Bug in TR 19, and fancy HTML in TR's

From: Doug Ewell (dewell@compuserve.com)
Date: Sat Jul 08 2000 - 12:27:09 EDT

I found a problem in Technical Report 19, "UTF-32." In the Definitions
section, the three terms UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, and UTF-32 are defined.
Under UTF-32, there is the following bullet point:

   o In UTF-32BE, <004D 0061 D800 DC00> is serialized as <00 00 FE FF
      00 00 00 4D 00 00 00 61 00 01 00 00>, or <00 00 00 4D 00 00 00 61
      00 01 00 00>

Of course, this should read "In UTF-32"... not "In "UTF-32BE". I'm sure
this is just a typo, but since the whole point of this section is to
define and contrast these three terms, UTC will surely want to correct
the error.

I'm having a bigger problem with some of the more recently updated TR's,
especially those written or co-written by Mark Davis. Not all of the
text in the examples prints correctly or at all. For example, in TR 22,
"Character Mapping Tables," only two lines from Section 2.2, "History,"
print out; the rest is blank. Most of the other examples (elements and
validity checks, for instance) are completely blank. They show up just
fine on the screen.

FYI, I am using Windows 95 (revision B), Netscape Navigator 4.06, and
printing to an HP LaserJet 4M Plus.

Could this have anything to do with the Javascript embedded within the
TR? I also noticed that the "Last Modified" date in the header of the
TR is generated using a Javascript call, and this creates some odd
situations -- the versions accessible under "This Version" and "Latest
Version" are identical but the times are different by a few minutes,
and of course the dates no longer follow the ISO 8601 format, but revert
to U.S. mm/dd/yy format.

Can the authors (or reformatters) of Unicode Technical Reports please
keep the use of "fancy" HTML and Javascript in TR's to a minimum?
Tables and simple stylesheets ought to be sufficient. This is not an
elaborate sales or marketing presentation, after all -- it's a TECHNICAL
REPORT. Please don't tell me to update or change my browser to get the
"full experience" of the TR. I should be able to print the thing on
dead trees and get all the information that way if I choose.


-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

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