Re: Leningrad NOT most reliable, opinions differ

Date: Mon Dec 09 2002 - 13:14:18 EST

  • Next message: Julian Gilbey: "Re: Possible proposal for new Hebrew accent character"


    Thanks for the clarifications. I'm barely a novice in this area, but trying
    to learn.

    On 12/09/2002 11:03:30 AM ekeown wrote:

    >THIRD: Close reading of Yeivin, Dotan, Weil, Breuer, and the other
    >masters periodically reveals different opinions among them...

    >FOURTH: In addition, experts have varying amounts of interest and
    >different kinds of interests in the te'amim (the so-called "accents")--
    >people who compare many manuscripts look at them differently
    >from people who want to write computer algorithms with them...

    Does this have any implications regarding the issue as to whether there is
    another distinct accent needing to be encoded? Of those that have an
    interest in the te'amim, is there general consensus that there was a
    distinction made in at least some manuscripts?

    - Peter

    Peter Constable

    Non-Roman Script Initiative, SIL International
    7500 W. Camp Wisdom Rd., Dallas, TX 75236, USA
    Tel: +1 972 708 7485

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