Re: Origin of the term i18n

From: Barry Caplan (
Date: Fri Oct 11 2002 - 14:40:50 EDT

  • Next message: Kenneth Whistler: "Re: Origin of the term i18n"

    At 11:11 AM 10/11/2002 -0700, Mark Davis wrote:
    >Sorry to appear the curmudgeon, but I've never seen any but a relatively few
    >people use this goofy form of abbreviation, and then for only a few of the
    >words on your web page. A search for "normalization" and "Unicode" yields
    >32,800 enties on Google. A search for "n11n" yields 3.

    I have seen m17n come out of japan and I saw a similar term, algorithm misapplied in a totally unrelated context at

    "Welcome to the "inside" of C17g.

    that's shortened - there are 17 characters between the C and the g of the name... it saves a lot of typing"

    >Not a trend.

    Not a trend but a meme....

    Mark, I am curious why you find this term so distasteful? Is it the algorithm itself or just a general objection to acronyms and the like? Or something else entirely?

    Barry Caplan

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