but I suspect that
>to make it work, you will have to pass UTF-8 text around and convert it
>to the 16-bit form only when it is destined for the user interface.
>That way you won't need to change the types, just the logic, if you do
>any string processing that is.
>I doubt many applications will be 16-bit clean for quite some time to
>Mark Leisher "A designer knows he has achieved perfection
>Computing Research Lab not when there is nothing left to add, but
>New Mexico State University when there is nothing left to take away."
>Box 30001, Dept. 3CRL -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
>Las Cruces, NM 88003

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