Re: From [b-hebrew] Variant forms of vav with holem

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Wed Jul 30 2003 - 19:14:29 EDT

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: From [b-hebrew] Variant forms of vav with holem"

    On 30/07/2003 15:51, Ted Hopp wrote:

    >On Wednesday, July 30, 2003 4:44 PM, Peter Kirk wrote:
    >>This depends on who you mean by "we". It's not just you and me, Ted. If
    >>in discussions on this list a consensus is reached that this is the best
    >>way to go, then we have the top people in Unicode behind us and
    >>convinced in advance. Someone needs to draw up a formal proposal, I
    >>suppose, but that's not a big job. SBL and SIL both have a stake here
    >>and experienced people who can help, if they agree. If we can't convince
    >>this list, then we are probably on a loser. But I already see several
    >>people starting to agree that a new character is the best way to deal
    >>with this issue.
    >By "we", I was referring to my company. If SBL, SIL, and others can be
    >convinced to pursue this, I would laud it as a step in the right direction
    >and would be happy to contribute what I can to the discussion. I just think
    >that anyone submitting a formal proposal should be prepared to push it
    >through the system.
    Thanks for the clarification. Well, I have already had one unsolicited
    offer to write the proposal, from Michael who has been doing them for a
    long time I think. So it's certainly not down to just your company,
    though I hope you don't have to drop out of the discussions completely.

    Peter Kirk

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