Re: Pre-1923 characters?

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Sat Jan 03 2004 - 17:40:58 EST

  • Next message: Frank Yung-Fong Tang: "Re: Programmatic description of ideographic characters"

    From: "Michael Everson" <>
    > At 22:37 +0100 2004-01-03, Philippe Verdy wrote:
    > >Note that a fundamental property of character identity is its most common
    > >classification as a vowel, consonnant, or semi-vowel.
    > That isn't true. The letter "v" is a vowel in Cherokee, a consonant
    > in Czech, and (often) a semivowel in Danish.

    Stop arguing against each of my words. And READ: Is said "most common"
    on purpose above. Once again you are volontarily interpreting things that I
    not say just to find a way to contradict me. I feel now that you have your
    own reading of the Unicode standard. But stop saying always that your
    position is neutral, objective. Accept that you can have a partial position
    that corresponds to your own needs and expectations of Unicode.

    You have the right to think that the representative glyphs are not
    representative at all. I think the opposite. You may not like these glyphs,
    because you, as a typographic expert, would have designed them
    differently. I really think that you are unable to accept any words that
    you have not said yourself, and you accept no compromize and prefer
    a systematic and, once again, dogmatic positions as THE only allowed
    and omnipotent expert for all questions regarding Unicode. I have never
    seen you accepting compromizes and I doubt of your negociation faculties.

    I must be extremely hard to negociate with you in the UTC meetings...

    Now reread what I said and you'll see that there was absolutely no intent
    to confuse any one, as I was clear about my intent by using enough
    moderating words.


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