Re: Origin of the term i18n

From: Mark Davis (
Date: Fri Oct 11 2002 - 14:11:45 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: Capital Letter H with line below"

    Two c9ns. You write:

    > "Apparently, this approach to abbreviating long names was humorous and was
    generalized at DEC. The convention was applied to "internationalization" at
    DEC. Apparently it passed to Apple quickly. Both companies were using the
    term by 1985."

    There is a misunderstanding. Apple had used the term "internationalization"
    by 1985. It was not -- thank the gods -- using the a9n "i18n". I don't know
    if they started using it after I left in the early 90's.

    The phrase "was humorous" should be changed to "was intended to be humorous"

    > "The terms Canonicalization and Normalization, defined more recently, also
    have numeronym forms (c14n and n11n), evidence of a trend now in the i18n
    community to define numeronyms for lengthy words ending in "ization". "

    Sorry to appear the curmudgeon, but I've never seen any but a relatively few
    people use this goofy form of abbreviation, and then for only a few of the
    words on your web page. A search for "normalization" and "Unicode" yields
    32,800 enties on Google. A search for "n11n" yields 3.

    Not a trend.

    ► “Eppur si muove” ◄

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Tex Texin" <>
    To: "Unicoders" <>; "NE Localization SIG"
    Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 00:36
    Subject: Origin of the term i18n

    > In an incredible feat of procrastination (p13n) for other things I
    > should have been doing,
    > I summarized and excerpted the thread on the origin of the term i18n and
    > put it on my web site:
    > tex
    > --
    > -------------------------------------------------------------
    > Tex Texin cell: +1 781 789 1898
    > Xen Master
    > XenCraft
    > Making e-Business Work Around the World
    > -------------------------------------------------------------

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