Re: The Currency Symbol of China

From: John Cowan (
Date: Mon Sep 30 2002 - 13:10:26 EDT

  • Next message: Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin: "Re: Comma below, cedilla, and Gagauz"

    Jane Liu scripsit:

    > 1. Do you know which symbol is declared as the standard by Chinese
    > official authorities ?

    Despite the late Euro typographical mess, national authorities really do
    not own the symbols used for their currencies: those symbols belong rightly
    to the public domain.

    > 2. In China, the currency is called "Renminbi Yuan", why is it not
    > included in Unicode standard ? Instead of it, "Yen" is being used which
    > is the name of Japanese currency. Does Chinese authorities agree to
    > use the same currency symbol as Japan ?

    What matters is not what the Chinese Government thinks (unless you are
    contracting for them, to be sure), but what people who refer to this
    currency think.

    My suspicion is that the one-bar-vs.-two is normal glyphic variation,
    the same as with the $ sign.

    John Cowan                              <>    
    Unified Gaelic in Cyrillic script!

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