urban legends just won't go away!

From: Barry Caplan (bcaplan@i18n.com)
Date: Thu Jan 30 2003 - 01:01:23 EST

  • Next message: Aditya Gokhale: "Re: Suggestions in Unicode Indic FAQ"


    Who knew in this day and age flipping bits to change case is still publishable (this is from today!)

    Barry Caplan
    Vendor Showcase: http://Showcase.i18n.com


    Use Logical Bit Operations to Changing Character Case

    This is a simple example demonstrating my own personal method.

    // to lower case
      public char lower(int c)
           return (char)((c >= 65 && c <= 90) ? c |= 0x20 : c);

    //to upper case
      public char upper(int c)
        return (char)((c >= 97 && c <=122) ? c ^= 0x20 : c);
     If I would I could create a method for converting an entire
    string to lower, like this:
      public String getLowerString(String s)
         char[] c = s.toCharArray();
         char[] cres = new char[s.length()];
         for(int i=0;i<c.length;++i)
             cres[i] = lower(c[i]);
         return String.valueOf(cres);
    even converting in capital:
      public String capital(String s)
    /* using it....*/
    public static void main(String args[])
         x xx = new x();
         System.out.println(xx.getLowerString("LOWER: " + "FRAME"));

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